Giving out hardmode loot?

Its actually really easy to get 3.5 to 3.8 when you hit level 80 without buying gold. You dont even need to buy gold to get gear in GDKPs.

If new players (which lets be honest, there arent many new players entering classic, its basically just returning players) are struggling to get to 4.4k its because theyre new, not because of design flaw.

You right dawg

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I mean I would say that having to do GDKP’s/BG’s instead of being able to run regular heroics because of removal of a feature like RDF is a design flaw.

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Im all for RDF being in the game but considering that new players have Heroics, H+, 10m Naxx dropping 25m gear and 10m ulduars being easy they literally have more accessibility to gearing paths than we did in OG Wrath

Right but regular heroics were the stepping stone into those harder difficulties. H+ actively decreases the amount of people running regular heroics.

Sure you can do BG’s to game the ilvl system to get into H+ or do GDKP’s but that doesn’t change that regular heroics were removed from the gearing process.

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I agree that RDF would bring regular heroics back to life but in terms of options to gear up there has never been more. As far as GDKP goes if you’re going to pug its the best system for it.

“a few” . I’m almost positive I said 10 lol.

I love how you took that as two and done. Kekw.

10 lockouts is 2.5 months. Significantly longer than “a few.”

You haven’t even killed agalon 10 times yet :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

doesnt matter if its 50. time spent does not equal entitlement to loot. If it doesnt drop, it doesnt drop is the point.

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So with that logic, if you raid for 2.5 months and dont get what you want then blizz should step in and make sure you do? Regardless of your kill count or you can keep tryin to bash mine, which has nothing to do with it, your logic is still flawed.

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people who didn’t kill KT were walking around with KT loot, are you gonna throw a fit every time they move 10 man gear into 5 mans?

Nope because 10m naxx wasn’t supposed to be relevant for 2 phases

Ulduar 10 hm loot is

Also if you look at item levels you should now only be getting 226 from dungeons

239 and 245 from 5 man dungeons when the 10 man version of the current raid drops weaker loot and even some loot from 10 man heroic gets beat by dungeon loot

Everyone hates 5 mans too stop lying


its a 15 year old game, get some perspective


This goes on the list of forum responses that mean literally nothing

“Cry harder”
“Old game”
“Solved content”
“Who cares”

Congratulations on your contribution to the list and your non contribution to this topic

How is the age of the game relevant at all? Your obv missing the point

Yeah… Cause it was a stupid idea.

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its fine as long as they keep the absolute best gear (ilvl 252s) where they belong. Sure the ivy prig wand is bis, its not as much of a boost as comets trial or flares of Heaven.

You realize that Flare is going to be a joke to farm after some ICC gear, right?

That’s IF anyone actually walks into the place at that point.

its already been a joke for like… 14 weeks?

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Then there shouldn’t be an issue putting the 25 man hard mode gear on the HM 10 man fights.

Sorry, it’s either a joke, therefore doesn’t matter. OR there’s some mystical integrity to the game and working for digital sprites. Pick one.

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There is no and has never been any consistent philosophy for classic wotlk that has lined up with Developers actions.

Every single “philosophy” they have said they are adhering to as to why a decision is being made has been broken.