Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

One nut short of a Snickers bar.


Dude if I towns would kick out warlocks and they’re forced to go underground…much like how all the warlock trainers are off in some basement or somewhere… that’d be so cool.

Same with DKs.

I know it won’t happen, but man.

People throw stinks ic and ooc at people who have demons out in cities on active RP servers (WRA, MG).

I just hope they work on the skin texture because it kind of looks terrible to me right now.

you know what you do in that situation? laugh, and tell them you have a license to practice demon summoning.

No you haven’t. That’s literally the first time you said that. Quit lying.

That’s not true, though. Where does it say they wouldn’t be accepted or any example of that? Demonic magic may be frowned upon by some but it’s accepted.

everquest had something like that. in fact, worse. for example, out of the good aligned races, gnomes were the only ones who could be necromancers. they started in their home city of akanon. however, if they went anywhere near the gnome warrior guild in their own home city, the guild leader of the warriors, would rush out with his officers and kill ya. scary.

I want that to STILL happen on my DK. Just like how if I bring a void elf into the cathedral of light in Stormwind. The priests there hate it lol.

My demon hunters pester people who have their demons out. But for me the pestering is like, “you going to eat that?”

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your asking players for answers, that only the dev-team/story-writers would know… to that, i have to ask: are you all there??

you realize we know just as much as you do, right?

also, there are more important questions right now than skin tone… eye colour. what’s with the blue eye option??

one sandwich short of a picnic

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Literally ONLY just now has someone told me that Blizzard hasn’t said. Prior to that I was harassed, called a racist for even asking the question, and yelled at for trying to find the answer. Much like what you’re doing…so yeah, I’m a shining example of maturity in comparison.


Omg someone call the internet cops!!!

Yeah they should probably be put in jail!

So if they gave new earring customizations for blood elves you would need an explanation for that? Or maybe other shades of green orcs or dark blue night elves? Or maybe green dranei?

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There’s a video where Chris Metzen answers a lore question about it. You’ll have to find it yourself. It was likely in one of the ask cdevs.

Also darker skin elves make sense. Go to sunwell, they’re not all white with golden hair. They drank some fel blood and are red/grey.

Maybe these guys drank some fel blood and then stopped and now they turned dark and can’t return to their white/golden hair self?

Also Orcs aren’t all green. Did we freak out with the brown orcs? No.

Then why didn’t any of them just say “we don’t know yet?” instead they went off on insane tyrades of harassment and calling me a racist. Like could you be any less mature? :joy:

Then just say that, don’t harass people and call them racists for asking a basic question.

That’s easily explained. Blizzard stated in a Q&A that the blood elves eye color would return back to it’s natural high elven color over time.

Now be glad I didn’t go off on some tyrade and elude to answering your question before yelling at you for an hour and calling you a racist.

Coming from you I’m not inclined to believe. :roll_eyes:

i did’nt call you a racist, i said one of your sentences sounded kinda racist/petty. there’s a difference.

…and that difference is that you mighta just worded something wrong.

This just shows me you are a complete liar. I said this to you in another thread somewhere between 15-20 minutes ago that blizzard hasn’t told us yet but you didn’t accept that answer and just kept going with it in this thread AND in others.

You have been given your answer and yet you keep trying to push forward with some weird unknown agenda and then proceed to insult people who are getting upset with you for asking the same question YOU KNOW THE ANSWER TO. This is why people are getting hostile with you.

Don’t act like you’re here for answers. You’re just here to argue because you’re bored or something.

But you know what honey, you’re really bad at it. Maybe go have a mimosa and try again.


What if it’s just like, a part the natural evolution process the elves have been going through since forever just by standing around Durotar and the Barrens all day by siding with the Horde? Like, you know like how they originally used to be Night Elves before the ocean messed everything up you know what I’m sayin? I mean like soon they’re not even going to be Blood Elves anymore.