Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy


you asked for dark skinned elves prior. the sunwell had several, called felblood elves. they were blood elves who started actually drinking the green koolaid

really though, does it actually matter? does it actually harm the game if these skin-tones are added? no. does it harm lore? nope. does it actually change ANYTHING in the game? nuh-uh. does it harm the playerbase? only those that don’t want’em, or are racist.

it does’nt matter that we’re getting more skin-tones, cause eitherway, we’re getting’em… also eitherway, we’ll still be going from place to place, killing 8 boars for random shmucks.


Which one? I’m interested in seeing / reading it.

I mean, that doesn’t really count considering they’re adding all these darker skin tones as an option to all races at once. I’m trying to figure out why they’re doing it now all of a sudden.

Oh, I haven’t paid attention to the issue until I read this thread, honestly and It’s getting me thinking. If they just were adding it for blood elves I was fine with that, if there’s some lore they’re going to write about how since they no longer primarily live in the north something something something dark skin.

But if they’re adding it across the board purely for the sake of inclusion, I think I’d have a problem with that and I think other people should, too. It’s not a huge deal, but It’s un-necessary imo if that’s the case.

I’ll quote this version of the post this time…

I hate to sound like an sjw here but you might want to check your privilege.

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You will not have problems if some idiot considers him racist in any way, which is not what he sees in this way.

The skin customization was a bad joke, not even to consider something similar to the DARK ELFS seen in Record of Loddoss war or Dungeons & Dragons or Final Fantasy, this new method is usually rare and weird that I do not think it would suit anyone in Azeroth more to create a funny meme with a new character.

It suits my character.

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okay, better example: nightborne.
did they need to add magic-addicted night-elves to the game? no.
did that have to make them playable? no.
did they REALLY need to add another race of elves? no.

like it or not, we got the arcwine chugging elves though, and did it harm the game? no. did it hurt the playerbase? only the alliance players who ignored the mana-addiction. adding other skin-tones for blood-elves does’nt change anything, they’re still magic-addicted loonies like the rest of’em.

i think of it, as regards blood elves, that some of them were too close to the fel crystals, so although they werent powered up like the felblood elves who were literally much taller than normal blood elves, it still effected their skin. maybe the purified sunwell doesnt effect the skin changes, only the eye changes. i dunno. i dont think the devs were looking for complex answers to support either.

yeah… yeah… it’s like when Stewie travels to the Santa Village.

lol stewie is a lil maniac.
its not forced diversity, its just common consideration. the game is played all over the world


but in the end, this is not diversity that’s Blizzard shows with the skin customization …

what is it? :grey_question:

I think the idea was to let players decide on their own what narrative to use. if people want their character to come from some island somewhere that’s fine if they want to just have been there all along that’s fine too. Really is the best approach.

I have four blood elves they have darker skin, maybe more, I’ve lost track. Needless to say this is great because it’s letting me have better representation of how my dudes actually look.

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If you make a race and what makes the primary identifying factor is their skin color is a specific tone and their physical features, adding completely different skin tones that don’t fit that purely for the sake of inclusion is dumb.

Why don’t they add purple skin for blood elves, too?

The example you gave and what’s happening now are not in ANY way related and I’m sorry to tell you, that was a TERRIBLE example.

I’m just going to use blood elves / high elves because I really don’t know if there’s dark skinned gnomes or other races.

Blizzard made high elves / blood elves fair skinned elven race. So that’s fair skin, pointy ears and all that stuff that makes elfs. Its been like that since the beginning. Now all of a sudden because they’re adding dark skinned humans (which like I said, if they’re supposed to be like real life humans, that makes 100% sense) that they’re giving every race dark skin, then without an explanation as to why, that’s wrong and kind of ruins the story of what they’ve already told.

I mean, they could literally say “The elves travel all over the world and some of them became extremely dark” and I’d be fine, but with no explanation and purely doing it because other races have it is completely dumb.


Well, it is any case if it is the opposite, I leave you a fan services that they can do in WoW, we will see if I see many Pirotess or Sheru in Azeroth.

Allow me to clarify.

If you think diversity in gaming is not important then you are probably in a position of privilege.

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explain nightborne and night-elves to me then, why do they have dark skin tones compared to blood elves? them being purple/blue i understand, but dark purple/blue?

also, dark-skinned humans have been in the game since vanilla, so i don’t know what your going on about. they’re just adding new faces/tones for’em… oh! and haircuts.

edit: oh. wait… you said high-elf and blood elves… again, it does’nt matter if they get new skin tones. at, all. blizzard could make blood-elves have blue-skin, 4 eyes, an seven breasts, and it would’nt matter why, it’s their game, they choose what’s in it.

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ah yes, that was one of my ideas back before legion came out. i suggested alliance could get playable high elves who looked different enough by doing the following:

a fleet of farstrider ships set off from the shores of quel’thalas, several thousand years before the scourge invasion, in order to survey the surrounding islands. a freak storm rose up and threw them off course. they end up being stranded on the dragon isles, and they remain there till wrathion discovers them in our timeframe.

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To be honest, with the way that BFA narrative was going, my role play group was ready to ship off to sanity island, raise a barrier, form their own little city-state, and just ignore the whole faction war and all that crap.

It’s such a bad expansion.