Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

I’m not telling you how to live your life. That’s the advice of blizzard if you feel like you’re being harassed by someone. I’m sorry but i’m not harassing you whatsoever. I’m giving you advice on how to ignore it.


LOL out of all the things you guys said while teaming up on that person and harassing them, that’s the one thing that was a “little extreme” ?

You three should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves and how you’ve acted here.

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Hi alt…


Uh…you LITERALLY are. It wasn’t a suggestion. You LITERALLY are telling me what I need to do.

Yeah, I’m not gonna roll over and not defend myself from harassment of you three as per your friend herself even stated. :roll_eyes:

By telling the individual to ignore harassing comments and to report the person to blizzard even though this person keeps telling me that there must be something wrong with me?

Yeah, i’m totally a lost cause lol.

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Not you, her.

OH lol sorry about that!

I was not clear to my post and had to clarify, my bad.

… And my cat just climbed onto my ceiling fan.

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All good! It can happen in the heat of the moment lol.

y’know… i’m out. you can’t talk sense into some people, especially when they won’t take advice, or listen to reason.

hope you all have a good day today. every single one of ya, hope you have a peaceful, and productive monday. :slight_smile:

Which is fine, you should have moved on. There were other people who actually provided helpful information I was looking for. To continue to harass someone is just immature.

Yeah, someone who just spent an hour harassing me is giving me advice. Right. :roll_eyes:

I like how Annaillusion is all of a sudden trying to be a victim now… yawn


I’m tempted to post a YouTube link of a crying baby.

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…nope! not gonna fight back, i’m going to go level my warrior. cya!

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Have a good morning.

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I mean if you ask a basic question and then get harassed the whole time you’re trying to get an answer, uh yeah?

Love how she mentions that I insulted her for calling her selfish (only because she said that she wanted to know the answer and didn’t care if the story was ruined for anyone else) yet she keeps saying that “There must be something wrong with you” etc, trying to low key insult my intelligence while trying also trying to play the victim.


Yeah I think i’m gonna move on with my day too. Enjoy it fuzzy friend!

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The amount of eye roll required for the situation is only efficiently expressible in one way.

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