Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

Seriously GD has got the worst priorities

No pvp vendors, no pvp gear no pvp balance rubbish pvp rewards grinding the open world for a whole game mode - population decimated after legion needed a rebirth

GD remains silent

High elves, black blood elves, LGBT threads

GD pumping out more text than most news papers

The second things GD focuses on doesn’t lose players, the first does


OH my god. WHO CARES. It’s a freaking game. The games been the same for 15 freaking years when it comes to customization. Blizzard finally gives us more options for our characters, and yet here are people like YOU, complaining about it because it doesn’t make sense with “lore”. Get a freaking grip and go away and play some other game then.


The question it’s simply, why does it bother you and other people that a retcon gave BE’s dark skin? Why this recon above all? That’s what I don’t get.


More options the better… but if you don’t understand why you should try listening. Or reading as to why… I’m sure that the OP took a lot of time and consideration in their complaint. I don’t think that they are so deluded that the idea of “Don’t Like/Don’t do” didn’t cross their mind… that’s just silly.


It’s a mistake because it only bothers you.

These skin tones are fine.


Bothers me and all other people who know about the lore of this game.

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The question it’s simply, why does it bother you and other people that a retcon gave BE’s dark skin? Why this recon above all? That’s what I don’t get.

Doesn’t bother me like I said

more customization the better

See? I did say that.

But it’s been stated why you yourself are pointing out it’s a retcon. Perhaps you could explain why such a retcon was necessary? Or even desired? I haven’t been able to find the large outcry of people who wanted to this change.

As I said also Fantasy doesn’t need to reflect reality. It’s no more weird than saying giving them a skin pallet of purple and yellow polka dots. What be the problem with that? Well, nothing it’s an option… It just aesthetically doesn’t fit.

And it would serve you better to open yourself to listening than just refusing to understand. It’s self evident where the people complaining are coming from.

Now if you would take time to read Why it bothers them maybe you’d get a better understanding.

And I just want an explanation why an option that is the complete opposite suddenly exists. I don’t want it gone, or anything. In fact if anything I want a curly hair option so I could make my horde version of afro samurai that I was going to make on Alliance assuming Blizzard isn’t too cowardly to give an afro hair option.

This is a bad faith argument. Nobody itt are doing that, just asking for why a radical change was made or for a reason to be put in game.

Every retcon creates an issue, problem is most people don’t know the lore. So most of the issues are kept to the story forums.
A lot more people know that each race looks a certain way, so the issue is visible.
This is honestly nothing compared to Sylvanas not liking being warchief to being proud of being the first female warchief despite being descended from a matriarchial society and personally being one of the leaders of Silvermoon just under the king who was only the second after millinia of a Queendom. All within the same friggin book
Welcome to the world of a lore nerd. Enjoy your brief stay.

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this is something i never got.

even human character’s aren’t from goldshire. the opening quest calls you a recruit from stormwind, and that’s quite the cosmopolitan city. the fact you need to be told about all the landmarks of goldshire is probably a good sign that PCs aren’t from their starting zones.

pretty sure dwarf starting area does the same and wouldn’t be surprised if the orc one does as well.

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So hardly anybody?


How many people complaining actually roleplay Blood Elves?

I’m a RPer on a RP server. I care about lore but I also know it’s flexible and that there’s nothing in lore that explicitly says that no Thalassian elves lack dark skin. There is a darker Thalassian elf in the novels.

I’ve played this guy as a dark skinned elf for half a decade with no one having any issue. There are many others like me and these upgrades are for us. Stop whining about something that doesn’t really concern you.

Oh, and stay in your own lane.


I’d wager very few to almost none of them.

This is an ugly thread dressed up as “mah lorez!”


Because they said they just wanted to give people more options, that’s what they said. And a lot of people have been asking for more skin tones for years. I have seen people drawing WoW elves, dwarves -and gnomes- with darker skin for a lot of time, hoping someday their characters will look like they are supposed to. That you haven’t seen it before doesn’t meant it wasn’t an issue.

So if it’s an issue whose only effect it makes people happy, that’s your reason for it.

Why? Why doesn’t it fit aesthetically? Please explain what about Blood Elves intrinsically requires light skin. I can perfectly make the case that it makes more sense aesthetically for a race of elves so linked to the sun/sunlight to be dark skinned than otherwise.

It’s not that “it doesn’t fit aesthetically”, it’s that it doesn’t fit aesthetically for you. Why?


It’s a mistake because it only bothers you.
These skin tones are fine.

What makes you the authority to tell people how they feel. What might be okay with you may not be okay to some, you take the good you take the bad and there you have… the facts of life.

I also don’t like this way of speaking to people. You have to tare someone down first before you make a statement. Is your argumentation so weak you have to do belittle them first. You can’t challenge them any other way than that?

You should try understanding where they are coming from and build for yourself in your own mind a strong argument from their perspective as to why one would feel the way they do before you go straw-manning someone. You might learn something in the end by looking at both sides - maybe even convince them to see that customization isn’t so bad.

People who are complaining about this didn’t come at this conclusion suddenly. They gave it some serious thought I imagine and you do them a disservice by not doing the same yourself.


I’m more up for cool magical rune tattoos like the blood elf in the TBC box art had. Scars, jewelry. Honestly more accessories in general.

For skin, bronzes, and tans (with optional tan lines) to reflect the vanity of the single most vain race in fiction. Maybe some funny fake tans too. Like stop a couple shades lighter and show that it was a change by vanity rather than nature, since Blood elves and nature have a harsh relationship.

I know where they’re coming from—a linen store missing its white sale.

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He has the authority to say it because getting upset about black blood elves defying law seems pretty stupid when we’ve got some light infused alliance idiot now being the leader of the forsaken and a bunch of fox idiots that spawned from no where being next to useless in every LFD due to the levelling bonus

Like how do people even care about this nonsense

Which? Genuine question.

You’re trying to make it sound like it’s my own personal problem. It isn’t. What you are failing to do is understanding you are asking why but you’re somehow through some form of mental gymnastics ignoring the obvious that’s right in front of you.

Google Blood Elf if you want to know why I’d imagine.

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You say that as if people haven’t complained/discussed both of those at length.