Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

Says something, walks it back immediately and say it’s not a bad thing and saying it’s not your intention to offend.
Now that is lazy.

Show me one post where I said customization was unwelcome and a bad thing in this thread and I’ll pay your sub for the whole year.


Well I’ve been told to go play “final fantasy”

just because i am defending an innocent customization option that a small amount of people want to gatekeep for no reason at all

guess i just have that aura on me


Yes. My grandad made sure to tell me that Moses didn’t look anything like Charleston Heston and that the book was way better than the movie.

I pitch a fit at most Hollywood movies. Irredeemable trash as far as the eye can see.

No, because they’re from Stormwind and a Heart of Darkness reference.

Just so you know, add a ` before and after links to post them easily btw:

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oh okay thank you. Anyways this is what was needed from the start.

For me more options the better. Now that this link is available for people to see they should be more content with the change. Since it’s within the lore. I was unaware of such things so from my point of view at the time I thought all blood elves were pale skinned and I was wrong.


Blood elf skin looks the way it does due to them being diurnal right? That and general affinity for the sun to juxtapose the night elves. This makes them similar to humans who share similar skin tones, if we make the assumption that skin pigment behaves the same in both races and serves the same purpose then you’d expect them to have a similar variation due to convergent evolution. Using this logic it is strange that Blood elves didn’t always have darker skin options.

It was probably something that didn’t occur to the design team way back in the day.

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That’s wonderful; unfortunately not everyone is as open-minded; you yourself have displayed a rather provincial take compared to your own granddad. Wonder why you don’t see the same equivalence here, really.

No, because they’re from Stormwind and a Heart of Darkness reference.

There’s one NPC that has a distinctly Asian name/appearance and I believe she is from SW. But yes, you’re right HoD/Apocalypse Now reference.

Okay now humans there were definitely all races in the game… just they were really lazily done this whole time. If folk got a problem with the Humans being different skin colors I can’t help them. :confused:

While dark-skinned blood elves didn’t bother me perse I could understand since at the time I thought there were no dark skinned blood elves. But there is one.

The opposite is true. Charleston Heston didn’t look like Moses because people from the region Moses was from don’t look like people from the region that Charleston Heston hails from.
Same as the elves of Quel’thalas. They look a certain way, and it is odd when they deviate too far from that look.
Now Blizz can drop, anything to explain that or an example character in another story. But dropping it without explanation has people tilting their heads and saying ‘huh?’.

It’s a fantasy world in which people can have all sorts of skin colours including blue, purple, green. But a dark shade of brown is somehow a point of contention?


Ramses didn’t look like Yul Brynner (a Russian man), Nefertiri didn’t look like Anne Baxter, etc.

Except they don’t? We have word from god - in the form of the character of Devi, written by Golden herself in 2010 - and now the lore team that elves can look this way. So why is this the hill you are choosing to die on?

Are you still mad about the draenei retcon? About Illidan being alive? About Muradin being alive? Because this is way smaller in magnitude.

Now Blizz can drop, anything to explain that or an example character in another story. But dropping it without explanation has people tilting their heads and saying ‘huh?’.

They can and they have - so why is this such a sticking point? Especially when really the 2007 game should have shipped with a wide palette of skin tones?

Why are you so bothered by this and not by the fact that the default look was as it was presented in 2006? That should bother anyone more in this day and age, IMO. That we live in a globalised society, with much of one civilization being built on the backs of another and we are finally at a point to start having conversations about knowing better… but instead of going in that direction, I suppose it’s better to crusade for the status quo that was?


That’s literally all I want, but can’t find and nobody has linked.
I seriously don’t care about anything else in your post except for this.

Nobody linked it? :thinking:


Devi is in Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects


Funny how none of them were replying to me, but who cares. I have a lead.
Time to bust that book out of storage.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


The implementation of this change will be a surprise to be sure, but that won’t last, blood elf complexion is pretty similar to actual humans and I predict that new players (people who haven’t been looking at pale elves for a decade) will not be phased, and maybe even expect this level of skin color variation in a race that -again- is similar in complexion to humans.
I don’t know if there is much more to discuss on this issue, sometimes Blizzard changes their minds on how they want things to look, and it isn’t like this particular change doesn’t make logical sense.

But the point is… do you know about the lore of Blood Elves?

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And you never read the comics, confirmed.