Giving out hardmode loot?

Not to mention it totally trivializes character develepment.


It isn’t the bad luck protection that is the issue for them. It is the not having to do the content to obtain the gear that is the problem for them.

Have these badges drop off 10m HM and it solves the issue they have.

It doesn’t matter how old the game is. It doesn’t matter how hard or easy the game is. You should still have to do the content to get the gear. Simple as that.

It isn’t an accessibility thing either. You want more people to have the gear? Nerf the content. more people can then do that content. If you still can’t, get better. You don’t want to get better? Well you don’t get the gear. simple as that.

Would you expect Elden Ring to hand out gear just because people couldn’t beat the bosses? No? Then why the hell would you expect any other game to give out gear for not beating their bosses? It is kind of the entire point.

There is a right way and a wrong way to do things.


Yeah these people are insane

loud and wrong

They want heroic gear from battlegrounds

It’s fake pixels no one cares. The game is dead in 6-8 months. All of us came back for the nostalgia not for the fake pixels.

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he is just a clown that loves talking on every1 elses behalf

Imagine cheating in pvp to only hit 2300🤣

stop wasting your time, im not responding this garbo

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You just did :rofl: not even getting glad this season huh big guy

maybe with the HM gear that i will get from dgs i might have a better shot :wink:

This warrior has played 80 3s matches to reach 1600 lmaooo🤣

i dont play 3s
did first 2 weeks of the season
i got almost 2300 as a healer as well
wanna see it :slight_smile:
im not affraid to show my characters :slight_smile:

Yes pls bump my thread more non gladiator who only pvps😜

how much do you think you would get if you pvpd

Obviously I would just get boosted to glad but I just can’t justify spending the gold because I’m gearing up a rogue right now in 25m

But yeah I would buy my way past this clown with my gdkp fortune

oh, so here is where it comes from xD
beware to no waste the gold twice , my guy
some ppl are unboostable

You get your hardmode gear from a vender

I get gladiator from a vender

i dont mind at all, go ahead

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Because to me I find very little value in running a raid 30 times just to find a single piece of gear.

I also don’t think the only catch up mechanic in the game should revolve around your Mastercard and paying 200k gold for some loot.

It’s old gear. No reason it shouldn’t be simple to obtain.

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The point of wotlk is literally doing the raids

Otherwise it would be wrath of the 5 man dungeon

I disagree with that 100%. The “point” of wotlk is to live in azeroth and find fun however you like.

You can arena, BG, explore, quest, farm, raid, dungeon, do whatever you’d like.

The “point” is to enjoy the game.

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