Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

Oh no, i love the tones they put in, my paladin is rocking one of them presently.

The reason its my gripe and -why- i wish they did some kind of lore rather then handwaving, is because people have wanted lore for it, and multiple ‘ideas’ have come from that in the absence of anything.

including that dark skinned blood elves are just those who are over saturated by Fel thanks to the Fel-blood elves… a idea that’s pretty horrifying and way too close to a old real world stereotype.

Nobody has asked for a five paragraph essay on white elf skin tones. Why must dark tones require an excuse?

Why is no one complaining about gnomes or dwarves or humans getting darker tones and demanding a five paragraph essay explanation.

Admit it. You don’t like brown people in your pure blonde haired blue eyed white elf fantasy.


I didn’t like the Ancient One in Dr Strange, being a white woman in the 2016 movie either.

sigh I forgot that there’s some who can’t see beyond the prism of racism to argue a debate (which is sad).

There’s no need for five paragraph of explanation for the white skin tone:

  • First, the High elves (and by extensions the Blood elves) are around since Warcraft 2 meaning a lot older than World of Warcraft.
    The race was made like this since the beginning with an established lore and why they have a white skin tone.
  • Second, if you try to tell me that it is an outdated lore then let’s try the most recent update in the Chronicle book: It was stated that they lost their purple skin tone because they were cut from the Well of Eternity during their exil.
    It took two lines of a book for an explanation, not five paragraph.

It’s not that we don’t like the inclusion of brown elves, but in the warcraft universe the color skin of the elves has an explanation unlike any other races.

There’re people for whom the lore is important so yes, we are asking a lore explanation because we have one for the others skin tone.
At least try to understand that before telling us that we don’t like to have brown elves for the sake of it.

Are you telling me that it will kill you to have two lines of explanation somewhere in the game or in a book?

Regarding black dwarves, gnomes and humans, there is no rules outside of biological logic with centuries of evolution in hot regions.
The only debate we could have regarding them could be on the black dwarves because of the Dark irons.

Wouldn’t that be a bit of a duplication to give black dwarves skin tone to the Bronzebeards / Wild Hammer while we have the Dark Irons who are already dark to begin with?
I would have give to them all the shades of black instead.

What we really need is the undead white skin tone and red eyes for blood elf. I wouldn’t mind a blood elf dark ranger sub class as well.

Wait. What? How? What?

  1. We don’t can create Amani at all.
  2. We don’t have a green Troll skin. Sadly, I might add. All we have is a turquoise.
  3. Revantusk are Forest Trolls and part of the Horde. Meaning: We should be able to create and play as them.

In the fantasy terms of world of warcraft you would consider Night Elves and Tauren to be a different race.

Blood Elves and High Elves are the same race for another comparison. A white High Elf is the same as a tan, black, brown, yellow, etc Blood Elf. No scientific basis exists for race when it comes to skin tone. Here is something I’ll quote from National Geographic

“Many genes affect how melanin colors human skin. The genes predate humanity; some occur in mice and fish. Variations in four of them—mutations that flip a gene from darkening to lightening or vice versa—explain much of the skin-color diversity in Africa. As our ancestors spread across the Earth, different mutations proved beneficial at different latitudes and were passed on”.

So our brown Elf and our white elf would still be of the same race. If you see a darker skin toned elf then most likely if genetic science exists in azeroth then your character or npc wouldn’t need an elaborate back story. It would just be a given some Elves would have a lighter skin tone and others might have a darker one. Kinda unremarkable in a way. It’s like having to explain why one person might prefer to wear a red santa hat instead of a green one or why both drop.

Tldr; Race among “humans or elves” has no scientific basis, skin tones are just small genetic mutations based on climate and environment. Still the same race .

Translated: I’m trying to galaxy brain excuse my issues with people of color in my fantasy using lOrE and rOlePlAy.

You’re wrong.

There is no need for a lore justification for brown people to exist. In fact, an explanation aside from being treated like they’ve always been there is othering. That’s not cool.


Are you taxing me of being a racist?.

I rather like the Darker Skin tone of Blood Elves. After 16 years of playing the game (November 24, 2004) it was a welcomed site to see super dark Elves. For a moment in time I thought I was playing D&D again and I was 16 not 42 encountering drow for the first time.

I call it like I see it.

You’re really really upset that people who play Blood Elves can be brown even though there’s no valid reason to be against it unless you have a problem with brown people.

You’re so upset by brown people that you’re writing diatribes and demanding five paragraph essays when none of it is needed.


You guys are really fighting over skin colors.
Anyone that is seriously upset and butthurt over this is racist. There’s just no ways about it.

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Or and I know this nocks down a peg or two of the Anonymity blaming. Maybe they have some issues of the game having been 16 years old and Not until last year 2020 when the world was a buzz with racial injustice did a company decide it was time to throw out their (Pr reasons) different skin tones.

So, to some it may be a tad jarring.

Speaking for myself I don’t care, I enjoy seeing the super dark elves with just the glow of their eyes being the most visible.

Anyone who finds it jarring has a personal issue. It’s always okay for brown people to exist in fantasy. Full stop.

And the level 10 erp alt is posting another diatribe trying to excuse their issues with bUt MuH lOrE.

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I don’t think anyone who finds it jarring has a personal issue. Why do you feel the need to try and label someone as being a racist because after 16 years of playing an online game someone would find it jarring that a company doing the pr move introduced new skin tones?

I guess I should start going around labeling everyone I meet racist since I’m black, Even when they aren’t. I’m married to a white women. Hell, maybe she should use the racist card to label people we don’t agree with as well.


It’s called racist guilt and virtue signaling. White liberals were called the most dangerous racists of all by Malcom X because they truly feel superior to black people and project this with crippling guilt and disingenuous gestures of acceptance or “tolerance”. I.e. lazy changes to established cultures and norms to include diversity for the sake of diversity rather than furthering a true product, idea, or art.


If they’re so triggered that they have to spend hours writing angry posts on online forums about it, I’d say they do have personal problems.

It shouldn’t be upsetting.

Times change. Lore changes. Blizzard has the right to do whatever they want with no explanation.

Retcons happen. Sometimes they’re implicit, sometimes they’re explicit.

Lore is not a sacred set in stone pillar. Blizzard has done things like Lothraxion and gave Blood Elves blue eyes, do you really think they care about lore?

There’s literally no reason for anyone to be so triggered. It’s a non-issue and it should be treated like a non-issue.


Stupidity should have a limit, but what i see is just someone who just don’t care about the lore and is mocking people to care of it, using racism as an excuse because you are out of argument.

When i mentionned black dwarves, gnomes and humans, did i said that i have a problem to have them in game? No because there’s no need to explain anything.

Also if you have paid attention to what i wrote even earlier, i was for an entire new civilization based on this new skin tone or even adding a completely black skin tone like the drows.
Would i have suggested this if i was completely against brown elves?

So instead to push your narrative, use your brain and try to be open minded.


your right, I’m cool with whatever the company wants to do with their product. I damn sure am not going to just start labeling everyone I disagree with as being racist like some.

Triggered another buzz word to try and insult someone you disagree with kind of like you throwing around the racist word.

Need to just stop, since it seems your the one with the problem.


i’M nOt RaCiSt I jUsT dOn’T lIkE bRoWn ElVeS bEcAuSe LoRe AnD i DoN’t CaRe If BliZzArD cAn ChAnGe ThInGs WhEnEvEr ThEy WaNt WiTh No ExPlAnAtIoNs.

bE oPeN mInDeD aBoUt My HaTrEd Of BrOwN eLvEs.