Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

Idk but i have been keeping an eye on this forum for awhile and i have seen that most people that are against the optional tails have something against furies or just don’t want the option as well as some people say it’s against lore. I’m not a furry myself but people will still call you a furry for liking animal races. I don’t see why furies are hated so much not all of them are the same.


Because they dont like LGBT people and want a safe outlet to express it. Dont believe me?
What’s the most common derogatory remark against furrys? Hint: rhymes with burbag

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Much obliged for that tip, that elf was getting annoying. Such a rude one the way he talks I swear. He shall not get in our way of getting our optional tails for our worgen all the same

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That’s just the thing though…furries aren’t bad people, they’re just the media’s favorite thing to trash talk for whatever reason. They’re good people and not everyone who likes animal races is one but…we got all the immature children or clowns coming in here using the term as a slur as if they know what they’re talking of but clearly don’t. Worgen gaining optional tails is neither a furry concept or a lore breaking thing as nowhere in the lore did they say it can’t happen and it’s super easy to give a lore reason for it like a blessing from Goldrinn for example. Anyone that says it’s furry related or lore breaking is a troll and should be ignored. We sadly get a lot of these fools and clowns but the more vicious among them are thankfully not present lately. Nothing to worry too much about, everyone’s entitled to their opinion but some just stink way too badly. We want optional tails as the model seems unbalanced without one, it’s to make our model feel less awkward and maybe cuter. Worgen are oppressed as far as options go…our human form has two pages while we only get maybe six or seven but barely a page, so we’re hoping to see that fixed as it’s not fair only the elves get more things lately or new races coming in that got more options than we do when we’re a core race.


That’s the most hilariously pathetic thing I’ve heard of in a fat minute.
And I’ve been keeping up with Remix changes, so that’s saying something.

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Please let worgen have the option for tails as well as “straight backs” like orcs! More options means more creativity. Creativity is good!


Yeah…I know the word you’re hinting at and… you’re not too far off in that as there are some folk among the furry fandom who fall into LGBT. Nothing wrong with that though, let people love who they wanna love, to show any hatred for that for any reason is lunacy as we’re all given the born right to pursue a happy life and nobody has a right to get in the way of that. I mean I’ve got family who fall into that group and I’ll fight tooth and nail to protect my family members and their right to be happy.

Back on topic though…worgen deserve more cosmetic options like an optional tail. They’re not human any longer they’re a beast race and beast races got at least an option for a tail so it’s their turn.


Sad to say that group exists…I’ve been hit by them too. Good chance they’re full of the bad side to the elf playerbase that gets too in character and thinks they’re entitled to everything. I spoke out against one of these prideful elves while staying in the lines… and I got hit by a three day time out… now I’m if anything glad I know how to get around the hiding profile BS so I can avoid debating with those prideful clowns. As for the remix changes…lot of silly things for sure. I have been able to collect transmog I want though so that’s nice. You can do well playing legit unlike people who exploit stuff lol


Actually the people that exploited hardest were the most rewarded. They got millions of bronze, fully upgraded gear and now reap the benefits of everything implemented thereafter.
But that’s beside the point, which is optional tails.

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I know that the worgen are lacking options i try making mine look different from each other and i have all classes on both the horde and alliance and most of my characters on the alliance side are worgen and i would use a tail option on all of my worgen characters because i think it would make my worgen look cooler. My horde characters are mainly vulpera because i love animal based races and animals in general. My main side is alliance

The furry community is for people to share their interest in anamorphic animal characters and connect with people who share the same interest as well from my understanding but i see people hating on them too much because of one side of the community and i herd that side is just a small part of the community. Idk if i could say it here without getting permanently banned.

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I probably won’t use a tail, but want the option for those that will.

And as for the ‘furry’ thing, I’m confused why it’s OK to lust after the ‘goat’ people, who not only have tails, but options for jeweled tails…and nobody seems to care. So why pick on Worgen wanting tails??


It is because most people think that if it doesn’t have fur or paws then it isn’t a furry for some reason.


Lore breaking? It just isn’t in the lore. That’s why Worgen don’t have tails.

It is not in the Lore- that is why you are suggesting changing the Lore by adding some new blessing or something.

If you want to change the lore to justify tails, you don’t have to hurl insults when people correctly point out it would be contrary to current lore.

You can ignore who ever you want. Pointing out the lore doesn’t make me a Troll. It just is the state of the current lore, and tails would fly against it, unless the lore changes.

Oh boy….

How about an option where Worgen can see their own imaginary tail if they eat a certain mushroom. Then other people won’t have to see those tails that go against the current lore.

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Just give Worgen tails. Say it’s a blessing of Goldrinn or something. Done.


Worgen should not get tails because otherwise the Dracthyr /silly won’t be funny anymore

“I was showing one of those Worgen my tail the other day and they just got sad. What’s up with that?”


Let me preface a serious opinion even though I just posted a joke one.

Do I think furries are weird? Yeah. But if they’re not hurting anybody I don’t care what they do. Am I going to pretend that the furry fanbase isn’t a huge part of the wow community? No. Worgen/Vulpera have huge numbers because of the furry community.

I mean, if a plane that was filled with furries crashed, we’d cripple the entire American IT industry overnight.

That said, Werewolves having tails isn’t a common thing. Werewolves and Furry Wolves are not the same animal. Furry Wolves have tails, Werewolves typically do not in folklore/fiction. But honestly, I don’t really care if they add it or not. It doesn’t hurt me any to see a Worgen walking around with a tail.

TLDR: I think it’s weird, but if it doesn’t hurt anybody then let them be.

And nothing in the lore states that they are incapable of having tails. No lore changes if Worgen get tails as an option that perfectly fits the theme of the race.

They can just remove it like they did with the myriad of other /silly jokes.


How does it fly against it?

Would worgen change if some of them had tails? Would anything a worgen has done be impossible?

I get it would at the very least be a “retcon” but I don’t really see how it would effect the lore at all to be considered “flying” against it.

And Tauren and Pandaren and Draenei… You’re all so limited in your furry understandings.

Even in the oldest folklore about werewolves it was kinda more 50/50.

If you read further than Wikipedia about the subject you’ll find that even where werewolves originate it was widely different town to town if they had or did not have tails.

And media has rarely been accurate for much of anything… Hell some werewolf movies literally didn’t include a tail because making it look good cost too much. Lol


If you think Draenei are furry you’re definitely stretching there. Tauren and Paladin sure.

PS: It’s possible to enjoy anthropomorphic animals without being a furry.