Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

I’m not a furry by most definitions that I’ve found and I care about the topic. I think the Worgen should get an optional Tail customization.

I’m glad you feel that way.

I feel like the option should be there for those who do not feel that way.

Plus its just fun. Its a wolf for Old Gods sake. Just let em have a tail. lol

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Yeah…I don’t think worgen are getting tails. Dracthyr /silly: “I showed my tail to one of those wolf people, but they just looked sad and walked away. I wonder why…”

We did ask an Evoker to tank for us but they just looked sad and glided away… I wonder why?

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The /Silly command is not canon, nor does it stand up over time. lol

I believe blood elf females still have a /silly talking about how they’re just stuck with that hairstyle?

Imagine claiming a /silly means we’d never have the barber.

True, but that means Blizzard is very much aware of the worgen tails thing and decided to poke fun at it.

Come on Blizz, you’re already adept at making games, just give us Pin the Tail on the Worgen already!!!

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Blizzard pokes fun at a lot of things. Doesn’t mean they’re saying no through some passive aggressive joke.

This assumption that Blizzard means jack all when they poke fun at something is ridiculous.

Not a furry, and I support any new customization options for Worgen.

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It does mean they’ve seen our requests but they’ve done this kinda thing before with I think his name is Umbric making a remark about why would a void elf want to look like a high elf and sometime after Blizz gave BE and VE high elf skins. They’re probably just waiting till Gilneas gets worked on further to implement a questline involving Goldrinn that’ll give us our option of a tail for our worgen. Goldrinn being a key figure in the worgen’s curse and lore given the scythe of Elune I think was made with a fang of Goldrinn if I recall right. We might very well be getting the tail option when they expand on Gilneas a bit more in I think I heard Midnight


That’s why it’s being asked to be an option, some may not desire the tail and that’s fine they won’t be forced to use it but for those who want one there should be an option. For an example of what I mean look at the pandaren women, if you don’t want the tail you toggle it off and you get no tail but if you want the tail no matter the fur color you can get one. We want that kinda thing for worgen


I’m not a furry, it’s just that i’d like to play a worgen more…ferral and in this regards, i wish to see an optionnal tails for the worgens.

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Nah, man. Everyone wanted bearded women instead.


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Hi. I just like werewolves and no tail looks awkward.


Hey Blizzard give us optional tails and we will forgive this little Character List boss. :wink:

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Who’s Cursewords again?!?

Some elf that keeps coming to the Worgen post asking for an optional tail and he tells us no we cant ask for anything and hates on Worgen. Its kind of sad but hey its an Elf what else do you expect out of someone playing that race.

OH he got his hate post removed again… LOL I was wondering. Ya he probally got another temp ban for it too.



Never seen anyone here try to make worgen into some other creature…

Odd statement.

Anyways, I support optional tails for Worgen along with several other additional customization updates and additions.


Oh hey I know him. He’s from the Lore Forums. Sorry it’s been a long time since I haven’t used the forums since playing wow alot the actual game.

Surely you must have evidence of this, a single post saying they don’t want to play Worgen, that they want Worgen to not be Worgen, that they don’t consider Worgen with tails to even be Worgen.
Surely you’re not just being lead by the nose by the rationalization hamster in your brain to that end by comments asking Worgen to have optional tails, believing they’re asking for Worgen to stop being Worgen.
Surely you’re not behaving that foolishly.


He still keeps claiming there is lore saying we cant have tails. Im still waiting for him to prove it.