Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

What a post to necro. Glad I got to participate.

I’d like a larger selection of the darker skin tones, speaking for myself. Take this old concept art by Talendrion. The 3-4 skin tones on the right would be great additions for Blood Elves and Void Elves.

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Really? I find chocolate Elven women to be the sexiest of all Elves.

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these would have been acceptable for darker skin tones without going too dark, imo.

I don’t mind the very dark skin tone we currently have, I just want a broader spectrum of dark skin tones.

well, the super dark ones never fit, but it’s whatever now.

but that up there, that looks like it fits, and is a bit of a separator from humans. rather than trying to make elves more human, they should have done more to differentiate them.

I went a little crazy with dark skin tones to be honest.

But I really like how my Velf looks like with dark skin.

And Anansie is my first human ever. Which although I love Draenei Vindicators I feel a dwarf or a human are great Alliance first paladins.

I feel Draenei Paladins are more if you absolutely love Draenei. Which I do but I have always been happy with one.

Here we have an exemple of some one who don’t know the lore, leading to what you say:

Let me explain why there is a lore about skin:
The elves in the warcraft universe have a change of skin color depending on where they draw their magical power over a period of time:

  • Night elves: Well of eternity.
  • Blood elves: Sunwell.
  • Nightborne: Nightwell.
  • Void elves: The Void (they are also a special case)

So if we have black elves, it means that they are drawning into a different source of power.
The question is: Which one?

If the devs will not develop on them, then these black elves are lore breaking.
On the contrary; if the devs build an entire civilization around them, i couldn’t be happier.

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just forget about lore for a second…having darker skinned characters just for the sake of having darker skinned characters is awesome. They look so good, I went dark as soon as it was available, I don’t care that lore may or may not support this.


well, the lore actually says the thalassian elves changed before the establishment of the sunwell.

but it specifically says they turned to the more pinkish tones of “some” humans. it specifically denotes that some humans have dark skin and some have pinkish skin, and that the elves look similar to those with the pinkish skin.

if you don’t care about the lore, please play a game without it.

people like yourself, not caring about the lore, inflicting yourself on the fantasy genre, do nothing but make it bad for those of us that do genuinely care.

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um what LOL
this has to be the most ignorant thing one can say. I can enjoy a game without caring one ounce about it’s backstory…I don’t need to know every tiny little tidbit of detail about why a skin color shouldn’t be in a game.

Also who the heck are you to tell me or anyone what they can or cannot do in a video game. I pay money to play the game, not read about the lore…if you’re into that then all the power to you but it’s not for me and it’s not for a lot of people that doesn’t mean they can’t play.

good troll attempt though I give you an A for effort

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but see, here is the issue. when they do something stupid, or put something stupid in the game because more people like you exist, that hurts it for us.

so then we wind up with something like the bfa pre-patch. ignoring plot elements cause they don’t feel like(or more likely, lack the ability to) writing around them. writing things to just happen because whatever, with no further thought on the issue.

your kind of player is why this kind of thing happens. because they can throw you something stupid, like a mount on the shop or something, and they don’t need to retain us. this is why i wish you and those who think like you would leave.

i don’t even understand why you’d choose to infest a fantasy game when you don’t care about the most important part. without the lore, you’re playing with grey boxes, in a grey box world, fighting grey box mobs, with nothing but game mechanics to rely on.

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Same could be said for literally every race they added darker skin tones to. The crux of it?

This is a videogame, and people want to play as characters that look like them.

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then maybe don’t play an elf?

an elf isn’t a human.

i will never understand it absolutely crap-brained mindset of playing a non-human and then asking to look more like yourself. that’s a hard level of stupid.

to me the most important part of the game is actually playing the game not reading about it…maybe you shouldn’t play the game and just read the books if lore is the most important thing for you.

I also find it disturbing that you choose to focus on the the skin color not fitting the lore.

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There’s no such thing as black blood elves.

They were tanning too close to the Sunwell.

Microphone dead static.

You call it dark? look at the drows from the forgotten realms nah, i call it chocolate. It’s possible to improve this skin toward the black elves we usually know.

As i say, it’s possible to build a new elven civilization around these dark skin colors. I think that we are lacking an evil one.
Wait a minute, we have the San’layn isn’t it? Imagine an underground civilization of black elves with a Bloodwell as their source of magic

By the way, the lore is an important part of a universe, otherwise how could you enjoy your character?

i mean… the focus of this thread is the skin color.

am i supposed to come in and complain about the idiotic writing of the jailer not guarding the waystone into the maw here? is that what this thread is about? or maybe this is the thread for devos getting mad about the archon ignoring the maw, and then turning and joining the maw… hmmm. the thread title is confusing, if that’s what this thread’s about, eh?

There was always a darker thalassian elf in the novels which was years ago and blood elves ever since they were created have always had a tan skin tone. Which also goes against the “pale” skin tone. U just saw the tbc case and assumed that from other fantasy settings. Wow is not other fantasy setting. Just because u take inspiration doesn’t mean it has to be 100% copy. Bye.