Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

Because they are described as “pale” or “fair skinned” in every single piece of lore about them.
From the War of the Ancients all the way to Warcraft Explorer. Every instance of them having a skin tone beyond ruddy, white, or pale, is due to outside sources. Like the Felbloods having black and red tones, or the void elves being blue.
And to say it again, because it has yet to be argued against; if a goblin came out with different shades of green nobody would say anything but if there was a red option people would wonder why.


This is just a bad take on two fronts:

1-You are implying then that if you want to feel represented, you are forced to play Alliance, because no Horde race has human analogous appearance.

2-Because you don’t personally need it, you think no one does.


I mean any wither than gnomes or dwarves; in game options their darkest options are similar. This was specifically about the issue about the backlash against elves but not gnomes or dwarves.

Blood Elves being retconned to having darker skins changes nothing beyond their appareance.

Because green and red are far more different than peach is to brown. Draenei can be either blue or pink, those to hues are far more different than pink and brown.

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You really don’t know what hue is lol.

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Dark skin = Caribbean? :thinking:

Also, the lore team has backed the new customizations.


1- Maghar orcs are brown. :kissing: self inserting a skin color for "representation purposes is disingenuous. (I still think that people should be free to customize)

2- I think you’re just being confrontational for those who don’t like it in order to “Win” in an internet argument… smh… But this line of argumentation is a bit of a fallacy. Unless you can point out some public out cry for black representation for the notoriously white fair complected race of people. It be just as weird if it was a race of exclusively black people made white skined with blue eyes and blonde hair… like wtf?

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Winner winner chicken dinner

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I know my lights and darks. I’ve seen Bob Ross, you happy accident. :kissing_closed_eyes:

Everyone’s getting more skin tones. This is positive. Options are good.


So we need both pale and brown options for every Horde race, and Alliance race?
Or do we just need a token ‘representation’ race on the Horde? Because either way it doesn’t add up to me.


Night Elves are getting really dark blue skin, Trolls are getting really dark green. Worgen are getting white fur.

Everyone is getting more skin tones. Ev-er-y-one. What other colors would you like Blood Elves to get? Different human-like shades are the only things that make sense, because their skin is human-like.


LOL… the lore team was screwing the lore of WoW for years. This is just another mistake.

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I think I have long-demonstrated that the naysayers are not about logic, reason, sense, or lore.


Why having a concern for representation is disingenuous? It’s not necessary, sure, but why caring about offering representation would be considered a negative? If anything, it’s an entirely neutral posture to say “we want people from both factions to be able to make characters that resemble them”

No. I just think that crying about dark skinned blood elves it’s dumb. It’s not the first time lore has been retconned so I really just don’t get why people are getting on a tizzy over it.


How is it a “mistake”? :thinking:

That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t use it.

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They just want to give people more options to have characters to look like themselves, I just don’t get why is this an issue. Why do people treat diversity and representation as bad things when it doesn’t even affect the lore? Why does this retcon creates such an issue, when Blizz retcons its lore all the time?


No. I just think that crying about dark skinned blood elves it’s dumb. It’s not the first time lore has been retconned so I really just don’t get why people are getting on a tizzy over it.

You should try understanding where they are coming from then instead.

Like I said for me more customization the better… I’m not going to pretend like Horde needed Representation it’s a group of multi colored exiled monsters… they’re as diverse as it gets. (as far as fantasy races go - fantasy doesn’t always have to reflect reality; I think that’s fair to say)

I’m also not going to pretend I don’t understand where the people complaining about it are coming from… It’s Pretty obvious where they are coming from and it’s only reasonable to understand both sides before you try speaking out about it.

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The lore said more than once, that blood elves were light skinned. Now out of the blue blood elves become dark skinned. Contradictions in the lore with no explanation are mistakes. You need a drawing in order to understand this?

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They’re opposites. Plus there are actually red goblins. They’re a variant of gilgoblins. And that’s all most people want. A blurb saying why a race known to be one color is the opposite.
Also the new draenei option only brings them to parity with their racial leader Velen, who was always that same shade. Same as Worgen getting white fur to reflect the option held by Genn.

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