Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

All titan races (humans, dwarves, gnomes) descend from stone beings and likely inherited their skin tones from them. I’m of the idea that dark skin from these races translated from dark stone that their ancestors had before the curse of flesh.


Tauren were altered if the O.G is yangoul still then the mulgore tauren had their dabble with magic from cenarius and well as high mountain tauren.
Elves formerly known as dark trolls started out pretty much by accident they found the well and stayed by it.
Then started to mess with it eventually off shoot arcane addicts brings; Which us to the short deformed blood elfs.
Who still couldnt figure this out decided to up the ante with pure black tar void juice.

Azeroth doesn’t have an equator.

The geography doesn’t make sense. Don’t try to apply real world rules to it.


I feel like I might be the only person who legit doesn’t care about this one way or the other. More customization options is always good. Personally, I think the darker tone wouldn’t fit any of my characters, so I don’t have any plans to use it.

I really don’t see the need to make a mountain out of what is clearly a molehill.


Yes it does but it irrelevant as not enough time has passed to force a change due to environment.
Its only been like 25015yrs since sundering.

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Yes. It is referred to in the Chronicles books.

I think that’s what most of us are trying to convey given people seem to nark on the idea of these extra options for some Gods given reason. o_O Options are fun so to that camp most of us are just going “Whatcha got against extra options and fun?” :stuck_out_tongue:


why do these skin-tones need lore? why is it so necessary to explain a skin-tone, of all things? i get it, okay, belves have never been described with darker skin, but honestly, it does’nt really matter. a better question, is why did’nt blood-elves have golden-eyes until bfa? should’nt they have had them since the end of bc?

the skin tones… heck, as far as i see it, it’s either a side-effect of the more-purified sunwell, or a side-effect of the sky being busted over northrend. it does’nt really need an explanation.


As Ion would answer “We feel it goes against the spirit of the game.” circa oct 2015.


It is not a skin-tone ‘issue’ (people like to jump to the worst conclusions right away) . It is that Blizzard set certain rules in the world they’ve built and explained to us some back stories behind them. Night Elves being purple for example (they can’t be green) and descended from the dark trolls - they can be different shades of purple but they can’t be white. Orcs are green (because they drank the blood), unless they are from Draenor so then they are brown,…etc.

Where did Blizzard explicitly say Thalassian elves absolute cannot be darker skin tones?

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Simple explanation: Too much spray-on tan.

I bet :joy:. That solves it.

…Orange elf bad?

yes, SOME backstories. not all of them.

bad example, they never explained where non-white human skin-tones come from, even though every vrykul i’ve ever seen is white.

also, just to clarify, when i said issue, i meant an issue with them not explaining. not an issue with the skin-tones themselves. :slight_smile:


In the alternate universe with one character.

I am glad. I guess I am not ‘sensitive’ about any of this because I am not white. I can discuss it openly.

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I would like to see black skin tones for blood elves. Not a big worry for you but it’s important to others.


Which is fine if such changes are accompanied by lore instead of just tossed out there. Do you think they are going to be accompanied by lore or do you think they are just going to be tossed out there?

what if they added half humans and let us choose a moral alignment