Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

To be fair I’m skeeved out by all spiders. I don’t have a phobia particularly… like I don’t lose it when they’re on me, but I really don’t like it.

Just try my best to get them off… House spiders actually are the kind that freak me out the most. :sweat_smile:

I sad to say pay too much attention to them, so long as they don’t have red on them and show no hostility I tend to ignore them. Unless they’re a weird pattern you don’t normally see in a house… in which case it’s destroy on sight. I’m honestly more freaked out by bees, more so wasps and hornets. They’re sadly abundant in my area as the temperature grows but thankfully they’re ignoring me.

Back on topic of the thread though, hoping Blizz gives our worgen optional tails as they’d look so wonderful. If…they try to slip Tinkers into the class roster at some point…I just hope Vulpera get the chance to be such but more so hoping for optional tails for worgen, straight posture for male worgen, and the true black fur. They…could also give worgen glowing pink eyes if they desire…they look nice for arcane mages or I’d say they do anyways.

I learned recently that not all wasps are actually that bad. Like the paper wasps currently building an empire in my backyard. Worst they’ve done is sit on my clothes for a minute before going about their day.
They apparently also produce a pheromone or something that repels ants, so all the better.

Hornets, though. Evil.

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I’m quaker so I don’t kill any bugs if I can help it. Just remove them from my person and try to get them outside.

Bees should be left alone (unless the killer bee hives or a particularly hostile hive) as they’re almost always passive. Really have to try with most species of bee to get them to harm you. Wasps and Hornets are evil. >.> lol

I really want tails for Worgen and Tinkerer class options.

Both those things would be amazing.

Technically most wasps and hornets are not concerned with humans and aren’t generally a problem. (Heck most of them eat nectar) Vast majority you have to mess with to get that sort of reaction. Some Yellow Jackets and specific Hornets though are really aggressive and really common.

Still waiting Blizzard.


We’ve maxed out the last one. Maybe they’ll actually do it if we slap another one.
Bumping for worgen tails.


Just here to ask for worgen tails and long male pandaren tails


maybe but what was the cap again… 5k or something? Still hopefully they’ll know if anything we’re not going to stop asking for our optional tails for our worgen among other things till they’re given to us and hopefully done right when they do so


A bipedal wolf person with chimpanzee-butt has always been awkward. Since cata.

Give worgen tail options.


Give Worgen Snails.

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Just ignore the flying lizard. He thinks he’s French.

Listen, it’s a package deal: the snails come with the flails.

I had snails once. Salty but not bad.

Look I need you to breath deeply into this cloth. When you wake up the Worgen with the flail is simply there to re-educate you about optional Worgen tails.

Gotta say I’m hoping we get a tail option all the more as I finished leveling a prot warrior in remix today…and idk…think the transmog looks nice on them. They’d look better with at ail but… also wondering if shoulders will always be so huge on worgen

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This is that prot warrior worgen I finished leveling that desires a tail… idk if it updated my level but meh… I know they’re 70 and that’s enough for now. I am curious if I did alright with transmog though…was trying to find something to go well with the sword and shield skin

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Yeah for what it’s worth I also made a worgen guy named Veight so…if anyone can get the reference I made with Faun and Veight then great but anyways…carrying on… Give Worgen Optional Tails

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Back to support worgen tail options. I seem to be at basic user now it seems like it goes by how many likes i have.

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I really miss old school Blizzard. Modern Blizzard lets just say I expected better. I really feel Blizzard HQ been hijacked by developers that ignores players they social distance do not communicate and think they know what players want.

Pvp is still a disaster. War mode should not be the only world pvp content if you wish to engage.

Still no player housing yet. Garrison is not a house its a fortress. After 20 years we are still nomads roaming the world of Azeroth without a home. Still having to rent a hotel room every night sleeping in some dirty old used mattress that a million other people slept in before. Who knows how many bed bugs are in those things they call beds that is 20 years old. We save the world only to sleep in some junkyard hotel bed. Wouldn’t it be nice to get our own beds?

Ion is the reason why tails don’t exist yet for Worgen and a majority of stuff not getting added.

Makes me glad I’m a vulpera…I carry my own tent and got access to a vulpera form of Uber to get back to my camp lol. In all seriousness though worgen do need optional tails, way easier to do than say player housing and they said player housing was a ton of work they’d need to do like reformatting the servers and such so it won’t happen for a while. I kinda figure this is why they made tailors able to make tents… set up where you please only we vulpera got ours by default. One way to look at it now though when you log off your characters return to warband camp come pre patch and they got a place to sleep there…unless your alts are the kind to squabble but anyways…give worgen optional tails

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