Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

I like a purple pandaren as well…

Take me seriously or spend your time in a better way.


I can’t take you seriously because then we will have to go back to square one. Read what I originally wrote or don’t bother continuing on.

Which is also one of the reasons why people complained about that. Because it had no basis in the established game lore and instead seemed to be done just to be more inclusive.

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Bye felicia


I wish I could give you more than one like.


Dark skin in fantasy doesn’t need to be treated like an anomaly that needs to be explained.


i’m talking about the OLD darker-skin humans. not the new ones, that have’nt been added yet. they’ve been around since vanilla, yet nobody has asked why. dark-skin humans have been around for a long while now, it does’nt matter where they came from, and neither does it matter where these darki-skinned blood-elves come from.


I remember that.

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There actually has been human PoC in lore for ages.
Humans are mutated Vykrul, it’s not a massive stretch to assume they have different skin colours :man_shrugging:


Why does no one ever ask why anything is white? Why do people just accept neon hair and what not on gnomes without demanding lore explanations?

This is literally trivial and if you don’t like it you don’t have to use it.


I feel like every person who is outraged about a dark skin tone on blood elves is secretly racist.

Dark skinned blood elves have been around forever; we just haven’t seen them.


That is because most of these were based on western/European mythologies (gnomes, elves,…etc) from Tolkien and before (Bewolf,…etc). You wont see this in eastern mythology for example.

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Wow you actually answered lol

duh, because the original vrykul are white, and the sunwell sunbleached the purple off the night-elves. isn’t it obvious?

the darker skin-tones on the elves are probably from more exposure to the sunwell, the darker humans… i don’t have an explanation for, but i’m gonna say it’s natural (or because of the vrykul lineage, based on what metal’s were mixed into the iron-vrykul). or maybe it’s based on where they used to live, who knows.

Boy howdy you don’t know that there is non white elves in folklore?

not to chip-in, but were’nt wood-elves supposed to have beautiful skin-tones that match the trees or something?

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Oh so that is where Warcraft got it from. Aha!

Oh I want this!

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I think you’re right.

The thing about low key racism is that with introspection people can choose to get over and challenge their prejudices.

Often times people just dig their heels in and Scrooge about not being racist and try to defend themselves with bullcrap like “muh lore” rather than being an adult and getting gud.