Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

They’re a separate race.

Basically lothraxion was a mega powerful demon who got purified by the light and became a total light bro.

After that I just divided by zero and made a Felblood paladin because if a dread lord can become all lighty then a half demon trash mob can use it while living with intense burning.

wait, suramar was around wc3? dang… i musta missed that when watching all the cutscenes on youtube…

Yeah there is a mission where they say it was destroyed.

that’s wrathgaurds your thinking of… or… felgaurds… one of them. where’d i put that WoW-cyclopedia…

HERE WE GO! eredar (wrathgaurd)

Eradar perhaps?

I would play an Eredar even if that meant I’d be instant killed walking into the exodar.

There could be a group of eradar that defect from the legion and join up. Red ones go faster.

page 39. eredar (wrathgaurd). mentions they were called man’ari or ‘unnatural beings’… this book is from MoP though so… might be a little old. i mean, sylvanas still looked hot-ish in it. bikini-top, silver-hair and all.

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So horde Eredar? That’s my wish too.

and you have now been given your answer of “We don’t know”. You should honestly just move on with your day and not expect an apology on the forums. You might as well ask for the moon too :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: If you really want to do further research, like you say. You should search through the history of the forums as this has been discussed many times.


You guys already got a fel aligned race…with the Orcs… who aligned with the burning legion through Gul’dan.

Eredar makes sense for alliance.

there is explanation though. someone mentioned earlier… look at your own skin shades. theres a purple version among night elves. when the highborne who wanted to continue to practice arcane after the sundering, fled on ships across the great sea and made quel’thalas their home, they gradually became lighter and less purple.

now, fast forward to being in outlands and the setting up of huge fel crystals, all over quel’thalas. the crystals radiate, and turn the skin of blood elves a dark crimson black. thats what you’re seeing in the new customizations. blood elf skin primarily in light purpleish pink, brown, and deep reddish black colors. the high elves were pretty active outdoors. especially the farstriders. the farstriders should really have been depicted with serious suntans

They are red and clearly look better with the horde symbol : ) Besides we need spaceships to compete with yall too. You guys got the army of light. We should get the unholy army.

by demon do you mean eredar?

If you’ve noticed I’ve stopped asking questions and I’ll repeat myself once again, have changed the OP in my thread…grow up and stop harassing people online.

This guy.

Could you explain to me how it is I am harassing you?

Yeah, clearly I did and didn’t find the answers I needed for my question 'cause the answer was literally “I don’t know” but only after an hour long harassment session where I was called a racist for whatever reason and yelled at.

She’s just playing victim.

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Being completely snarky, rude, and I’m pretty sure you called me a name or two. :roll_eyes: