You used to be able to but to keep a semi game breaking bug from happening where Worgen couldn’t rez they made it so your forced to become a Worgen the moment you leave Gilneas.
Also don’t forget Blizzard has done both versions of a werewolf in the past in Diablo games. D2 had a tailed werewolf and D4 has a non tailed version. It’s hard to tell which is more popular as alot of people tend to avoid the fat human choice your forced into playing to be a druid in D4 as in such a grim bleak setting having enough food to be that large just don’t fit in the Diablo universe, and before someone jumps to conclusions I’m not fat shaming I’m simply saying the main reasons you don’t see characters in Diablo being well feed is the world is a bleak dark hellscape with little hope or comforts that would let people thrive enough to reach that size.
But back to Worgen yes we want more customization options as we are lacking so much in the form our race is forced to play. Yes the human choices are nice but it’s not a Visage form we don’t get to choose that for combat. And to be quite frank this isn’t World of Peacebloom we are playing we are always fighting something.
So bring on the options! Give us an optional tail so no one is forced into it. Give us a lore correct size. 6’11" is not correct according to Blizzard devs 8 feet is. Give us the option to have upright posture for Worgen males. Give us the Waltz dance that humans can use so we don’t have 3 races using the same boring human female dance. Give us more fur color options and stop limiting certain faces to certain colors. Give us our long awaited racial revamp like every other core race got and last but not least give us a voice option. Call it lazy on Blizzard’s part or whatever but so many Worgen NPCs now use the normal British sounding voice in Worgen form it not a bad thing. Make it optional so a more gruff character could have the 1000 year smoker voice and the others could retain the normal sounds. Also give us a real howl instead of what we currently have. Just equip a Moonmoon pet on a Worgen character and watch how well it looks when they emote and the cry heard is a real howl.
TL : DR. Just read it it’s not that long.
Every Worgen model in the game…not a single one has a tail. The only depiction of tails are from mistakes artists have made in the past and have since been corrected.
Log into the game and create a new Worgen character, spin the model around so it’s facing away from you. Do you see a tail? No? There you go.
An official blue post from Blizzard:
“The worgen player characters were very specifically discussed, designed, and created in all aspects. We don’t have an intent or plans to change the worgen player character model or add additional features/options at this time.”
Neat thing about this is that it doesn’t say anything at all.
It’s pure show, so merely your interpretation in an eminently mutable setting and immaterial in a feature request.
Immaterial because you’re basically saying, “Well this thing you’re asking for isn’t already a thing, so there”.
Also from blizzard:
Glowing eyes, Calm the Wolf racial, Darkflight now stacks with other movement speed increasing effects.
None of this is lore.
Also one instance of a tailed worgen has been changed. One.
Countless others remain to this day just as they were first printed.
Also this isn’t lore either.
This just says they don’t intend to change anything at present, as of its writing. So we continue to request the optional tails along with several other customization options.
Worgen need tails.
This dude think he blizzard, lmao.
Give male Pandaren tails instead
Wrong only 1 tail has ever been noticeably removed and once again that is from a picture of Genn Greymane for the cover of the Smallworld World of Warcraft board game. Every bit of Hearthstone art that gives Worgen tails has never been changed. And that is not a written lore like I asked you to prove so its still on you to prove in written lore where it says we can not have a tail.
Well Im waiting!
Imagine coming to a thread that is full of people asking for a cosmetic feature for a race they all play and probably main, and advocating that they shouldn’t get it because you said so. Like you don’t even play worgen, get out.
I’m really glad if my Worgen characters have tails (for options, in case someone doesn’t need it). Also if Pack Form would be implemented for Worgen druids, that would be really nice too. (Just adding some variant wolfish skins for Cat Form is enough I guess.)
I think it’s a bit too late but we got access to the Emerald Dream last year, and Goldrinn was there. Also Balance druids got Scyth of Elune in Ver.7 Legion. Guess we got a better chance to rethink Malfurion’s edict of banning Pack Form now? (I’m sorry if it’s off-topic for this thread)
Serious talk, I really don’t know other MMO titles that have decent wolfish playable characters except WoW. (Mobile games are out of my consideration due to my preference for devices and play styles.) It is the biggest reason why I’m playing WoW despite my language barrier.
This is just my personal preference but the tail is a really important body part for wolves. I know Gilneans were NOT willing to become Worgens, but I personally CHOSE to play WoW because Worgens are available for playable race.
To be honest, originally I was not a WoW native. I came from Hearthstone when the Witchwood expansion was released, and I came to want to experience what is behind those respective cards.
Now I’m spending much much more time on WoW rather than on Hearthstone. Because simply WoW is fun of course but also I can feel more ‘me’ when I’m playing WoW. That sensation won’t be satisfied in card game matches.
If Blizzard implements a brand new wolfish playable (allied) race and if it’s more favorable for me, I guess I’ll convert all of my main Worgen characters into that new race despite the cost, or at least remake many characters as that race.
I know WoW is just a game but also Azeroth is one of the really important whereabouts for me. So I got really excited Blizzard announced we’ll have our personal home on the next expansion.
I’d be really glad if I could be more ‘me-ish’ in one of the pretty important places for me. I truly appreciate if the dev team took our wishes seriously.
Some playable races already have tails like Taurens, Vulperas, Pandarens, and Dracthyrs. Prepare the 3D model, put the fur texture, bump map, and specular map on it, apply the weight painting, rig the tail model, and implement the 3D animation on the tail rig. I know it’s pretty bothersome but guess it’s not THAT technically difficult because the technology itself already exists? It takes time and effort but I TRULY appreciate if they prepare (optional) tails for us all. At least for me, it is REALLY worth the time and effort spent. I think many other Worgen players here think the same way.
Sorry if my English is weird due to my language barrier.
By the same argument, nowhere in Warcraft lore does it say gnomes DONT have horns so by your same logic gnomes should have optional horns.
I’ve made some salient points, you just don’t like my point of view. Dismissing others because you don’t like what they have to say is very closed minded.
Your points are non senical.
By the same argument, nowhere in Warcraft lore does it say gnomes DONT have horns so by your same logic gnomes should have optional horns.
Wolves can have a tail. Thats just natural for an animal… So you throw in some sort of gnomes should have horns as a weak counter arguement… Is that the best you got?
Go make a thread asking for Gnomes to get horns and youll get laughed off the forums.
Still waiting for your proof BTW. Written proof.
By the same argument, nowhere in Warcraft lore does it say gnomes DONT have horns so by your same logic gnomes should have optional horns.
Actually it just means they’re welcome to ask for it.
Also you have to actively ignore the instances in official art where Worgen are depicted as having a tail to assert your position, which at that point is just dismissing evidence because of a clear personal bias.
Also you have to actively ignore the instances in official art where Worgen are depicted as having a tail to assert your position, which at that point is just dismissing evidence because of a clear personal bias.
Using concept art that by definition is not official to claim an appendage exists when in game it’s very clearly absent is inane.
By all means, continue to ask for tails. I’m just saying it makes little sense and will never happen as Blizzard has already decided what worgens look like. To be so adamant that they have tails when they clearly never have is just weird to me.
Not as inane as dismissing it all as concept art when it’s not all concept art.
But I get it, you’re eager to dismiss everything that runs counter to your agenda, it’s a song and dance all too familiar to this very thread.
From my experience, if they’re using a classic toon to say something intrinsically antagonistic to the direct objective of the thread, then they’re really not worth interacting with. Don’t discourse with trolls; you’re just lowering yourself to their level, and their level is stuck in Outland.
It’s the same kind of people that got angry for Draenei asking for longer tails, or Void Elves asking for non-blue skin colors. They got their longer tails, their proper high elf skin color, and those people that said ‘it’ll never happen’ sank into obscurity. Probably also the same people that claimed ‘humans can’t be half-elves’.