Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

Any sort of diversity is perceived as forced diversity.


How bout this? I like an explanation since I followed the lore for so long. I want my character, being an Arab, to come from somewhere warm. It is not an anomaly as in ‘weird’, it is that I like them to make some sense of the places (relating to the real world somewhat),…etc. Take a look at Game of Thrones ( A Song of Ice and Fire), George R R Martin had setup the world to make sense. The north is mostly white. As you go down south, because of the warmer climate, Dorne, The Summer Isles, Bravos (being a harbor) you see lots of different ethnic backgrounds and colors, it helps with the sense of immersion. That is what I meant by ‘making sense’. The point is when you start throwing stuff all over the place (without explanation) it breaks that illusion of ‘immersion’.

I think what is going on is that people are afraid to even talk about any of this because they don’t want to be labelled as ‘racist’ (by the SJW mob). I understand and I do agree with you some people are racist. I, on the other hand, like that part of the world-building because that’s how my brain works and that’s how I set up the world in my own work (people need to get over everything being racist, sexist,…etc).

And with that I will conclude my part of the discussion.


Not at all. We already had dark skinned characters in the game and throughout the history of the game, so It’s not like they forgot to add them. Now all of a sudden every race dark skinned options across the board. Just feels like It’s forced.

I mean especially for high / blood elves, their trademark for the race is fair skinned elves. I just don’t understand where It’s coming from, I guess. It feels forced.

You can choose to roleplay your characters being from somewhere warm.

Kemnebi Sunrunner on the other hand is from Windrunner Village.

We don’t giving us some explanation they are not shoehorning us all into a certain background and we are free to choose what fits us.


Not a single person has provided me with any sort of citation saying that Thalassian elves cannot have dark skin.

People are just mad because it’s shattering their pale elf fantasy.


well humans are getting african and asian human models. which was kinda natural. i mean if the game had been created in africa or asia, chances are humans would start off with african or asian options because that’s their experience as homosapiens sapiens.

so now that we have those options, the other races with human skin color options, need equal representation, but it would be difficult to give gnomes an african appearance, for example, so the solution is skin color alone

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This thread mentioning felblood elves has me all excited. I RP a few. Red ones go faster.

Literally not trying to argue the point that they can’t be dark skinned. I’m asking where all of a sudden is this all coming from? I’m literally asking you or anyone to help me understand. I’m not trying to argue against it so no need to get all defensive.

As I stated though they’ve been known for their fair skin, that’s literally what makes high / blood elves identifiable.

Now that they’re adding dark skin colors to every race, people like myself are wondering if there’s an explanation for it or not.

I’m not mad. I just want an explanation as to why it’s happening, just like with any other change.

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Because people want more customization options.


The explanation is probably that they’ve been there all along and that our avatars are a game mechanic which doesn’t equal lore. Our choices for avatar have not covered all of the available variables in the past and they are giving us more customization options.

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Which is 100% understandable if they’re stapling humans in Azeroth as the same as in real life. I think that’s great that they’re adding those options.

Why? And if that’s now going to be the case going forward, where do we draw the line so races can stay unique? Are we going to have to have to have tauren antlers on every race as well?

If blizzard wants to give everyone antlers or horns it’s their choice.

the why is, gnomes, belfs, dwarfs, share the human skin color pallete. logically, if a human can have those skin color variants because they live on azeroth, all other human skin color races, should as well. notice races without the human skin color pallete, are not getting dark browns, dark reds and blacks. well if you dont count dark irons who already had a black option

And it’s easier to do than other customization options or something?

But where in any of Warcraft’s history is there dark skinned elves? Or dark skinned gnomes? If there’s no where in any of the past lore that there are these dark skinned characters in the story, then It’s just forced diversity, is it not? Not that it shouldn’t happen, but shouldn’t it be okay that there are fair skinned races that don’t have a dark skin option? If not, why?

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better question: does choice of diversity matter, if your not going to choose that option?

my answer to that: no, it does’nt.

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Why withdraw the comment? I’m not mad, I’m genuinely curious and trying to find answers from the forums. So far aside from sapphire, I’ve been met with hostile defensive people accusing me of being mad…?

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I already listed the dark skinned elf that was in the novel.

The dark skinned elves are also in the alpha.

because we’ve been dealing with bad faith actors who are using lore as a thin veil for something else for a couple days now.


Kind of. If this were a single player game I’d agree with you, but It’s not. It’s an MMORPG where you’re forced to see and interact with other people. If they’re purely adding these dark skin colors because they don’t want to be considered racist or something which is what it feels like, hence why I’m asking if this has ever been a thing in the past or not or if there’s evidence of dark skinned characters from official outside sources (comics, artwork, etc)

You can have races of characters that don’t include every skin tone and not be racist.

You do know that you can curate your own experience on a roleplay server and if you don’t like brown skinned elf you don’t have to play with them, right?

There’s a group of players who have been asking for dark-skinned bloodelves for 5 years. This changes for us. If you don’t like it stay in your own lane.