Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

I have been checking this forum for awhile now but i was too lazy to join but now i wanted too. I support worgen tail option. I’m ok with the 8 foot height as long as it’s optional as well, I prefer the height they are now i just wish blizzard would fix the shoulder armor and maybe the missing toe and finger. The females neck and running wild animation could use a bit of work. Idk if the males neck needs work or not but they could use a straight back option.


I am once again here to show support for Worgen getting customisable tails as an option.


Give worgen optional tails!


Good morning!! <3 #giveworgentails


Worgen do not have tails, and it would be an eye sore to the greater society. However, maybe there can be compromise.

If Worgen get tails, they have to be removable tails, like Eeyore. And people can remove the tails and run around with them.

Worgen do not have tails currently, just like blood elves didn’t have yellow eyes a little while ago?


h ttps://

Just like you have an option of more than just green eyes Worgen would like an option of more than just a monkey butt.


Sure, bub…why not? As long as they give us a mechanic in game to do what I already role-play:

Collecting Sin’dorei ears.


Here to support optional tails for worgen again


Better idea…make the tail optional so those who don’t want to use it don’t have to. Also you don’t speak for the entirety of society with that eye sore comment as I’d think they’d look a bit more like a completed model with a tail rather than how unbalanced they seem currently. #GiveWorgenOptionalTails


Or like Eeyore tails. Something that can fall off, be taken off or lost. :wink:

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It makes more sense for the worgen to have a tail option instead of a tail item. If it was attach to an item it would most likely be the belt and i like wearing belts. I don’t want to know why you put that emoji at the end of you comment it looks suspicious


New rp idea unlocked - my Worgen marine OC despises undead with a passion, so now i’ll be collecting Forsaken fingers as custom items lol

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worse he’s one of those trolls who hides their profile so you can’t add them to the ignore list…


I’m new to the forums so i did not know they could do that. Thanks for letting me know.

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I fully support this.

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no clue how they turn that off personally but doing so seems to motivate them to be as annoying as they can. I just wish they’d use that supposed power they feel to help spread the idea that worgen need optional tails as they do and people who can’t be ignored would help us spread the idea…maybe…or drive people crazy… idk. Always seem to be elves doing it too… are the elves devolving into being trolls or something?

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So found this little gem out the other day when the mass report discord was in full swing reporting 14 of my post in a thread. (As you can see it did them alot of good) Heck they even reported me linking my twitch channel at someone’s request as spam the sad little group. But anyway you can ignore a hidden profile all you have to do is go to your own profile and add their name to the list of ignore. Even if you don’t know what server they are from just entering the name will give a list of anyone by the name for you to choose to block. Oh and in before they come here and try to block this one too.


Learn to read, woman.

I never said the “entirety of society” like you felt the need to attribute incorrectly.

I said :

“the greater society”

I tried to compromise, even.

The compromise is that they are optional; literally the request.