Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

It’s just I’m probably going to lose my 14 year old dog she’s not doing too good.

They will not stop they are … Legion

Oh no, that is super sad to hear. I am so sorry.

I have 2 old dogs, I’m dreading losing them, so I understand.

14 years though, that’s something, long life for a dog.

Hang in there, try and be strong and keep yourself busy.



Thanks for that. My dog will most likely be put down soon if she keeps ignoring food

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Give Worgen optional tails please!


What do we want? Tails!
When do we want 'em? As soon as virtually possible!

C’mon Blizz… you catered to the elves eye colors;
Now you should add Worgen tail options-- :dracthyr_heart:

And spec-based DK eye colors! :dracthyr_tea:

AND hair shown with hats!!
not a problem the furred races have, but-- :dracthyr_hehe:


Just make sure to show them all the love you can, so if the worst comes to it they at least know they were loved. I had a dog last about 14 years myself, loved the silly pooch but he got up there in age and dislocated a disk in his spine and loss the ability to walk. He was terrified and freaking out and the doctors refused to help us so…we had zero choice…had to say good bye and yeah that was rough. Still hurts even three years later, got myself a new dog who’s a little crazy but it’s never easy.

Back on topic, Blizz come on give worgen optional tails. There is zero reason worgen should be ignored like they are and cracking jokes about them asking for options is just cruel


Dear Blizzard,

You appear to have forgotten to give Worgen optional tails in TWW. Feel free to fix this little oversite any time.

-Signed Worgen.


Yes please.


It seems that the only answer we get is this one:

Frankly, even if it’s funny, i’m tired that they keep using the “dog joke” for the worgens.

Sadly I’m not surprised…although Genn with a Cell is amusing, wonder if Xal’atath would be quite cross if her messages get left on read with no reply XD

Seriously though they need to stop making jokes at the worgen’s expense and give our worgen optional tails and more stuff for their worgen form so we can stand out more. My worgen for sure would bite off anyone’s hand if told to fetch a stick like some common dog, although they do love making jokes about Darnassus and trees even after BFA.


Ironically my warrior was I got the axe after 13 kills. And she taunted the fact I used wave 682 times. I just wave before I kill someone. :slight_smile: But ya regardless we need an optional tail.

I have ZERO problem with furries, but
i am just curious are there any NON furries who care about this topic?

Not a furry and I’ve posted bunches in this thread.


not an attack, just curiosity - I love Worgens / Vulperas - just curious that’s all

Oh you’re for sure fishing for some reaction. :grinning:

Nothing new around here though.

I’d normally post a tail pic for you, to sway your opinion, but I’ve just come back and I no longer have the trust level.

Travesty I know, but feel free to scroll through the archives or what not.


I am NOT fishing for reaction. i’d like to know why tails are important, I think the models look fine without them

Well this thread will help you with that.

Some players, including myself, feel a Werewolf type character would look even better with a tail.

Some feel otherwise, as some Werewolf types do not have tails, and so the back and forth continues.

Oh look its Cursewords again… Did you not get enough last time. I mean if you can prove in lore where we cant have tails Ill not post again. Go ahead Ill wait… and laugh.


It would be great aesthetically.