Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

That isn’t how races work in Azeroth, or we would have no Elves at all.

Trollish genetics respond strongly to certain cosmic forces. The Well of Eternity made Elves. the Sunwell made High Elves. The Nightwell made Nightborne.

Recently, the Sunwell was reconfigured. We don’t know what it does now. We also don’t know whether we simply have never been shown dark skinned High/Blood Elves that already happened to exist.

Take your fake complaint racist troll bait and go.


We do : Giving golden eyes to the blood elves.
Regarding the skin tone, i guess that it will need many decades before seeing any effect.

it shouldn’t really effect their skin tone, as that’s just not how the light operates.

even lightforged only have minor changes, despite being so heavily infused they explode on death.

they also confirmed in an interview that only light worshippers would even get the golden eyes. so i’d say the only effect of the light in the well was the expedited cleansing of the fel taint.

There shouldn’t have to be



In all honesty, I would personally love some Lore behind it. But it’s not exactly necessary.

I believe proper representation is more important than lore. I mean let’s be honest, this can’t be the first time Blizz has messed with the Lore. At least this time its for a good cause.

Wow has been out for almost two decades now, and although they have somehow managed to take aspects from a variety of black cultures (The Loa for example), they never added any Black skin tones…to anyone.

But, it’s Lazy to add Black elves without any real explanation.

I believe it’s a little difficult for a lot of people to truley grasp why representation is important. In my 28, almost 29 years, I’ve played a handful of games that featured a character that looked like me, let alone a main character that was anywhere near my color. That’s an entire childhood, college, until now.

Hopefully they don’t take the wrong approach and change the races of existing characters. I would rather have a few minority characters thrown in somewhere, seemlessly as opposed to any changes.

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You probably don’t understand it because many the non human races are based around European features and skin tones. Regardless, they probably look more like the majority of the player base than the minority of us black people who play the game.

So, it’s expected that people wouldn’t get it. Imagine if only the humans had white skin, and everything else was either a troll/orc or a variety of black dudes in a assortment of height, ear length and body builds.

I main an orc now, but when I build an elf or a human I’d like the option.

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Adding it in was a good thing, and something that was a long time coming.

But i agree adding SOMETHING for it lore wise would have been nice even a throw away line from a NPC

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it’s no different than asking for a draenei or orc to be made to look more like you. just because it is in large part similar to a human, doesn’t mean it is one.

i would not ask that my draenei have olive skin and black hair like myself irl.

Not even remotely the same. Orcs, Trolls and Draenei were always made to look monstrous, different and not even remotely human. None of them come in human colors of any sort, and therefore are not representative of anyone.

Elves, Gnomes and Dwarfs are human like in nature. And Elves in particular have always be representative of this European ideal, in a fantasy world. All of them are representative of white people (until 2020), and have skin tones and hair textures to match.

If they can come in white, they can come in black.

I agree, something should be added. It would also manage to silence everyone who only have one arguable excuse to disliking the additional color options.

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probably been said but me play Drow belf

They write it, not random peeps hating on dark skin. Get over yourself.

What in lore forbids darkers skin tone??? Nothing.

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Blood/high elves have had fair skin from 2007 until this last year. The “lore” was the book Tides of Darkness, the RPG, WC2 and 3 manual, etc. It was written in several different places.

Despite what you think, I am over myself. I don’t really care if blood elves have dark skin. However, nobody can deny (unless they enjoy having their head buried in the sand) that giving them dark skin came out of left field. That’s the only thing I was being snarky about.


Why is this thread still a thing?


Skin tone should never be a new race in this game. It just makes no sense to build a whole new racial that has to be balanced, zones quests etc around a shade of color.

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it’s exactly the same.

you could say orcs are a european ideal, because their entire culture exemplifies pre-romanized north-western european life. even the founders of rome claimed lineage from two brothers raised by a wolf mother.

it’s a non-human. it’ll always be a non-human. pinkish skin is not unique to humankind. we see it in several species of animals just on our own planet, look at the common types of chickens found in the US. if there’s alien life out there, they could very well have a pinkish skin tone.

having a pinkish skin tone does not mean it’s a human.

Tech didn’t all elves evolve from the troll race ( all skin colours) in some form i look at is how humans all came from Africa then changed to other race (what ever that thing is that turns black skin into white skin) or mixed with other races that already existed. I though the the Night elves (purple evolved) then the Highbouren (multy skin) and then the Blood elves came from the highbourne. If any thing a i want more dark highbourne skin colours like the blood troll skin so i can play a drow


Also there’s no reason they couldn’t alter their appearance cosmetically, like people do with a spray-on tan or tats. They have magic and barbershops.

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