Giving out hardmode loot?

You have taken the worst possible position.

When one is left to ponder the multiplicity of Developers actions…and then considering all that came with the other actions…it makes it nebulous at best to describe why they adhere to those decisions. Hard to say if anything has been broken.

I really struggled to level a pally alt several months ago cuz apparently there won’t be as many fast and clean 25 full hard mode runs once TOC launches, and therefore it would be hard to acquire Val’anyr. My team had came to an agreement long ago that we won’t be organizing 25HM Uld on a routine basis once Phase 3 hits. Glad my speculation turned out the way I anticipated that blizzard didnt allow shards to drop from 10m. Or I am gonna be super mad…

If we were told that shards could drop from 10m once TOC launches, there will be buckets more of pally alts.

its just that easy to form a group of 10 decent players than a group of 25.

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Correct, the shards I’m eh on. TBH, they prob should drop off HM kills in 10. BUT, the issue there is everyone would have it.

The next issue is, everyone will need it because it’s going to be a recruiting point come ICC.

So there really is no way to win here.

Blizzard either makes it easier to get, OR they let a large number of players struggle because they made a broken weapon that some groups are going to consider “required” for healers to have.

Yes this is a serious problem. Val’anyr is just too crucial for Hpally and Hsham that the special effect makes the weapon much stronger than even the ilvl 284 ones. I am 99% confident that raid groups beyond 95% quantile competency will require it in recruiting for 25HLK, as you mentioned.

What can we possibly do here, is to make shards drop from 45+ or 50 chest, and from 25 Normal LK. This is how some private servers cough handle this issue and most of the community like that way.

Just reduce the drop rate in 10man as a solution? I’m not really invested in this as I don’t really do 25mans but potentially a lower drop rate and/or just one guaranteed from yogg on 10man?

I like both of these ideas.

10 man 0 light and Ag guaranteed, super low DR on other HMs?

As long as it keeps the hm on 10 relevant I’m cool with it

guaranteed drop on 25 man 50 chest, and a low drop rate on 25 man 45 chest; a low drop rate on 10 man 50 chest, and does not drop at all on 10 man 45 or sub chests. According to 2 servers that I have played. seems fine.

What’s crazy is you can’t even get the whole raid full 258 unless it’s 25 weeks until ICC

TBH, that’s part of what I’m looking at right now.

With the current setup, 10 man is DOA after the patch. There is ZERO reason to run it without the HM 25 drops and possible frags. (Frags being the understandable sticking point. It would be nice to find a valid solution there.)

Realistically, 10 man normal ToGC is DOA on launch as well due to the Ulduar iLevel changes.

This patch is in a really bad spot with 2 of the 6 raid formats being pointless out of the gate.

Oh, its worse than that. Most of the “average gear time” estimates I’ve done put getting even 50% BIS for a raid at 15 weeks. Which by then, the game will be dead.

ICC will launch, we’ll get a handful of tourists to see Arthas, and then we’re done. Populations with dwindle to tiny amounts in about 8-12 weeks, and quickly.

The only solution is an aggressive campaign to fix the server issues and making a valid reason for the raid loggers to actually play the damn game. Both of which start with, again, aggressively attacking the botting problem, which is grossly throwing off server population numbers. I’m convinced that the reason more server consolidation hasn’t been done yet is because the bot population is so large, that valid data on pop sizes is currently impossible and flat out wrong.

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The only reason it’s not DOA is the absurd number of badges you need for tier that isn’t even bis

The blizzard devs are clueless if it goes live how it is.

They invented h++ so they want to pretend we love it and it’s a massive success.

Take away that vender and see who puts up with this garbage🤣

In reality the devs of today could never make an expansion as good as wotlk was for its time.

They just want to take credit for it, hence h++

we will be running 4-6 25 HM TOC every week, and we target for 50 chest for every run. On the week ICC launches we will gather the best geared toons (its basically same people maintaining at least 3 toons) for 25HLK attempts.

According to expectancy analysis, we will have 1 whole raid group in full 258 bis on the first week of ICC, and another 2 groups in quasi-bis gear, assuming TOC lasts for 2 months.

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Yeah like if your guild isn’t doing this you might as well gdkp until ICC

See, this is beyond unrealistic. Heroic mode splits?!? Freaking really?

I can understand 10 man splits, that mostly makes sense. But what you’re saying is bat guano crazy. No average player would even imagine that. Legit, I’d have to quit my job and and likely sacrifice a chunk of family time to accomplish that.

The current development paradigm is starting to look like it’s targeting unemployed people or “stay at home” parents.

I mean, are they getting to the point where playing the game optimally requires being a streaming and making money playing the game and doing nothing else with your life?

trust me brother, its fully doable with under 4 hours per week.
Once you get used to HTOC its just a 30 mins raid, maintaining 3 toons needs way less than 4 hours even.

If you look at the recruitment requirement of leading guilds of each realm on wcl most of them demand at least 2-3decently maintained toons.

That’s the issue, I don’t have the 3 toons. Limited play time means I’ve got this guy and two level 70s that I’m being lazy and waiting for JJ to pop.

And welcome to retail yes that is the goal!

Game designed for the top .5% percent of players and people who play literally all day.

Now you’re getting it.

I quit after wotlk :slight_smile:

I know alot of reliable guys out there would be happy to help u get lvl 80, ofc it comes with a charge.

Some no lifers from my old guild play 6 healers + 2 dps toons even during ICC phase, the reason behind is you need GDKP income from the 6 Healers to buy gears for the 2 dps toons (no RMT needded). They get agents to level their toons from here to there. Thats why Im saying maintaining 3 toons during TOC is beyond easy.

*its miserable that gears for dps specs are much more expensive, feelsbadman

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Yeah, this. It’s kind of garbage to give out BiS loot to any random who runs a few dungeons

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What’s with you children crying about other people crying about loot. Jesus y’all let people have the loot and suck it up, pro RDF people have had to stick it out since launch. I’m sure you can deal with it until ICC.

Blizzard did something GOOD with classic and that’s what matters!

Celebrate wins and cry about actual losses.