Giving out hardmode loot?

There’s an extremely small list of items from 10m HM Ulduar loot that’s BiS in P3. I, for one, welcome the ability for others to catch up more quickly as it dramatically helps with forming raid comp / IRL issues causing absence / general recruitment.

Petrified Ivy Sprig Wand is probably one of those for a number of classes/specs. Probably some Algalon gear.

Overwhelming majority of it is going to be coming out of TotC

Remove the raids and all of this world you enjoy would be empty and the servers would be shut down

Being the loud minority doesn’t mean you are right🤣

many of your comments refer to RMT / GDKP. If thats your only experience with the game then im sorry. But if yove run something 100 times and it hasnt dropped then quess what? you just dont get it. Im lost with this delusion that some people have in thinking that having absolute bis is a req and if it isnt obtained then something has to change.

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I mean, i get that for sure… Some ppl just dont get any loot.

But try being a new player into the game… how do you get into a raid without buying gold?

Cant get into dungeons, they want 4.4k+ GS to even remotely get into a dungeon group. Also nobody is running dungeons because there is no RDF. So forming your group or getting into one is completely out of the question.

Also, without the changes outlined, typical dungeon loot wont get you remotely close to getting into ulduar. Its basic garbage loot without changes.

Cool look for a guild. No guild with even the slightest competence is going to take a quest geared player at this point in Ulduar.

Competent guilds are out then… so you join a hyper dad / spanish guild that takes anyone. Sweet, 6 hour raids and your BiS weapon goes to the hunter GM for this 4th set / tmog because hes never seen one drop and always wanted one 15 years ago.

So yeah, so you really think getting some 10 man loot in dungeons is THAT big of a deal? Seriously? 10 man normal ulduar loot? Of course not. Its a stepping stone, and a very much needed one.

At least now returning players have SOME options… players with brain dead GMs who dont know how to distribute loot have SOME options… players with the worst loot RNG in the game have SOME options.

Its a total and complete win. The ONLY ppl with issues are those who love to gatekeep other players. Which, if thats where you derive pleasure from so be it. Sounds like a brutal existence to me. Gatekeeping gear in a remake of a 15 year old game. Go out and get some girls for once lol

Imagine not killing Agalon until the last week of March and trying to act “better than” others who play the game :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Personally i found raids to be awful in WOTLK. Same boring raid week after week, scripted fights, very little skill required, simple out gearing in only a couple weeks. Download some weakauras and every fight is watered down to the simplest form imaginable.

PvP is my only reason to play the game. At least its not scripted garbage.

My issue isnt that 10m normal loot drops it dungeons. Its the HM vendor that is my issue. It doesnt make sense to have gear placed behind HM encounters now pushed to a vendor. Im not trying to act better than anyone. That is an assumption you are creating because you cant understand others viewpoints.

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There is so much projection in this post LOL

Wotlk not gonna fix ur problems buddy

PvP is scripted too, people can just make worse decisions. You’re expected to trade cooldowns and react a certain way when certain stuff happens. Imagine if a hard mode boss could fumble and dc or just forget to pop his defensives and just takes double damage and just dies.

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The vendor is a compromise, and like most compromises neither side will be entirely happy.

10HM available from a new currency by doing the new (presumably) harder dungeons.
Keep wishing on RNG in Ulduar.

HM gear was always going to be something that they were going to have to deal with once they created the H+ system and bringing raid loot down each phase.

Since 25m gear will soon be in 10man the ability to clear 10man hard modes should increase for a lot of guilds as they get that 25 man gear. Making the easy hard modes even easier and the more difficult ones less so. Having a back up like the vendor isn’t a bad move.

This is bad luck protection and still requires effort be put into getting the gear. The only difference is that there is a safety if you as a player just never see a drop or are unlucky and lose your rolls.

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Blizz ruins this game every time they have a thought.

False equivalence, just buff raid loot quantity. If anything it was a mistake to only have one hard mode loot drop during current tier.

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Just have the bad luck protection drop OUT OF THE RAID

For gods sake h+ already is a compromise it’s not part of og wrath

Give people an inch and they take a mile every time

Clarify, as once the patch goes live these are the actual two options for getting 10HM gear.

It’s not a compromise, it’s a bad system all around.

Can stay mad about pixels. It’s not handing out anything for free. There is still effort involved in getting the currency.

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It’s not live yet, so those aren’t real options yet. And like I said the rng is only a problem because they’ve made it one. Scaling hard mode loot higher made a lot of pieces bis when they shouldn’t.

Which means they should have buffed the drop quantity, but they didn’t. And now we get this worse option.

“Keep wishing on RNG in Ulduar” is as it should be. No one is entitled to loot. You either get it or you dont. Having it vendored to you just because your tired of trying is lazy game design imo

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Raids & Dungeons

Wrath had catch up systems in place before, it does not need more.

You wanted Ulduar to last longer, so you remove the need to do 10man for bis trinkets.
What’s next? Toc tier available for gold from a vender?

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This entire thread is hypotheticals and people being mad about pixels. You’re being a tad pedantic here.

Good thing there is no entitlement coming from me on this then. If I do end up using the new currency I did indeed still work for it and was not just mailed it for zero work. The work we did was just at different times.

You’re just being contrarian. You’re trying to make it sounds like this already has happened. Being dense are people that don’t understand how loot works and why people are valid to care about how it is distributed.

Loot is the biggest drama and one of the biggest subject in wow, how you do it affects a lot more people than some might think.

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People love to disagree for attention without ever using their brains on here

I’m legit bring up that there will be two path ways to ulduar 10hm gear once the phase is live and you chose to be pedantic about timing for zero reason other than to just be:

boing fwip.

Throw some of whatever you’re pushing on me at the people throwing actual false equivalencies by parroting “handing out free loot” when that is very much not the case.