Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

It was at the top of the list when I logged on


Not really. They had a very pale one, pink-caucasian tones, and one lightly sandy-golden one which I really loved. Humans of SW basically had ruddier versions of those.

Now with them getting everything a human has, they’re pretty much Horde humans.

That’s the point though - they always WERE Horde humans. Since 2007. That is literally why they were given to the Horde.

But they could have been given different stuff instead of options that take away from what the humans have going for them.

Like what?

they could have added for Blood Elf customization.

I agree here; I will never say no to customization.

I will say though - to me, customization it isn’t a zero sum game. Not sure why you would wanna approach it that way, either.


Well, you made your choice. Let’s wade in this muck together.

I won’t disagree with you there.

I’ll even put an addendum that BElves, and humans should have had this wide palette of skin tones and eye colour options since inception. AoC, Aion, released in '08 and '09 respectively put WoW’s character creator to shame.


Why not lore explanations for Kul Tirans and Gil Neans appearing and sounding as they do?

Why do we just accept that both a variations of Victorian England? Would make much more sense for Kul Tiras to be Mediterranean (Spanish/Portuguese with their Armadas), frankly, if we are bringing real world sensibilities into this.


You’re confused here because what we call “Race” in common american parlance, is really just skin tone. We’re all the human race. There’s no biological difference between me and anyone else.

There’s a major difference between Nelfs and Gnomes. I’d assume that’s fairly apparent.


There are. Both kingdoms were isolated from the rest of the human kingdoms, and the Kul Tirans bred with the native Drust that explains their larger size.

We aren’t. If goblins or orcs got a deep green or very light green skin, nobody would raise any issues. If they were red, people would wonder why.
I’m not saying that Blizzard needs to make a zone of all darked skinned blood elves to say why they look the way they do. Just an excerpt from a book or quest would be fine.


But can we all point out how belves, dwarves and gnomes are getting black skins but only people raging about BE’s are losing it over it? That I don’t get.

And as I said, Elves in general should have more genetic variety than any titan based race.


In my off brand Anime… Dark Elves are normally of a more Lewd persuasion :smirk:

As for Lore reasoning that isn’t lewd maybe some Blood Elves went to tan or something. I understand that they don’t match what is known about High Elves. They are supposed to be fair complected.

Anyways nobody is complaining about the addition of racial representation for Humans so I think people on both sides can just chill on the whole thing. It’s just more options for player customization. And for people who don’t understand the complaint… come on man… You KNOW what Blood Elves look like… they ain’t black.

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All the so-called ‘controversy’ around this entire thing is super dumb. Giving proper representation to the Horde is a thoughtful move so people wouldn’t feel like they’d have to play alliance for that.

It also comes across as intensely hypocritical from posters who want things that actually Do break lore, such as velves with ‘regular’ skin tones, for example.

Just calm down and assume that much like humans, these different pigments have always been in play. No one said Kul’Tiran colors broke the lore, ffs.


Well in game, even in classic you can make brown skinned dwarves and gnomes. So there’s no question of where they came from. Just like with humans, they were always there.


Maghar Orcs are down with the Brown. :confused:

You know high elves ain’t black they’ve never been depicted that way. Representation is a good thing but self inserting it for that reason for a fantasy race of fair skinned race of people is disingenuous.

That being said I’m all for giving people more options in there customization. I just don’t like attaching Racial stigmas from real life to a videe game.


Both kingdoms were isolated from the rest of the human kingdoms

Gilneas was not “isolated” for that long to develop such a distinct culture to SW.

the Kul Tirans bred with the native Drust that explains their larger size.

AFAIK, this has not been confirmed by Blizz. The definitive word is that the Drust taught the KT, nothing more. Until I can see a source, I am gonna label this as headcanon.

If they were red, people would wonder why.

Weird cuz red gilgoblins are totally a thing.

But let’s just keep pretending this is about “meh lorez!” :roll_eyes:


TBH the current darker options for dwarves, elves and gnomes are not at all far off. Why there exists the perception that Blood Elves were “whiter”?

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We already have dark skinned Blood Elves. You’re playing one. :smirk:

And this is the opposite of a good reason.
Humans are humans and have as many different pigmentation of humans as well…humans. Dwarves and gnomes have the exact same origins as humans in game, titanic creations cursed with flesh from the old gods.

So them also having the same pigmentation variety of humans isn’t an issue either, this is reflected in the current and classic versions of the game where there are brown options are already available.

On the opposite end of things, I don’t need a black troll, orc, goblin, elf, or draenei to make me feel represented.
I’m not represented by a troll, orc, goblin, elf, or draenei. Because I’m human.


Uhm, no? This is a very light blue/grey. Are you confusing hue with luminosity?

So what? Other people thought it would be nice. I remember seeing this idea pop up on customization idea threads along with different eye colors for worgen and such.


Being black is just a change in pigmentation :kissing: You dummy

Blue/grey is darker than the peachy/fair/white complexion of blood elves.

Just in terms of pallet is all.

Ion Hasikostas told us that they were blonde and light skined. He said nothing about their caribean charm.

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