Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

Not every thing has to be explained by lore. Having more customization options are always a welcome change.


Even though its an AU, nothing from the novel indicates that it’s an anomaly for high/belves to have darker skin. If it were, it would have been pointed out.


The lore helps set up the world. And, if you are going to refer to it next time, use it properly at least.

If you don’t like the features. Don’t use them.

borrowed from the proflyers movement


So you’re saying (Blizzard really) that there were darker skin elves but we’ve never seen one before, right?

Most likely they’ve been there the whole time and there’s just not been a visible representation because people at Blizzard back in the day didn’t consider it.

Just like how the world of Azeroth is much bigger than what we see in game.


Yeah, basically.
The game is a pretty inaccurate representation of what Azeroth is supposed to look like (Westfall and Goldshire are HUGE, Gadgetzan during the cataclysm was supposed to be basically a metropolis)


Then they have to set this up. Re-write or add it to the lore.

That I agree with. Which begs the question if Azeroth (the map) is the entirety of the world or not. If it is (at least for now), then, realistically, they should include people from different background (Uldum for example, hotter climate, darker skin,…etc). If not are EK and Kalimdor are the ‘northern hemisphere’ of it? I guess Blizzard needs to answer that.

There is a concept called segregation of game mechanics and lore.

Warlock pets wouldn’t be welcome in most towns according to lore but the game doesn’t eject because gameplay.

Our avatars are more of a mechanic, a representation of a person, they’re not precise. Not everyone of a race is the same height, same physique, with the same face, and the same 8ish hairstyles.

Just because the avatars’ customization options have been limited doesn’t mean diversity doesn’t exist as far as story is concerned.

It’s likely that there are short elves, tall elves, bulky elves, toned elves, twiggy elves, chonky elves, absolute unit elves. Pale elves, tan elves. Darker elves make sense.


…its already in the game

the dark irons can already be white and have blonde hair

and they still look cool…

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people really complain just to complain

“bu-but the skin tones”

theyre already in lore, in game, in comics, etc, yall just apprently dont see them for some reason and hide it in thinly veiled ignorance


Christ alive,are people really getting their panties in a bunch over darker skin options on elves?! People like making their avatars look as unique as they can possibly go in MMOs and other games and always have been. As someone who dabbles in RP, the extra options honestly don’t bother me as being able to make your toon your way has always been a big appeal to me in games [one of many reasons I LOVE the Saint’s Row franchise over the GTA games,more options in customization,also more entertaining side quests]

“B-but muh lore” you may state,some of us actually like to bend the lore a bit and make the game a tad more fun so I commend anyone who makes an elf that doesn’t look like the default,bland and boring buxom blonde Susie Cream Cheese. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though,the game isn’t going to suffer if people make a mocha skinned human or bloodelf. It’s going to be okay if the elf of another player doesn’t make the carbon copy pale elf. :stuck_out_tongue: The lore police really need to calm down.


Darker skin tones need no lore explanation.


They don’t, because they never said they can’t have darker skin. It’s a none issue.


Ilu btw…

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darker skin tones already have lore explanations, what happens to skin when it is in the sun for extended periods of time? it gets darker

and what are blood elves always around?

the sun well.

i rest my case




I saw some derpy idiot whining about the skin tones not being proper and claiming melanin doesn’t exist in elves in wow.

It was totally pedantic.


i diagnose that with a heavy case of:

brain rot


First, don’t refer to it as an ‘issue’ as in a ‘problem’. It is not in that context. The point of the discussion is if you are going to ‘setup’ the world (like they try to do in Warcraft) then at least make sense of the geography, the places,…etc - there is no reason that can’t be done. That is what I am referring to. That way you are grounding your world somewhat. Now, Blizzard most likely never thought about any of this stuff before, but now they do.