Giving out hardmode loot?

Look you’re not wrong. I’m agreeing.

Everyone is going the dungeon route

There really aren’t 2 ways

I shouldn’t have to explain why🤣

Idk how you are going to talk incentives and deny that people will maximizes their ability to do so.

Farming for a item off the vendor and still raiding hard modes (that will get easier for some as the gear dropping is 25m normal gear) is going to be a thing for a lot of players/guilds. Just like how people still do Naxx full/skip runs. Maximizes the possible incentives.

Also for all we know beta dungeons are going to be harder than alpha ones, but thats hypothetical and since no info is posted on it I will refrain from discussing potential difficulty of unreleased content.

No one is going to raid ulduar 10 hm

They will spam the dungeons

Retail garbage

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I think they will do both

because incentives.

Whole H+ system is trash, yes.

You left your brain at home

Choice 1

Brainless dungeon spam (choice of loot)

Choice 2

Doing raid mechanics (rng)

People always choose the easiest thing

You don’t understand incentives at all🤣

no need for insults.

I forgot people don’t ride bikes to work anymore since the car was invented.

People will maximize their chances to get what they want. To me, it’s that simple.

To be hyper pedantic as that seems to be the theme here.
Doesn’t matter if one is easier and chosen more. There would still factually be two ways to get 10man hard mode gear.

Again for the millionth time


you deserve my ire

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I have never stated which would be run more by the populace. Just that there are about to be two ways to get 10HM gear come the next phase. What people do with it is entirely up to them.

Based on how often both naxx variants are run still this far into the game, I am pretty content in my hypothesis that people will run both to maximize incentives.

Your obtuseness is endearing. You don’t have my ire.

More like the 10th or 12th, no need to be hyperbolic.

You type like an engineer hyper fixated on details of the meaning of every phrase while the actual social messaging gets completely lost

I guess willful ignorance is cool and fun to you

Pixel glory has value of zero. Grow up.

I learned it from you dad, I learned it from you!

I mean you could make the argument the reason they’re doing that is because they’re intending to Nerve Ulduar and Even now 50% Of gilds still have not cleared algalon.

So I would imagine a lot of people are kind of burnt out on it. I mean if I was hitting my head up against a wall especially with that timer I mean again the only thing i’ve ever said is they need to Nerve Ulduar but you no.

I don’t have a problem with this personally.

u realize its getting nerfed with the patch too right?

ur little elitist attitude is a joke

Totally fine with people doing raids for raid loot. Makes sense.

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IS it? They haven’t announced any nerfs to Ulduar yet.

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Have not seen any blue posts stating a nerf. Only speculation atm. Honestly, doesnt need nerfed. If you are hitting a wall, you just need to learn to do the fights properly or people are not playing their classes correctly.

I’m leaning on this as well. TBH if they want it to remain current content, that’s the route they should go.

meaning you think it should be nerfed or no?

No, and I think they should leave AotC and other achieves in until ICC

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