Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

Probably because worgen is a druidic form, or at least sourced from one.


Because the Worgen curse is based on the Pack Form in druidism where Druids attempted to use the ferocity of Goldrinn to take on the form.

Its the origin of the curse, so Pack Form, especially since it had a tail, is very relevant.


But is it relevant if it didn’t reach the conclusion you are wanting it to?

End of the day it boils down to this. We who play Worgen would like an optional tail. Yes there are those who wouldn’t use it but that’s why we are asking for it to be optional. There is no lore for or against it. Let both sides be happy let Worgen have more options. If you are against a race getting an optional thing that has no baring on your game play then honestly we got nothing more to talk about as more customization never hurts anyone.


Trolling used to be a genuine art form; now it’s just people going “yeah but” then acting like they’re a genius

Tails for Worgen please


The current arguement on lore is invalid. Nobody bother’s linking documents proving Worgen’s are padlocked.

Where does it say Worgens cant have a tail?

To be honest Worgens deserve a extra tail for pain and suffering compensation.



People do tend to get hung up on the things that interest them…especially when their goal begins to face baffling opposition, despite how harmless it might be. Then it becomes a matter of principle to defend their ideas from unreasonable grumps repeating stale and nonsensical talking points.

That’s the thing, it doesn’t say it anywhere.
Because there’s nothing that states it cannot be, and because there’s no lore centering around or concerning their lack of a tail to begin with, allowing it affects and changes absolutely nothing.


Its not my fault you can’t see the relevance. Nor is it my fault you think there is somehow a lore block to Worgen getting optional tails.

But if you can’t be part of the conversation on the same level as everyone else then you’re just not seriously here.


If you’re going to pound on lore, doing it from a troll monk is hypocritical. Troll monks break the lore of monk “inner peace.” Your racial is literally “berserking” for crying out loud. Blizzard handed the class to every race but worgen and goblin with zero explanation. It was just Oprah saying “You get a monk. And you get a monk. Everyone (but the races with a time locked start zone) gets monks!”

This should the end of any discussion on the topic right here, but people like yourself and that clown warlock keep making exceptions that violate your own standards.

Not to mention this is just false. Check out pre wow tauren models and art, then count their fingers. Somewhere between WC3 release and WoW release, someone made the decision tauren should have 3 fingers not 4.

Read better? :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug:

If you didn’t know this, are you really knowledgeable enough of lore to offer an informed opinion? This is not some deep lore one would have to read all the books for either. It is literally just paying attention to the quest text for the worgen starting experience. This is why it was the Night Elves that were interested in what was going on in Gil’neas.

Eh? I’m not sure where you got that from. In lore the difference between warlock and demon hunter isn’t as clean of a line as it is for WoW classes, but being a warlock doesn’t necessitate horns anymore than it does even for demon hunters. Illidan’s form came from the skull of Gul’dan. There is a bit of retconning here as to just what demons, and thereby demon hunters, are exactly when it comes to magic users, so don’t dig to deep on it if you expect consistency.


She wasn’t bad looking, but needed a unique model to be a badass worgen.
Then we have the problem that the developers at Blizzard don’t like the worgen and want to take everything away from them. No story for the Worgen, they are stripped of their leaders and the race you chose is portrayed as the worst.

Being a worgen is not a bad thing and one should be a part of Gilneas and be proud of it. Tess is supposed to embody it and be the opposite of her father, who rarely shows himself as a worgen. Tess should often use the worgen form.
I can only hope that the next expansion: Midnight changes that.

They should make non-human races more interesting instead of just focusing on humans. It doesn’t surprise me that the Alliance is losing players while Blizzard only wants HUMANS…


I agree.

worgens need tails.

but also… tauren need necks!

I want to play an upright Minotaur looking druid so bad.

Even if they got to shrink us a little bit so we’re not so freaking huge.


Oak you do know Tauren are already smaller than they are in lore by 2 feet right? Tauren are 10 feet tall in lore. But then again Worgen are smaller than lore size at 6’ 11" in game and 8 feet in lore for the females.


lol true

But counterpoint: I really wanna wear a hat!

I do find crowns work well with Worgen/Tauren or like I have a little rose in my hair.

I have seen rumors that Gilneas will be worked on or expanded upon in Midnight so it could be a good chance for that yeah. I’m sure if Tess changed her mind and wants to be a worgen she could get a nibble from a loyal follower/helper. It really is sad though how Blizz does seem to thrown most the new stuff at certain races of elves, at humans, and maybe Orcs but they’re literally starving countless races worgen more so than some. The worgen player base asks for something as minor as an optional tail and how does Blizz respond… the cold shoulder if not making the dragon girls crack a joke about it. Is it wrong to think some of the dev team are possibly shameless or hate worgen, maybe biased towards elves and humans as well?


Tails, Upright posture, Alpha hairstyles, and more…

Would be really nice to have, so please; Blizzard?


Dear developers,

Please kindly implement the following appearance options for Worgen.

  1. Various tail choices (optional).
  2. Adjustable height (to please the ‘accurate lore height’ folks). This would be a good addition for ALL races, too.
  3. Scars, piercings and tattoos…and make these separate options from fur color.
  4. True black fur color.

Thanks in advance for doing yourself the big favor of making some of your player-base happier.


Haven’t said it in a while + bumping the thread to say…

Give Worgen (optional!) tails~ :dracthyr_heart:

And an upright option for Worgen men–Straighten those backs out!

Also… a true black fur color would be nice, not just that blue tinted one. The tricolor fur’s black shade would be perfect!

Please and thank you, Blizz. :dracthyr_love_animated: