Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

(this is Cursewords btw)

Why do people try to extrapolate some sort of hateful motives. I have no animosity for Vulpera.

Current lore is what it is. I didn’t write it.

If Blizzard deigns to change that lore to placate their subscribers- splendid.

Until then - Worgen with Tails are as canon as Humans with Vulpera heads for feet, or Mechagnomes with Draenei legs for horns.

You admit it yourself: Lore is constantly evolving / changing so when people are using this argument, this is irrelevant in the end.
The devs can change it whenever they want - and how they want even if it’s absurd.

Yes currently the worgens don’t have a tail in the lore but it can change with few quests in the futur.

Let’s say that you had some people using the same arguments were hateful in their comments.
I guess that you were mixed in this bag.


Sure thing. The question being;

The answer is…yes. Just as you Trolls picked up the monk class and Zandalari druids, which likewise required a change in established lore. As have too, the myriad of cosmetic and class additions to all the other races.

In terms of being a “change to lore”, Worgen getting tails is a nothing-burger. It is utterly inconsequential to the the history of the Azeroth universe. Nothing of even slight importance about the past (or future) would be impacted by the optional appearance of a floofy appendage, so it’s altogether laughable that anyone would seriously use it as an argument against the option. And therein lies your judgement.


Show us where in lore it’s written Worgen can’t have a tail. I’ll wait.


Its not there, Its also not in lore that they have one.

Lore is added for classes all the time but no so much of long time established races.

Worgan have been in wow for a long time and they never had tails and I personally think they are scarier that way.

I think its the first time in wow history ppl are clamoring to add an extra body part on a race.

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Just need more claw and fang options for Worgens.


It’s a magical curse it can be altered at any time. Also we are asking for it to be optional you want the monkey butt keep it there is nothing saying you have to take a tail for your own character. After all its not like Blizzard would ever add looks to races that never existed at the start am I right Eredar, fallen night elf/blood elf, other colored eyes for Blood and Void elves, upright orcs. You know they only ever keep to the looks from the get go right?


They never added an extra body part.

idky its hilarious that we’ve been beggin for yrs and for so long
that the system is like “yeah we’ll keep it going” wtf lol…should need to keep going tbh

like pls? how hard is it to add a tail blizz?


Well, have you tried growing a tail?

It’s magic it can be altered any way. I mean Worgen aren’t even the lore correct size so ya Blizzard isn’t known for sticking to Lore anyway.


Yeah they did. Pandaren tails were added to all skin tones as an option rather than just one for the women anyways.

They also added a tail to the Vulpera… earlier versions didn’t have them and even that one boss to my knowledge still doesn’t.

Optional tails will still not change the worgen in any meaningful way. It doesn’t mean anything they’ve done previously doesn’t work, nor does anything about them previous to now suggest they couldn’t have them.

Its just an additional cosmetic and if optional doesn’t affect anyone who doesn’t choose to use it.


You are assuming it can be altered, its a curse with no cure but you want to modify it so your asses will go through a metamorphosis?

They addes a preexisting tail to more skin colors, and Eudora was made before vulpera were finalized.

They added a tail to both…

But more important is the entire rest of what I said. :smiley:


I hear ya bro.

But worgan curse dont give tails…

Are you going to go to the Emerald dream to have Goldrine sniff your butt and bless it or something?

If you want a lore reason sure. Then you can’t say anything if its lore now can you?

Well thats how it works.

No one has ever asked for their butt to be enchanted before.

Ppl gonna think you folks are weird.

Gonna join the cult of the tail or something?

We will see. After all if they listen and make it optional everyone will be happy. You want the monkey butt you can keep it. You want an optional tail you can get that too. More optional things for your characters look will always be better.


I find it curious that people call the current model without a tail a monkey butt, but generally speaking, monkeys have tails. Apes don’t.

The real monkey butt would be if they had tails.