Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

Optional means you can choose if you want it for your character or not but seeing as your a Troll Hunter you can go ahead and stop posting we dont want to hear from you.


Worgen will only get tails once the Horde has access to them. They will probably also receive more customization options in general at that point. For obvious reasons. :dracthyr_shrug:

So in case the mass report discord get me sent on a vacation for mentioning I’d prefer Saberon instead of Hozen in a thread… give worgen tails already Blizz, also fix your dang report system as I’m sick of having my posts yanked by someone for false claims.


The best part is that they literally are just upvoting their own posts with alts.



Yeah, this is the first time I’ve actually bothered with ignoring someone on the forums… so far. :dracthyr_a1:

I was wondering who exactly would be agreeing with their trolling-- Kinda sad, tbh. I guess it’s to be expected, though. :dracthyr_shrug:

On the bright side, it is giving the thread some traffic to be bumped up! :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Back to the main task at handpaw–Give Worgen (optional!) tails~ :dracthyr_love_animated:


Some people just aren’t built to handle words on a screen.
It’s disappointingly common in this age of decline.


They will get me before they get you Foxy. Don’t worry.

Blizzard on Worgen character art design in 2011: “The worgen player characters were very specifically discussed, designed, and created in all aspects.”

Female Worgen characters in 2011:
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I noticed that a few posts were missing. I wasn’t sure if the people deleted their own posts or Blizzard did it.

That happened earlier in this thread when I was arguing with some people, posts just started disappearing without any notification.

I took that as a sign that maybe the convo was getting too heated for some of the Mods, and reeled it back a bit.

This thread is hilarious to read, but it feels like people are throwing out flags in every direction or something. Just posting in this thread seems to get people riled and send out flags.

A touchy subject.

The fel ate took my tail

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I’d rather they get neither of us but guess we’ll see. Also seeing a lot of troll threads started by people with low scores and like first posts… could they all be the same troll on alts perhaps?

Back on topic, give worgen optional tails Blizz

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Player Base: Actual vicious feral werewolf lady embodying the ferocity of Goldrinn < UWU pretty wolf girl fursona

I dont know if I find it funny or sad how much people want to come in and tell us NO we cant have an optional look for the race we play.


you’d think they’d use the energy elsewhere rather than to come in here and tell us no yet not give any hard legit evidence why we shouldn’t get tails for our worgen if we want them besides “They don’t have them so they shouldn’t” or “They’re not werewolves they’re cursed humans and humans don’t got them” or “Mah lore” or the seemingly popular one of they don’t want them as they see it as catering to furries… I swear it’s like we’re dealing with children these days. Not a good reason in the bunch but rather a bunch of entitled selfish nonsense


someone took our tails.
i will not accept it. give it back


Here is the thing for those who missed it. We are asking for Worgen tails to be an optional choice. No one would be forced to use a tail if they didn’t want one. It would be up to the player to descide. As Ive said before and it still stands true to this conversation:

More character customisation is welcome, always. Just because you or some others may not want it or use it, doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t see value there.

Give Worgen optional tails and let the player choose if they want one or not. The model already has tail bones in it so the only thing missing is the option of chooseing a tail. At least show you still care about your player base Blizzard we have been asking for this for 13+ years. We are not elves but at least give us this little thing.


Back to support worgen optional tails again. Sorry for not coming back sooner but i have been stressed lately.


Awe man that sucks, I am sorry to hear that, I hope things get better for you soon!

I’m stressed I can’t post pics anymore cus I’ve been away and lost my trust level, that was my thing, I played WoW, I posted tails pics, and I’m a bit lost right now. :laughing:

Not to make light of you and your issue, just how I am is all.

I’ll get my trust level back and then you’ll all have to hold on to your tails, cus I’ll be posting!

#give worgen tails

As a Worgen myself I don’t really care to have a tail. I’m not a tail type of person.

But options are nice for those who would like it.

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Been a minute, great to see you.

You’ve been a strong supporter/advocate for tails for a very long time.

I hope all your effort is rewarded, you deserve it.


#give worgen tails