Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

Still waiting for Worgen to have tails.


A furry race is any anthropomorphic animal. Doesn’t make you a furry, but it is still a furry race.


Draenei count with no stretch needed. They’re goats.

Paladins are a class though not sure those count. lol


Should a Worgen’s tail have color variants from its body?

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I would think it would keep with the general coloration… unless Blizzard separates the “hair color” from the body?

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That’s not fair. What if I want a pink tail to go with my fabulous outfit?

Time for a quest chain with Goldrinn to grant optional tails for Worgen!


There is 0 lore about tails what so ever my friend. I challenge you to show in lore where they say either one way or the other where Worgen can or can’t have tails. I’ll wait.


With everything built up over the years checks some math and move the decimal here; we’re owed an entire expansion dedicated exclusively to Worgen


Draenei count as furry as they’re goats…they got hooves. Tauren for sure count and I think you meant to say Pandaren…who yes they count but all things considered you can like the race and play the race without being part of the furry fandom. There’s zero reason a beast race like worgen shouldn’t get at least the option for a tail, lore can be added for it too like a blessing from Goldrinn like how Highmountain tauren got Cenarius’s blessing and got antlers. Not all werewolves had tails but there is no concrete yes or no on that topic as in some tales they did and others they don’t… which could mean a good reason for worgen to get tails as an optional thing.


Here to support optional tails again.


Personally I would not call a draenei a furry they remind me more of a satyr well a space satyr, unless you want to say satyr are furies. I don’t think draenei have fur. Now if draenei hade a goats head and had fur then i would say they are 100% a anamorphic race

All of those things you just described fall into furry categories.

They’re a varied bunch.

Like someone else pointed out though, just using any of those characters doesn’t mean the player is a furry.


I know that not everyone that plays a anamorphic race are furies but i still don’t think satyrs are considered furies They are sill half human and are a fantasy creatures.

Give Worgen the bob-pug tails :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
… Like the Pandaren have. :joy:

Jokes aside, for the Worgen in the Warcraft universe – Given their form was partially resulted from the wolf god Goldrinn, I’d argue it’s fair for them to have a tail - But obviously make such optional … However I’m not really all too bothered about it, personally :person_shrugging:

I am pretty sure that they are called space goats by a quite a few people. So I would classify them as a furry race.

They still look more like satyr then furies ether way unless you think satyr, minotaur, mermaids, Lamias, Centaurs , harpies and Arachne are furies because all of them are basically half human half animal. There are probably more half human half animals in mythology and fantasy but those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head.

The minotaur might be an iffy because i see a lot of minotaur art that looks more like a anamorphic animal then the original half man half bull or was it a man with a bulls head? I can’t seem to remember which one it was i blame that on the newer art work i have seen of them.

I honestly don’t care if draenei is a furry race or not i was just saying what they look like to me if they had a goats head then they would definitely fit into the anamorphic animal race category but they don’t they look like space satyr to me. Idk why some of you are trying to prove me wrong.

The dracthyr are definitely a anamorphic animal so that’s another race that fits into that category. It won’t hurt to agree with me that the draenei are not an anamorphic race there are still a lot of anamorphic animals races in the game.

There’s also things like Harpies and Sphinx but we’ve never seen a sphinx in WoW and the harpies are all blood thirsty simple minded creatures I doubt we’ll seem them playable. There’s also something I think called nekogami that are like cat people but I may be spelling their term wrong.

Either way…back on topic, here’s to hoping worgen get optional tails in the near future. I did find that male worgen got an odd casting animation…like they’re trying to imitate Dragon ball with how they throw both hands out to cast or channel. Wonder if straight backs would change that…

It would be nice if they fix the worgen animations a bit both male and female.