Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

That’s a long time for Elves not to build a ship and leave but I get what you’re going for.

they werent allowed to leave. remember wrathion was searching for the dragon isles and the other aspects would not tell him where they were. theoretically, something very dangerous and important is there and must remain a secret, especially from the black dragonflight.

Plenty of islands exist. It’s totally plausible. It’s a lot more sane than some of the stuff I do (… Sin’dorei were-peafowl in RP group).

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you know what’s funny? if this topic was about any other new customization option, people who just tell folks to shut up, and stop complaining.

‘twhy are draenei women getting longer tails??? hey did’nt have tails that long before now, what’s the lore explanation for it?? why did’nt we have draenei with tails this long before? this ruins the whole story!!’

give me a frikkin break… it does’nt matter.


Foxie gets it. Can I pet?

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meh. go for it, my dude.

pets :smile:


I don’t have an issue with diversity at all. I have an issue with it being forced. For races like gnomes, nowhere does it say they’re a fair skinned race so dark skin for races that don’t specify they’re a fair skinned race I’m even okay with.

However if you make a race and say the primary identifying factor of this race is they’re fair skinned, there should be an explanation as to why all of a sudden extremely dark skin tones are being an option, no? I mean that makes sense, doesn’t it?

It’d be like if night elves all of a sudden had a bunch of shades red skin tones being added. The first question people would ask is “Why?”

Because they were never created as a fair skinned race from the beginning. Blizzard nowhere has stated they’re a fair skinned race, they’re just night elves.

Exactly, they’ve been in the game since the beginning.

What’s confusing me is Blizzard made blood & high elves as a fair skinned race of elves, that’s literally their identification. What’s the explanation for them all of a sudden having the option to have dark skin tones?

Now if they never said blood / high elves were a fair skinned race at all and they could be any skin color and just never added them out of no time or something, 100% understand fine whatever, not a big deal. But to me It feels like the dark skin colors are being forced is all. If they are, that’s silly.

I 100% agree but there needs to be an explanation as to why their skin would be turning blue or why these things would happen, just like with every change and that’s what I want to understand.

What’s the story behind these changes.


i think the draenei tails are getting jewelry too. hehe

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purrs, tail wagging happily. :fox_face:

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You know way back in the day I bet people felt the kiss between Kirk and Uhura was forced.


My kids are excited for the darker skin tones on elves because they’ll finally get to play belfs that look like them.

Nice to hear some white folks think it’s “forced diversity”–yeah well, so was desegregating the schools here in the US, and you got over it (most of you, anyway).

And “purely for the sake of inclusion”–like it’s a bad thing to finally include black and brown people in the way white people are just entitled to. Smdh.


well for belfs its the felblood elf effect. some belfs worked too close to the giant fel crystal erected around quel’thalas, and it effected their skin. theoretically. i mean theres not a comprehensive guide on the various ways in which a fel crystal can modify an elf who is absorbing it, literally from the air. theoretically. maybe. ever run magister’s terrace? remember the first boss ? he’s felblood and he’s got two fel crystals right in his room.

I remember when blizzard retconned high elves/blood elves to not have druids and turn them into mages. If they can do that without anyone complaining retconning old lore for this is way better. So I don’t think it matters. This is datamined info, we don’t even know if there will be lore reasons but It is not even needed. These customization options are great.

I withdrew it because I suspected that you weren’t going to accept any reason that could be provided so discussion was pointless.

Your comments since then have proven my suspicions accurate so I will just go ahead and move on now. They will be in the game at this point regardless so there is no reason to try and convince you, or anyone else, that it’s a good change.

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Real talk time.

I am a female to male transgender person and I am an older college student. The first semester I came out I was taking a journalism class. A pair of African American students slurred me behind my back (even non white people can have prejudices) and rather than get in their face or get them expelled I decided to settle the problem like a journalist. I put an article about my transgender experience in the paper that put the reader in the shoes of myself explain what it feels like to live for decades with gender dysphoria. I won an award for my writing that was judged based on articles written by students all over my state. We had tearful letters to the editor from other trans people, I educated people by giving them a human story they could relate to. I got a public apology from my peers in front of the entire class.

Video games are the storytelling media of the future much like television, movies, and books have been storytelling vehicles of the past.

Through the narratives and worlds of video games we can introduce people to things they might not have ever come across before. This can happen directly or through allegory. We can also normalize things like diversity for people.

When people see other people as human beings rather than as others they’re less likely to victimize people different from them or treat them differently because people can learn to see other people as people regardless of skin color or sexuality or gender identity or religion.

This is why representation is so important.


no. there really does’nt. we don’t have explanations for a lot of things in-game, why do we need this one?

you want some questions we need answers to? how did the old-gods come-up with the curse of flesh? why did the vrykul’s children evolve to be smaller? what is sylvanas’s ultimate gameplan, and why does’nt vareesa just commit her soldiers to the alliance already? these are questions we need answers for.

blood-elf skin-tones are such small potatos. also when i asked how come nelves and nightborne come in darker shades, you said they did’nt have fair-skin…
ARE YOU CRAZY?? their skin is blemish free and beautiful!!

also, and the question we should all be asking: are the humans in wow going to evolve to be smaller eventually? like, in a few hundred years, are they gonna be riding mice into battle? (not rat-stallions, mice-sized mice)


Well at least you identified early on that and avoided an argument or something.

So would adding blue skin to gnomes be okay and good, too? Can we ask for things like this?

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it’d be okay because it would’nt matter. they’d just… exist, and that’d be fine. sure, they’d look a little weird, but we’d get used to seeing blue-gnomes.


If blizzard wants to give blue skin to gnomes they can give blue skin to gnomes.