Giving out hardmode loot?

No you are right it is a poor decision

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Wonderful change and the fact that troll OP hates it means its a great change as well!

Excellent job Blizzard.

What makes it a wonderful change to you. Genuine question

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They are another fan of mine they probably don’t have anything of substance to say

"WoW is my life and if people have accessibility to items I no-lifed for it makes me question my perspective of how much time I’ve falsely invested into this VIDEO GAME. This makes me mad because I paid, I mean worked hard for the items I won out of GDKPs. I’m so adamant about these changes I post from my lvl 10 alt because I’m too much of a coward to post on my main.



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We are all dumber for reading this but also you picked warrior…

Its not about “being a no life” and no i dont gdkp. Its sad if you dont understand why some people dont agree with this.

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Honestly if you explain it to me really well I’ll listen. To me I dont particularly see this entire thing as bad. Maybe the implementation behind it sucks but the idea of having some luck protection in the game is nice.

Maybe this isn’t the way to implement it. Give me a good thought out response and ill read it and try to view things from your point of view.

Wotlk is an expansion that most of us are playing for the raids.

Player behavior is dictated by incentives

Moving better incentives to 5 man content is bad because I don’t want to be doing 5 mans I want to be raiding.

Allow me to catch up Alts with more raid gear like in naxx.

Dungeons are not as fun as raids especially dealing with like the oculus

It’s retail garbage because in retail you have the mythic+ system

I dont understand why anyone would care that someone who hasn’t killed Algalon has loot. Are you seriously trying to gatekeep last phase loot in a 15 year old game?

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It’s not gatekeeping it’s the fact that you don’t have to raid at all to get algalon gear

You don’t have to step foot in ulduar….

I agree that the implementation sucks, but we need something like this in the game.

How would you have implemented something like this, just shifted down loot again and not dont protocol beta?

I agree with the fact that 5 mans suck.

No, you’re right, it shouldn’t even require currency, just put it on the vendor for free.

I would just add more loot to the raids.

One extra hardmode 25 man piece would be fine per boss

10 man add another piece too who cares

Take the tokens from the end of the dungeons and make them drop on ulduar hardmodes instead

Then it’s just rng protection instead of damage to earlier raid tiers

I would like some sort of currency put into the game for luck protection. They have the badges I dont understand why they didnt just require a dick ton of conquest badges for the hardmode loot.

I dunno. rng is a mean mistress sometimes

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Yeah if it was just bad luck protection it would be much much better

BRB about to clear togc on the PTR with a bunch of Russian guys

Actually, not a bad idea.

Like during the isle - 150 for weapon and 75-100 for gear.

The reason some people are upset is because they literally make ulduar 10 man worthless to run through. The only incentive would be to get hardmode loot but you can get it in dungeons now.

25 man normal loot in 10 man does not bring players to do 10 man ulduar when the loot they want is the hardmode loot only.

“oh no the time investment to get the gear changed slightly! the sky is falling!! other people might get gear I have already!!”

It’s not “handing out gear” if there is still effort involved in getting it. The procurement method changed from “oh I hope my one extra drop is the HM piece I need!” to a currency. The only thing here being “screwed over” is RNG.

Unless we want to go back to calling all PVP gear hand outs and welfare epics again


Raiding is the center of wrath gameplay. Trading raid for 5 man dungeons doesnt make sense. Its labeled as its “to bring people back to the game and add more content” it adds nothing. It kills 10m raiding. Everyone will grind the dungeons for a few to get what they need, then the dungeons will die again along with 10m.