Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

I said before that i find the addition awesome and that i don’t need an explanation for it, with that in mind, i don’t think Annaillusion is being unreasanable here or racist.

Blood Elves in lore are descendants of Night Elves, which have purple skin. The white skin is lorewise a result of two factors, being cut off from the moonwell and absorbing the first Sunwell. So, we have a race, which the physical features are affected by the type of magic they consume.

The reason they’re including darker skin tones we know is to allow players more freedom and customization, and that doesn’t need a lore explanation whatsoever, but, since the elf race in specific has its skin color tied to the magic sources they consume, some might find an explanation necessary.

Like i said, if they want to explain this by any lore means, they can, if they don’t want it, they probably won’t give any specifics, unlike what was done with the golden eyes.

Now, Danuser said in an interview, that all customization options are lore accepted and canon, so black blood elves are a thing, with or without a new explanation, and that is fine, but wanting more lore on it is also fine, since the entire elven species so far had lore developments for all their physical traits since its inception.


I don’t even know what was said and if it even was harassment. The person who wrote it literally says I’m racist for wanting an explanation why a race that was designed with fair skin is getting dark skin tones. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Then stop attacking me and let someone else explain it.

Nowhere in lore does it say that all blood elves have to have pale skin. It’s typical but never has been absolute or set in stone.

People have been trying for hours. Several people. You’re not getting it because you don’t want to get it.

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here’s your explanation: dark-skinned blood elves lived on a magical island far away, and we found them on our island expeditions. done, now let others enjoy their new options…

No, they’re stating things and I’m asking them about those things. I’m trying to learn, so leave me alone and stop harassing me.

We’ll have to wait and see on that.

i dont think this is the answer. it also just creates vicious cycles

Yup, if Blizzard said that, that’s all I’d need to know. So I’ve found the actual answer “Blizzard hasn’t explained why yet”

See how easy that would have been? I would have been like “Oh okay, well I hope they do because it doesn’t make much sense”

well, there ya go. your problem is with blizzard. so go to ion’s twitter (cause blues don’t come around here anymore) and ask why there’s dark-skinned blood-elves, cause, the forums are’nt gonna have your answers. your yelling into the void here.

Blizzard is going to leave it up to the people to decide the origins of their character. Some people may choose to make the character come from an island other people’s may choose to have had their characters living in quel’thalas all along.

Why is that so hard to grasp?

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Right. They haven’t explained it yet because IT. HASN’T BEEN. RELEASED. YET. We literally got this information like 3 days ago…

You are something else lol.

You are literally asking people to EXPLAIN THE FUTURE


What problem? I don’t have a problem, stop making things up, It’s beyond childish.

That’s literally all I needed to know.

it’s a problem when your asking the same question again and again, and expecting different answers. einstein called repeating the same thing over and over insanity.


You literally haven’t said anything like that until now. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
So your real answer is “I don’t know, Blizzard hasn’t told us yet”

See how easy and mature that response is? You didn’t have to harass me, call me names, accuse me of being racist or any of that with that answer.

It’s short, sweet, and tells me what I was asking. :roll_eyes:

Actually I have said it several times in this thread. You just weren’t paying attention.

I also said this:

dont go to twitter with it. best solution is just to wait and to consider there are other dark skinned elves in the game, some good, some effected by fel crystals and also good, some effected by fel and bad, and even one in the lore, who wasnt just a dark reddish black but flat out black.

again, I never said no, I said contrived.

There better be a story in the game about other elf races rather than some lame character selection choice with no previous lore just to be #woke

Dude don’t act like you’re being a shining example of maturity. People have been giving you the “Blizzard hasn’t told us yet” answer (here AND in other threads) and you’ve been acting like a petulant child saying I NEED TO KNOW MOOOAERRRRRRRRR and slamming your feet saying I DONT LIKE IT. Okay, settle down Caillou.

You’re starting to look extremely delusional AND selfish.

EDIT: OP admitted that he wants to know the story ahead of time and doesn’t quite care if it got ruined for anyone else, as a result.

Really speaks to their character.