Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

err… that answer is that there is no answer, right?

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Exactly! But the OP MUST KNOW WHY and doesn’t care if it spoils a potential story for anyone else (OP did say this and I can quote it) :slight_smile:


GAH! no need to yell, i’m one post above and below you!

i sometimes think every new expac is like a whole new game that sorta resembles earlier ones.

I think this will also enhance the transmog game for people. I can’t wait to see some of the cool way players will use these new skin colors with current gear.



Sorry! I thought maybe Annaillusion would get it if I threw in a song/dance routine.

But then he ruined it cause he wanted me to show him the dance before it was supposed to be released :frowning:

(See what I did there!?)



If lore ruled over gameplay every single Night Elf DK would most likely commit seppuku since it goes against everything they believe in. Also they wouldn’t be allowed within 1000 feet of any Night Elf town. They’d be killed on sight.

Same with Draenei too I think since they’re pretty obsessed with the Light.

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Someone had stated that there were dark blood elves in a comic or something somewhere. Clearly I was pursuing finding more answers from the community as perhaps you didn’t know what you were talking about which is easy to understand why I would get that vibe from you, considering how you’ve harassed me non-stop.

How dare I defend myself from people literally calling me a racist for asking a question… :roll_eyes: When’s the last time you got any sleep?

Clearly not, that’s why I was trying to figure it out. I now have my answer that none of the people harassing me knew and there is no previous use of dark skinned blood elves anywhere in the game’s history.

Seemed more like 'cause they have other issues going on in their lives and are just lashing out at people, but okay.

I literally am. Notice in my thread I edit’d the OP…grow up.

Wrong. You guys already admitted you’ve been dealing with trolls. I said I clealry am not trolling, I’m actually trying to find answers, yet you still treated me like I was trolling and harassed / attacked me. Take your anger out somewhere eles.

Maybe you should get some sleep and take a break from the forums. You’re literally freaking out over someone asking basic questions about the game they love.

Could you imagine having this level of self-awareness?

Isn’t it so cute how she’s trying to spin it like she’s the one good guy being picked on?


I dont know why you guys care so much about skin color. It’s not like they’re ripping up lore lol.

I mean if you cared about lore you’d be upset with the entire existence of Nightborne because that’s one of the biggest retcons in this entire game.


lets say you never played the game before. nothing would seem different or unusual about elves with different skin colors. i mean i’m blue. nelfs are purple. you’re blue. dang game has too many blue races. anyway, a human skin color elf would not seem unusual, even if they are sporting a hawiaan tan.

Yeah but you’re an abomination and you know it. Don’t start preaching about the wonders of the void. I’m on to you. :angry:

If she cared about lore she would be flipping out about lothraxion the holy dread lord.

and you’re blue too. hehe. and if they give us those blue covenant peeps, even more blue. blue coming out our ears. we have blue tabards, blue crest, blue everything

nightborne don’t bug me… high-mountain tauren, and the pillars of creation bug me… there JUST so happens to be another tauren cousin-race, and all the pillars of creation JUST so happen to be on the broken isles? gimmie a break.

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ahh maybe not. arent dread lords just draenei that sargeras gave some steroids too?

But that’s not remotely the same as what’s happening now.

It’d be like Imagine you played a game, all the art and every depiction of this specific race of elves from the words of the developers own mouths is they’re a fair skinned elven race and then out of nowhere they got blue skin with no explanation.

It would if they’re not depicted that way in ANY art, description, book, short story, etc. which is my whole point. If they’ve never been depicted like this ever, that’s obviously not a normal skin color for them, so why?

The answer was “I don’t know” is what all the people, including yourself, should have said instead of attacking and harassing me and I have yet to receive an single apology.

Nightborne bug me because in WC3 Suramar was destroyed. In the War of the Ancients novels it was destroyed. But suddenly Blizzard pulled a “Lol wait no it’s not. It was there the whole time!”

Anywho… darker skinned BE look cool. I mean look at the Sanlayn. They’re darker skinned. This opens up some options for people who want to RP as one of those. Maybe people want to be a BE who drank demon blood?

It’s opening up options.