Giving out hardmode loot?

This is true. But nerfing content isnt comparable to adding the raid loot to a vendor


I"m beginning to question if they’re going to Nerf it at all, or continue calling it existing tier’d content for now.

The nerf isn’t in the patch notes.

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Oh no i dont know if they are. That was a resposponse to how they nered prior content

Aye, at this point, they might as well NOT nerf it, and leave the cutting edge achievements intact.

The remaining ToGC heroic drops will give that last edge to the (maybe 12) guilds still try harding for those last HM kills. The second those achieves go away, so do a lot of the possible pugs, and even a lot of the raid loggers.

Show me one place in this thread where I even said I’m good at World of Warcraft

I honestly hope they dont. But in typical blizz fashion im aure they will

You have claimed to have done all the HM bosses and Algalon? Not saying you can’t. But you’ve never posted on anything but a lvl 10…

Yeah not a big accomplishment at all

Like I said if you doubt me I’m on the PTR right now tell me your name I’ll invite you and share my achievements and gear while protecting my identity

you are calling out ppl for not being able to kill algalon while 30% have done it
a pretty subtle maneuver to pretend you are not an ego, huh?

even tho we dont know if you really did anything, because you are hidden behind an alt.
but i guess every1 is 2700+ and 99 parser hidden behind an alt

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This is now one place in this thread that states that you are good in World of Warcraft…


is not that you are that important for us to download a ptr just to check your character, right?
its up to you to back up your words, not to us to chase it
you have 0 credibility

I’m not hidden you can’t get free gear or achievements on the PTR

I’m being smart

If you care enough to hurl accusations but not follow up on them that’s on you

And algalon is pretty easy compared to most retail content

The fact you are calling it a lie calls into question how bad you must be in a raid situation

I’m just chilling waiting for togc to open in 45 mins

You won’t though


You actually have no credibility pvper

Use those auto hot key cheats some more!

yea, i wont
i will get my gear to pvp through dgs

Boring troll wakes up and is boring yet again

The point of this thread is that they are giving out HM phase 2 loot in phase 3 on H++ correct?

Is H++ going to be a cake walk?

If it’s even remotely difficult is it still a hand out?

Will the expectation be that you have 5000GS to run a H++?

People don’t want challenging 5 man content

It’s going to go very badly if it’s difficult or if it’s easy

People want to raid

We play wotlk classic for the raids and tbh mainly ulduar and ICC

I dunno… I’d be down for some harder 5-man stuff while simultaneously raiding? Would keep me from raid logging…

Wouldn’t you only do it if the incentives were aligned?

Removes the need to do the actual content as intended and allows you to “shop” for the loot versus actually obtaining it the correct route. I get im only one opinion but its a poor decision

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I would do it just to do it? If there is even a remote chance for something… anything I’d do it more…

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