Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

Can’t wait for eventual tail options for Worgen players, they seem so weird being wolves with no tails!


Dear Blizzard,

Got a bug report here Worgen still don’t have optional tails. Going to need you to expedite that request of paying customers ASAP.

Signed Worgen Players!

P.S. A lore correct size would be nice too. K thx!


Idk if it’s funny or sad but just when I think the haters here on the forums are nasty I see someone talk about the reclamation of Gilneas on Twitter and oh my god the hateful stuff I saw from that. There’s folk that think Worgen don’t deserve anything now that they got Gilneas back and…I’m sorry that’s beyond wrong. Worgen have been overlooked, denied, flat out kicked around and ignored for years then given barely anything…if any of the races deserves stuff it is the worgen for their worgen forms. Just because they got their city back doesn’t mean anything, they got barely anything from that that it was like Blizz just telling them to take their city back and to be quiet which is also so wrong if that was the reason for it happening at all. Worgen deserve optional tails, lore correct size, straight postures for their men, true black fur as an option, their racial revamp at long last and so much more. To tell them they don’t is nothing but arrogance and stupidity…they’re a playable race and they need their time in the sun at long last. No more table scraps or pity things but actual love shown to them as being put on the back burner and ignored for years only to be given scraps is insanely cruel.

I’d link the twitter article but for whatever reason it doesn’t like me linking things here but the post starts off with a remark about how the new night elf city got a portal but Gilneas got nothing… which is also not fair but shows Blizz’s bias for the elves


It’s not a bias toward the elves but a bias against the worgens, which is not really the same thing.
You have to take a look at others races like the gnomes and their kingdom at the end of BfA.

Not mentioning the goblins at TWW, the dataming seems to point that we will venture to Undermine and IF it’s true, then it will be far more obvious that the worgens are hated by the devs.

They are very proud to have put the real world “inclusivity” into the game but this so called inclusivity (which I abhor) does not extend to the worgen players it seems.
I really wish to have two words with a dev about this.


like the gnomes worgen got their city back but didn’t really get their home back. They got a “Retake our home” quest chain but still end up trampled and gain nothing. How much you all wanna bet that if the Devs were ever asked at a blizzcon why they refuse to give worgen new stuff like an optional tail they’d hesitate or divert the question to some other topic? Like answering the question of “Why don’t worgen got tails?” with the reply of “Worgen don’t got tails? No no they don’t…next question” … if they did this whomever of their staff said it should be fired as this inclusivity or favortism needs to stop…not later oh no it needs to stop now. Give worgen their option of a tail already you cowards


Give Worgen (optional!) tails~ :dracthyr_love_animated:

Let us have a true black fur option! Glowing eyes for our Gilnean selves! And a straightened back option for Worgen men! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Still waiting after all these years to get a beautiful bushy tail. PLEASE!!


True on that. Worgen have been having lack of anything. Yes the worgen did get their own heritage armor set, another gilnean noble outfit, mount, and etc even Gilneas being back but not really enough for the Gilneans/Worgens in general.

Talking about a HD Worgen Gilneas Flag that isn’t the lion symbol of dark blue color, or different kinds of gilnean armor sets of the plated ones, leather, mail, and etc. Heck even better looking soldier guardsman of gilneas like tints of black and red, to blue and silver, and etc colors that feels gilneas like. Yea give Gilneas a huge update since the buildings are so out of date since 2010 when worgens were released and I wouldn’t mind seeing different types of Gilneas Buildings like the Houses, Manors, Town Halls, Blacksmiths, Dark Wizard Tower, Druid Grove, docks, and more from Gilneas itself.

Same with the worgen race itself with different kinds of customization options specially tails. After so many years of waiting for Gilneas to be back. I don’t want the worgen story to be over. I want them to continue forward instead of same characters we got going into War Within. Like seeing Tess Greymane, or crowley, and etc would be nice for a change of the story.


On another note since worgen are werewolves would they be alright if they ate chocolate? I keep seeing debates about the topic but I just can’t agree with the people calling them dogs and that they couldn’t eat it as werewolves supposedly got the same resistance to cocoa as a human would. Worgen aren’t human any longer but I still think they’d be fine but…is that wrong of me? Back on topic here’s hoping worgen get the option of a tail in the near future


Don’t care. Eating it anyways




I would say yeah werewolves can eat chocolate. After all their part human so it would be fine. Depends on lore for the most part but at least I don’t think chocolate would kill a werewolf


whether it does or not it wouldn’t stop me, I’d probably throw a gnome out a window for telling me I couldn’t enjoy a chocolate cake because I’m a werewolf. Well… that or see if grilled gnome is any good but I’d probably scare people with the latter. All the same I do hope worgen get optional tails at some point, will be kinda annoyed if they refrain from worgen stuff till Last titan and still stiff us but if they do a goblin themed patch they’re already showing they hate us for some most likely dumb reason

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As this is my last day on the forums, I will forever keep my paws crossed for you guys to get tails. Keep up the fight guys.




crawls back in through a void tear

I still support optional worgen tails. (and also a bunch more customization options.)


It is rather perplexing that only male Worgen suffer from camptocormia.



Still hoping for Optional tails for Worgen

Also hoping the annoying trolls on the forum will buzz off as I think one or two of them are stalking one of my alts lately. Seeing them pop up in some threads just to bad mouth me and imply i’m a liar and should race change to a troll claiming that’s what I am… idk why they think that but whatever…nothing ignore can’t solve


Goto love the trolls. Oh well more Worgen love Blizzard.

Odd still showing me in my old guild I was kicked out of. Guess I got to join another to update.


I’m here to give my whole-hearted support to giving Worgen tails.
Please make it a Goldrinn quest option in TWW!


-poking the thread- :eyes:

Give Worgen (optional!) tails, please Blizz~


Yep even from inside my remix prison I still desire to have a tail to wag Blizz…give us optional tails already you cowards