Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

I’ve n ever said anything about people having black skin tones anywhere, don’t put words in my mouth.

It was about fair skinned elves that have never been depicted of having dark skin ANYwhere or talked about in any books, short stories, art, comics, etc.

So it was an exaggerated example that them having dark skin is as crazy as a race having four arms. :roll_eyes:

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Yes. Which is why I made a Felblood elf paladin who got redeemed through RP. (He’s red. Red ones go faster.)


This is a character from one of the novels.

It’s kind of funny that you’re telling me to grow up - when you admitted yourself that you don’t want to wait for the story to come out before knowing why these changes are happening and then you proceed throw an absolute temper tantrum when people are less than super nice to you, and then ask for apologies.

Asking for an apology on the forums is like searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie.

But I need to grow up. Alright lol.


/puts on science cap

there are two types of electromagnetic radiation in the universe involving the movement of light - ultraviolet and infrared. this is depicted in what is called the doppler effect. if a star is red shifted, it is moving towards the viewer. if its blue shifted, it is moving away. the red/infrared wave is long and relaxed, so slow moving. the ultraviolet wave is short and frentic, so fast moving.

so red is not faster. hehe
/bows, remove science cap, hands it to you

speaking of defensive harassment… i’m pretty sure if you were the one being defensively harassing. i mean, we try to explain we don’t know where dark-skinned belves came from, and that it does’nt matter, but instead you ignored our answers and continued to rant about how you were being harassed. it’s not harassment when it’s folks trying to answer your question to the best of their abilities.

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This is so far out of line! Just stop.


Re-read what I said as many times as you need. I said nobody is going to read through the thread and find out unless they wanted to and I would put a spoiler alert tag on the title. Do you not comprehend what that means? Like what is wrong with you?

Where / when did I throw a temper tantrum?

Oh, no. What you mean is when they harassed me, called me names, and called me a racist for an hour. Yeah, I remember when I defended myself from that.

Yeah, you’re right, it may not be maturity. There’s something like actually wrong with you as a person.

Yeah but I’m thinking more along the lines of cars.

But yeah. People take lore too seriously.

oh tis worse than that.

void lords can be summoned. void lords are one step away from void gods. and void gods are created when a naaru starts to die. outside shadowlands, void lords are so powerful, warlocks shouldnt be able to summon them. haha

twas the void lords who corrupted sargeras…

true, that… was a little extreme.

If people are harassing you, what you do is report their harassing comments and then you stop responding to them. Why do you feel the need to defend yourself so much on the wow forums and keep responding to people who are harassing you?

Do you see why you’re starting to look really immature?


Yeah, asking a question about why blood elves have dark skin is such harassment. Replying to people and asking questions is DEFINITELY harassment.

You didn’t, though. You guys literally made stuff up and called me racist for asking a basic question…

I mean, if someone calls you a racist and other names for asking a question, PRETTY sure that would illicit the same response from most people.

But you weren’t trying to answer the question at all. You literally weren’t. Stop saying you were, that’s a bold face lie.

Kemnebi where were you when everyone was making fun of people asking for high elves and everyone said no because of lore reasons? Oh that’s right you were nowhere to be seen because it’s ok when it’s dark skin tones right?

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You should see some of the other stuff they were saying. I literally was asking “Does anyone know where or why blood elves are getting darker skin colors, is there some kind of story, art, official anything that helps explain this?”

Off the bat they were being snarky and I tried to de escalate it by saying there’s no reason to be defensive or mean, I’m just trying to figure something out for the game I love.

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I don’t typically pay attention to the high elf quarrel. I don’t really have a dog in the fight.

I do, however, have four characters who benefit from these new customizations and I understand that diversity is important.

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I thought high elves were more about just skin tone and eye color though? :stuck_out_tongue:

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So now you’re telling me how to live my life? There’s something wrong with you. Really.

Why not? Why do you care? Why do you continue to harass people online?

No, the exact opposite. You’re actually making an embarrassment of yourself every time you reply.

Are you doing alright? you seem on edge.

once again, never called you a racist. just commented that something you said could be interpreted as racist. also,

it’s the truth man. i told you i don’t know, and that it does’nt matter where they came from. don’t be so defensive… it’s not very becoming…

wow. your interpreting actual advice about internet harassment as someone telling you how to live your life. that’s… something.

oops… mis-quoted that, 1 moment, i’ll fix it.