Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

Come again?

this is the problem: because elves have very strong appearance variations, for example night elves vs. blood elves, they’ve become 2 different races who are not allowed to share appearances, whereas orcs or trolls, can have multiple variations similar to the various customizations trolls are getting.

literally the only issue is that the troll race not be upright like zandalaria. all other variants of appearnace of trolldom, are completely available to a player who makes a troll. the same is not true for elves.

for example, blood elves have 10 more hairstyles, 8 more skin colors and 8 more hair colors, than a void elf BEFORE shadowlands. as a void elf, i am not allowed to have other elf appearances because they’re exclusive to blood elves or night elves. this translates to a much smaller set of options. my color pallete is only purples, blues and grays, whereas the color pallete of a blood elf ranges the entire spectrum of human skin colors, of which there are many

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Yes, I am sure I have ‘internal racism’ being non-white (Arab if that matters). Tell me more!!!

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Just because someone isn’t white doesn’t make them free of prejudices.

Also, are we playing oppression olympics now?


We are not. It just people like to turn the discussion towards ‘race’ and prejudice’ instead of lore and storytelling…

sad news: ‘technically’ we do. i mean, if you’ve ever quested in teldrassil, a good chunk of the trees/leaves are purple. and night-elves usually purple. though, i’d love to run-around as a mahogany nelf though… i think that’d be pretty-sweet. or maybe birch, that’d be cool too.

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Oh so now I am white. I better go check :laughing:.

…What? You want a customization option to be an entirely new race…? That’s literally the exact opposite of what everyone has complained about. Seem like an alliance troll to me.

I’d like to see a mahogany option too! That would rock.

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I don’t care one way or the other, but I’m really curious. Where did they exist before now? Everything we’ve ever known to my knowledge about them is that they’re a fair skinned race?

And if blood / high elves are able to have that dark of skin, doesn’t that mean every race should? Are we going to see black gnomes?

This is exactly why lore doesn’t make sense anymore and is completely irrelevant.

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Lore is being used as a disingenuous veil for other issues.

The truth is that blizzard writes the lore blizzard has put in the skin tones, therefore their canon. No discussion needed.

In the past, not always because of malice, people who are not white and not male has been excluded from fantasy is a genre. This largely includes Warcraft. Blizzard is taking steps to change this. Characters with brown skin don’t need any sort of special explanation for existing. They don’t need to be treated like some sort of anomaly that need special lore. they just need to be treated like they’ve always been there.

Game mechanics, like our Avatar system, have been flawed by people. Doesn’t mean that things don’t exist in the setting.

I roleplay things that don’t have avatars all the time. I play brown elves, I play felblood elves, I play wretched, I play concepts ported in from World of Darkness. The world hasn’t ended because of it.

It’s literally non-issue. People are making a mountain out of a molehill.


Yes actually they’ve been added to the customization list too.


elves have a weird problem regarding customizations. if you look at all the racial variants a darkspear troll player will be allowed to select as their customization in shadowlands, realize each of those represent entirely, hithertofore, unplayable race appearances. same for most dwarves, humans and orcs.

elves dont have that freedom. we get whatever color pallete we are born with, the end. other elf race derivates, such as the high elf deriative of blood elves, half elves, have thus far been unavailable. blood elves appear to be laying claim to fel blood elf appearance in shadowlands, and potentially high elf, as well, but void elves are relegated to a very narrow selection, as are nightborne.

the only way we are allowed customization beyond that as elves is if the devs make a new elf race to play.

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I’m going to break it down like my programming logic class does.

Statement: All Thalassian Elves in Azeroth are white.

Proof by negation:
There exists at least one Thalassian Elf in Azeroth that isn’t white.

  • Devi is seen in a 2010/2011 Christie Golden wow novel.
  • In 2020 brown blood elf skins, made by blizzard were data minined from Shadowlands alpha.

Therefore, brown elves exist on Azeroth.


fel elves of the sunwell. that dark black red skin.

I’m not necessarily against it, but doesn’t this just feel like forced diversity…?

Yaaaaas give me amazing technicolor horny birb elves.

No one is forcing you to use it?


It’s not about my opinion, I already stated I’m not against it. I’m just asking doesn’t this feel like forced diversity?

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