Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

Hell, they might do that anyway. They’re giving everyone else tats.

It’s really sad that Worgen, Draenei, Blood Elves, and Gnomes don’t have anything fun like that. Instead, they got low-effort palette swaps.

august celestial coloured tattoos for pandaren when

Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, Page 172-173 according to google books

Devil tilted her head, analyzing. “Honestly sir, I cannot think why. He seems completely cowed, and the woman says it is very important. I do not think they are planning to harm you in any way, but I cannot even hazard any other guess. It is puzzling.” A frown marred the beauty of her dark-skinned face. Devi did not like puzzles.

It was 2012 though. Not 2010.


I’ve been roleplaying Blood Elves since they came out. I’ve written a novella about my Belves for nanowrimo, 60,000 words. I could school you in Sin’dorei lore.

Good, tell us with a quote in which part of the lore it’s said that Blood Elves have dark skin tones by nature, and not because some kind of alteration.

There is nothing in lore that explicitly forbids it. Above is a link to a character summary from the novel.

Oh, and Blizzard writes the lore, they put the skins in. That makes it canon.

Do you even roleplay a Sin’dorei on a RP server?


i’ll be honest and no offense to anyone but it feels like if they don’t have a black skin tone to the race they don’t know what to add. The case in point is the orc dreanei and night elves they just get slightly dark or lighter skin tones of what they already have. As opposed to something more unique like for orcs for example could get a red skin tone for Fel orcs or options to make them look like the fel orcs from WoD. Draenei could have gotten Broken features or something similar like red or green skin tones to show the fel. The Night elves oh the night elves They could have gotten more animal features like malfurion has or maybe a small glow coming off their body to show that elunes is in touch with them. But nope just slightly darker or lighter skin tones or maybe a green skin tone to show they are elves of nature or red for druids of the flame.

I wonder how triggered cow man’s “friends” would be if I told him about all the weird but canon/canon adjacent things I play.

And darker skin high elves also already exist in-lore. Whats your point?

If you equate the addition of more varied skin colours in-game to propaganda, that really says more about you than anything else :man_shrugging:


You know I better start seeing some “OMG black skin tone gnome” threads start popping up. Or maybe you’re just racist.


Oh boy.


I think the approach should have been different. The lore could have been respected and Blizzard would have accomplished the result they are after, if they took the time to set it up properly so it would fit within the world. You gotta remember, Warcraft’s ‘setting’ was meant to be when these things (interracial marriages) were not very common (similar to what it used to be back then). It is a fantasy, yes, but it is grounded in some reality of medieval Europe.

Humans having darker skin tones obviously doesn’t need much setup because of what happened in the wars (fighting the orcs, the plague) that made people mix and marry to continue the human race. You can also argue that Stormwind being a harbour attracts people from all different ethnic backgrounds for trade,…etc. That all works…

But many of the other races don’t like to intermix. That’s their flaw and a big weakness as we’ve been told in the lore (which is also why humans are special). Orcs, for example, don’t like it. Rexar and Garona were called half-breeds for not being pure orcs. Alleria Windrunner (an elf) was considered a rebel for marrying Turalyon (a human). Again, this was meant to be a story device to help understand why Elves and orcs thought they were better than everyone else (pure bloodline crap).

So making darker tone humans works lore-wise. The others need a lore explanation and a better setup (world-wise).

But there is a more important question: Is Azeroth (the map as we know it) is the entirety of the world or the ‘northern’ half of it? If it is the entire world then, realistically, you have to populate it properly and consider people from different ethnic backgrounds who would exist (darker skin, for example, coming from Uldum for example for being a hotter climate,…etc). If the map today is only part of the world then I would expect we could go to those places in the expansions to know more about them and their people who look different.

My two gold.

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additional lore would be nice but a whole new allied race slot? No thank you

There is a dark skinned Thalassian elf in a 2010 wow novel. It’s in the lore.


Are you talking about the Stormrage novel? Which character?

Quotes himself again.


An anomaly from an ‘alternate’ universe. That does not count.

Okay boomer.

Blizzard also added the skins and blizzard writes the lore so it’s still canon.


Ahh, yes, when I can’t argue logic and reason resort to insults. Slow mind indeed.