Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

So, you didn’t find the answer that you needed even after many threads of people saying “We don’t know” So then, you decided to keep pushing the question, even though you had your answer and you can’t understand why that irritates people?

plays the world’s smallest violin

oh interesting. they’re originally a race from a planet the burning legion conquered, prior to the invasion of draenor. they have similar appearance to eredar and thus draenei. must be related

welcome to the internet, i suppose.

…this joke seemed funnier in my head…

Guess what? Someone literally just said in my thread that they remember there being something blood elves skin being darker due to fel magic…so yeah, It’s a good thing I asked our helpful and friendly community who knows more than I clearly do.

Nobody forced you to quote me and harass me, literally grow up.

So, you didn’t find the answer that you needed/wanted even after many threads of people saying “We don’t know”.

So then you decide to keep pushing the question, even though you had your answer (that we don’t know) and you can’t understand why that irritates people? and now YOU expect an apology?

I called you selfish after you admitted that you wanted to know the answer - not caring if it ruined the story for anyone else. - I’m sorry but that is, in fact, selfish.

Is that not what you said? I mean, quotes and all…

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Possibly. Dreadlords are like major powerful demons. Very boss.

…people (not me) have been saying that… THIS ENTIRE TIME!!

they have more fair skin color shades than darker ones. so the darker ones represent the few who look that way naturally because of various types of radiation,and the rest are basically fair.

yeah the nathrezim. they take over entire planets by infiltrating seats of power, disguising themselves and can even speak nearly every language in the wow universe. that’s a huge brain with fast processing power. like a bunch of rainmen

LOL admitted? Yeah, gosh how dare I want to know the answer to my question. Grow up.

Yeah I said I wanted to know and that nobody would dig through the thread unless they also wanted to know. I also said I’d put a spoiler tag on the title. Convenient how you forgot all those little details. Seriously - what is wrong with you?

Weird, not what I see looking back at the quotes. Off the bat I was met with defensive harassment.

‘defensive harassment’… i’m not sure those two words go together…

also, all this has done, is made me wanna roll a dark-skinned belf, and act like they’ve been here the entire time.

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Which would be an acceptable answer, I was just trying to find where if anywhere in the past that was explained so I could learn. Yet I was attacked and harassed for an hour.

woot. did i wins the internets ?
/wiggles fingers

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This guy became a holy demon basically. I kind of gave up on lore making any sense after it I’m just going like, “yeah okay whatever.”

Lore is good framework but it’s honestly just framework. It’s spotty, it’s got a lot of holes, it doesn’t always make sense. There’s a lot of wiggle room to make your own stories within the warcraft universe and to supplement with headcanon stuff.

It’s not something that is set in stone.

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Yes, 30 interkents to Sapphire house.

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How do you compare people having black skin tones to mutating and growing four arms? wtf lol


well if all demons in burning legion were just races that had been taken over by sargeras and dunked in the fel koolaid, they can be redeemed. belfs were redeemed. yeah? and orcs, some of them drank the koolaid and were redeemed

Ok so explain this to me. If those dreadlords are SO smart, how come in 8.0.1 Blizzard almost allowed demonology warlocks to summon them?

So smart, but yet a Gnome can bind them to their will. I mean if a Gnome is your master, that’s not good.