Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

Come on, man.

It would actually be a little insulting to have to explain why black elves exist.


yes it does, when it’s a change to an existing race with an existing aesthetic.

you might not care about lore, but this isn’t fornite or some stupid crap like that. you people don’t understand that this is a WORLD. when things happen in this WORLD, it needs an explanation.

now, they can say it always existed if they want to, but justify it with something like saying they came from the blue nelves and the pinkish came from the purple nelves, or something similar.

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Black people don’t need a lore justification to exist. That’s so silly.


No, it doesn’t. Why does it need to be explicitly written that they’ve always existed? Are you not perceptive enough to make the conclusion yourself?

This isn’t Fortnite or some stupid crap like that. They don’t need to handhold you like a child because they wanted everyone to feel like they have a place somewhere that everyone deserves to have a place.


POC do not need an excuse to be ingame. It’s a nice retcon. For many races. It helped me like the alliance races more tbh. Wish we had more human skin tones on all human-like races.


good thing this isn’t about black people. it’s about a fantasy race called “elf”.

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I completely agree. I said it would be nice to quiet everyone about the issue. It’s not necessary.

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It shouldn’t be necessary to have to make excuses for stuff like this >.>. People do not need an excuse to exist in a game. And the new skin tones look quite lovely on all the races. I do hope we get more brown skin tones. And humans really need some artificial hair dye options lol.


True. But in the world we live in, people always come up with reasons to excuse a lack of diversity in video games…or anything for that matter. It’s a shame really.

I would like different hair textures for my Blood Elf’s. Dreads would be spectacular. Imagine white dreadlocks on a dark elf. Only a matter of time I hope.


can you even understand what you are even saying right now? can you not separate fantasy from reality?

you’re acting like people are talking about the human customizations. this is about the elves, not the humans. there are some people mad over the human customizations, and that’s stupid yeah, but this is different.

jesus christ.

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Yea. Love the lavender hairstyle on my rogue. With the purple eyes and dark skin. Looks pretty cool. I would like more facial hair options for the males. And some more curly hair options for females. And something like lipgloss for females. More short hair options for males. And some tattoo options for both.

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Been waiting on nagas since vanilla =(

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Dude, these Elves are very representative of humans. If they can be white then they can be black, human or not. If they only came in Blue like Night Elves we wouldn’t have as big an issue. Regardless of what race they “technically” are, black people don’t feel represented with them.

Not only that, but they are the only ones on the Horde that can be black at this point. There are no other options here.

This is only stupid if you aren’t in our shoes…and therefore don’t get it.

Before what I like to call the “diversity patch” WOW was a selection of Orcs, Trolls, Pandas, some other weird creatures and an entire assortment of white people.

Dwarf, Gnome, Human, Blood Elf. All can have white skin. Why couldn’t they have black skin from the start?

“Regardless of what race they “technically” are, black people don’t feel represented with them.”

i would love to just slam my head repeatedly into something until i go entirely comatose. this world ain’t worth it no more.

no matter the skin color of elf, you aren’t being represented. because it’s a fake race that doesn’t exist. you are represented through the human race.

i think i’ll go ask the zoo to shave the chimps so i feel represented when i see the ones with light skin. that’s the level of representation you’re talking about here, aka NONE BECAUSE IT’S NOT A GOD DAMNED HUMAN.

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Elves are basically skinny humans with pointy ears… Can you suspend your belief? :roll_eyes:

In that case there is no reason for them to not exist. If they arent human, then why can’t they be dark? Why were there no dark options in the first place?

There is no viable reason why other than Blizzard not understanding the importance of diversity when creating the game. Black people and features were missing in Vanilla.

If they aren’t human, and don’t represent humans then why do all of those races carry white people’s skin tones? White facial features? White hair textures? Why are thier cities styled after European architecture and European fantasy?

Regardless of what race they technically are. I’m almost certain you understand the basics of the fact that you are able to create one that represents you moreso that I can. Human are not.


Trust me, you aren’t the only one frustrated. You could be trying to explain diversity to someone who is not only represented within the game, but is completely ok with other groups not having that same representation.


the “importance” of diversity is addressed in humans.

there is no +diversity for changing the look of a non-human race.

IF they had dark skin tones from the start, there would be no issue, simple as, that’d just be what blizz chose to make elves look like, oh well, whatever.

the problem i am having is the changing of an established race with no explanation, needlessly, presumably for some stupid reason that -5head subatomic-brains think they can be represented by a non-human when they cannot and never will be.

i am not represented by an elf. i’m not, i never will be. there was a spock-race woman in star trek that had olive skin and dark hair, like i do. was i represented by her? NO, she’s an alien. not a human.

neither of us will EVER be represented by a non-human.

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It obviously doesn’t matter to you. So why don’t you drop it? When it makes others feel better. Especially since most complaints are about elves. No one brings up the gnomes or dwarves or kul tirans. It’s ridiculous. Let the horde have our human look-alikes. All the races are HUMANOID.

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