Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

Forever waiting tail for worgens
#Heartbroken :sob::sob:


Remove Vulpera tails
Give Worgen tails

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Here’s what makes me ‘smh’; citing the content of Hollywood movies as fuel for use in logical debate. Heh.


According to the Vulpera “/silly” , the Gilneans are to be reviled for their fox hunts. The Vulpera seem to be aware of those hunts, some how.

There are those with true born tails, like the Vulpera. And then there are those filled with jealousy and envy.

The enmity is palpable.

Gilnean fox hunts took place long before the Worgen affliction spread through the population…yet you are somehow equating those hunts to ‘tail envy’ of a race they never knew existed until several years after all of that?

This invented enmity is insubstantial.


Vulpera don’t need to lose their tails for Worgen to gain them, that would solve nothing

No offense but…I think you’re just making this stuff up. Yes male vulpera crack a joke about getting revenge on gilneas for fox hunts but it’s a joke not meant to be taken seriously. There is no tail envy the people here just wish for worgen to get the option of a tail as their model looks quite awkward without one


ok because its you we dont remove vulpera tails but still give worgen some!



I did not make that up.

You accuse me of making it up, and then you admit it is true.

That twisted logic is akin to pretending a Warcraft Worgen could have a tail…

You quote out of context, twist the meaning of his comment, and pretend it’s pertinent. You are in fact making up this supposed aspect of tail envy, which was what he was addressing. That’s not clever, that’s spurious.


So…random question, and also to see how many dirty minded folks we got among us, but if you saw a vulpera monk named Stickypaws what would you think their spec is? (little context for the question…I’m just trying to make sure that if I made such a monk people aren’t going to flag me because they got dirty minds)

Oh and give worgen optional tails already


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Brewmaster who gets a little too carried away pouring his drinks

Sounds like the name Hawk Tuah girl would use.

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An eagle girl? why would an eagle girl use stickypaws as a name, They chicken feet instead, That just makes no sense.

If only the universe were so kind.
But no, it’s not that.


Still hoping worgen get optional tails

like how Dracthyr got chicken feet footprints?


So…uh…yeah the name Stickypaws was taken… but um… yeah drunken fox. Worgen need tails Blizz give them their optional tails already

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Back to support optional worgen tails again


Yes, give them tails. and no way to attach them.

i think blizz shouldnt only give worgen tails, but also Mane, Claw, and Fangs option, would be cool.