Giving out hardmode loot?

Two pathways is a lie there will be one because players respond to incentives as I’ve said a million times already

You’re going to tell me that once we have two ways of obtaining 10hm gear that people wont still do both to maximize the chance at those incentives? sure thing forgot people don’t run naxx 25 now that it all drops in 10man.


The point is it can still changes and changes have happened before release more often than after. I disagree with what they want to do there’s nothing really dense to understand.

Spamming the same dungeons is not better content than doing raids, it’s also not more content to just have to spam them longer. You remove people from doing raids which remove content.

Im not mad at all. just stating my opinion in an open discussion

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Its fun that you come at me for speaking in hypotheticals yet you say this as a hypothetical as well and expect it to hold weight. Be consistent.

Which is fine.

Subjective and not something I said.

Also never claimed this

My apologies for misinterpreting your tone.

And to me, i find absolutely zero value with fully clearing a raid more than 10 times for loot a single piece of loot.

if youve proven you can kill it a dozen times… whats the rest even for?

Run it 30 times for old gear? Dumb. Currency gets people playing without the need for endless hope… which is what current tier raiding is. 20 weeks, 6 hours a week. To never once see the piece you want badly. Yikes. Youve proven youve mastered the content… and after a few kills you get enough to snag w.e piece you want. Incredible system that should have been part of WoW from the very beginning.

I dont konw the exact calculations but I like the idea of a month of raiding HM = you get to pick one piece of HM loot you dont have. Feels like enough to get ppl raiding and trying, but not too much to invalidate everything.

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My whole point was just that you stated it as an absolute not an hypothesis, something like you said I’m not doing. There’s not only 2 solutions to raid loot, there are multiple ones. And the one they want to give us is bad for many reasons. As for raids being better than dungeons, I would say raid content is better than the same dungeons scaled up it’s an easy math. Moreover, dungeons until M+ were always seen as beginner/simple content which is also why they had to nerf cata dungeons.

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Would rather do the raids over and over than the OCULUS over and over :face_vomiting:

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Violet Hold H+ man, you can’t get better content than that! /s

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I never made this claim. I like dungeons but enjoy the scope of raids more.

Going off of published information about an update is more solid information to base statements off of than someone online going

One has something to refer back to that is concrete and the other is legit just speculation. Now, I am not saying blizzard has never changed something prior to release. What I am saying is using it as a legitimate counter argument in the face of an actual list of patch notes and upcoming changes is pedantic and entirely not the same.

You legit only replied to be contrarian.

That mentality is the problem. Basiclly what i read was, if i dont get all my gear after a few lockouts then i want it handed to me a diff way instead. Goes back to how i say people act like they are entitled to it. Sounds like you just need to play diff game. Your choosing to play a game where RNG is a huge factor but wanting the RNG removed.

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Would actually be interesting if they added a requirement to have actually killed the boss the loot is from.

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People will ask for changes because they’ve seen a patch note. Like I don’t know how to respond seriously to you. Calling me pedantic with what you’ve said puts you at the back of the bus with the trolls.

This isn’t a good change, it trivializes the effort involved in killing hard mode ulduar bosses. You shouldn’t be able to get anything beyond normal uld gear with these badges. I mean protocol Alpha is just 200 ilv naxx gear. They’re really screwing things up now. Gear you used to have to get from the trial of the crusader dungeons and associated dailies is now basically worthless

I fail to see how this is relevant or why you are even continuing if you have no other point than

“they could change it”

Sure they could, but until that is either stated or happens the logical choice is to go off of currently known data. which would be the PTR notes. Which is what I did. Notice how I have not once said you are wrong, blizz does make changes from their release notes, just that your hypothesis is incredibly weak compared to, well just about any other one presented in this thread.

“They’re adding beta rune dungeons this phase”

“are they? they could change their minds”

You can slide into ad hominem and be dismissive if you want though. Totally supports whatever pedantic argument you clearly want to have here.

My point being, as of current phase projections there will be two ways to go about getting 10HM gear. Beta dungeons, and 10M ulduar hard modes.
which I direct you towards my comment about incentives.

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We haven’t even seen the dungeon testing so far, it is far from final and even the patch notes don’t include everything.

If you feel the hat fits that’s not on me. The world ain’t black and white. I believe in possibilities and I know some prefer to believe in fatalities.

Can’t wait to replace Ulduar 10 runs with more TOGC and Ony runs once I get my final pieces on my alts through the beta dungeons. Awesome to have more options. Main already has everything from 10m Ulduar though.

They include the information I posted.
Ulduar 10 will still drop Ulduar 10HM gear
Beta rune dungeons will drop a currency that can be used to purchase 10HM gear.
That is all in the notes for the next phase.
That is what my statement is based on, what’s yours based on?
“they could change it”. Of course they could but that is entirely too broad a statement. They could just remove ulduar 10hm gear from ulduar all together and have it on the vendor.
Ulduar 25hm gear could be changed to drop from 10man.
They could just not include beta rune dungeons
“They could change it”

It is easier to extrapolate from known data (you know, the patch notes) than it is to just open things up and go “they could change it” and expect that to be considered a solid reply or useful conversation piece.

Just say you wanted to be contrarian and/or pedantic in your first reply, saves us all some time.

I think we’ve just hit the point that you can’t understand what I am talking about so I am just gonna say you’re right and carry on.

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“They could change it” isn’t really a hard “argument” to understand but that’s fine if you can’t defend your point.

Two ways to get ulduar 10hm gear in the next phase
Ulduar 10hm
Beta rune dungeon currency.

Sorry, “unless they change it”