Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

I mean it still says ruins of Gilneas when you do the quest chain that’s how lazy Blizzard was about it. I mean we get it Blizzard don’t like Worgen as they had such a bad model in the past hardly anyone was playing them. But that’s not the Worgen players fault. Simple things like every year we have the bronze dragonflight event Worgen are the only race in the game with the wrong banner. Worgen are still the only race in the game who never got a racial revamp. I will say it was nice to see darkflight gets one love but at the same time the love was just reverting a nerf from Cataclysm.


maybe one day Ion will retire and the new lead dev will grant tails.

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You forgot the part where they used said chemical weapons during the reclamation of Gilneas but i guess that’s fine this time as it’s against the Scarlet crusade.
Oh wait, wouldn’t there be any side effect like let’s say… poisoning the city…again?

Sorry to make you all recall this trash quest chain, i just can’t forget nor forgive this insult.
They put woke content in Dragonflight to show how inclusive they are but somehow, it’s ok to give the middle finger to the worgen community, since the beginning with the dracthyr joke to the end.

Let’s be honest: We will never get any worgen content in the form of TRUE gilnean mounts, gilnean weapons and gilnean armors, now that Gilneas was taken back.

As for character customizations, they are not even capable to give us a pure black fur so a tail…


It’s ok though we aren’t going away.

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Yup. My vote goes for turning Darkflight into a Warrior Charge with a super long range. A bit like The Hunt for Demon Hunters, but even higher range, in PvE at least.

Darkflight should be a passive bonus to Worgen movement speed, and the current sprint it is. A pounce like your taking about should be it’s own thing.


Worgen still need tails. Optional ones of course.



Some puppers don’t show their tails! That’s all :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Some do.

Making worgen require tails doesn’t seem like a good idea, does it?


shortest I give you is a little nub like pandas have

Yes, give us tails, dang it.


Awakening from the dead to once again ask for optional tails. Gimme. Gimme gimme.


Back to say, no please to Worgen tails. They never had em so why add em?

Historically most accounts of werewolves were witches or sorcerers that would fully transform into a wolf, similar to what shamans can do.

In more recent times werewolf descriptions varied from one culture to another but a lack of a tail was a common theme.

“The appearance of a werewolf in its animal form varies from culture to culture. It is most commonly portrayed as being indistinguishable from ordinary wolves, except for the fact that it has no tail (a trait thought characteristic of witches in animal form), is often larger, and retains human eyes and a voice.”

In short, Shamans are more akin to a werewolf than Worgen. Worgen are created by a curse and do not transform into a wolf so it makes sense that they don’t have tails.

And finally! Some good news. I found a blue post jokingly stating that Worgen can have tails:

"Yes actually Worgens will be able to choose from quite a range of different tails: Long Soft Tails, Mangled Tails, Thick Scaly Tails, Massive Scaly Tails, Coarse Bear Tails, Timber Worg Tails, Large Basilisk Tails, Thunderlord Dire Wolf Tails, Blood Soaked Tails and Crispy Lizard Tails – to name but a few.

They’ll need to loot these tails from the correct mobs, but yes, a vast selection of tails are available for Worgen who want them."



Guess the word optional flys right on over your head. Oh no they never had something before we could never add something that didnt exist in the game in its history… Oh wait half elf pointy ears… purple eyes for Blood Elfs… I mean come on let stuff be added that people can choose to have an enjoy. Telling people no is just acting like a self child who cant have there way so they are going to make sure no one else gets something either. Give me a break.


Y’all want “lore correct sizes” but god forbid “lore correct model” with no tail. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Point to the lore about them explicitly not having a tail.


my worgen doesnt want a tail but i have nothing against worgens who want tails getting tails.


Earliest forms of the werewolf myth included half men half wolves with and without tails as well as people becoming straight up wolves, depending on location.

They evolved alongside the “witch hunt” legends and myths and often worked in tandem with them.

Worgen are based on a more modern Hollywood version of the concept which regularly includes and does not include tails.

Additionally, Worgen are, in blizzards typical fashion, slightly different from straight up werewolves in that without control they are always worgen and with control they are always worgen who can appear human.

The addition of an optional tail needs have nothing to do with any existent myths or media and in fact, thanks to Hearthstone and Cata concept art, is a possibility in Blizzards own IP.


Show me the lore that says “Worgen can not have a tail” I can show you the lore that says Female Worgen should be 8’ tall. Don’t worry I can wait youll be here a while. Oh and before you try to bring up the non lore fact that a story writer said Genn Greymane don’t have a tail… That is just one Worgen who would not have a tail not the entire race so now the challenge is on to you to prove your case.


I made a Worgen Druid earlier to see if I could use the Dragon Scale to escape the starting zone before becoming a worgen.

Although I was successful in escaping the starting zone early, my human got worgen’d anyway.

I was running around and was like “Damn, Worgen look so awkward without tails.”