Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

Tails for Worgen, it’s time!!


While we wait for Worgens to get tails they are requesting. Pizza party at the waggle thread come celebrate the 4th with some pizza. :pizza: :pizza:


Just do it!

Mmm :pizza:.

Optional tails for Worgen!


steals the pizza


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Third time today…

I’ve also had four spiders crawling on me today for some reason?

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You have the crab filter turned off.


I think crabs crawling on you four times would be a lot worse than four house spiders honestly. House spiders just wanna say hi…crabs are jerks who love to pinch. On another note I saw someone playing a worgen in remix the other day but they turned human then proceeded to laugh at me for still being in worgen form as if he felt he was better than me as he actually uses that worthless ‘tame the beast’ ability. So…yeah I don’t understand people anymore it seems. Still want worgen to get optional tails though

Well you see Worgens are not Werewolves or Skinwalkers. Evolution did away with the tail in homosapiens… Trust the Science!


Like I said before…

Hugh Jackman, Benicio DelToro and Kate Beckingsale do not agree with you…/smh

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And yet its magic. It can be both ways. Hence why we ask for it to be optional.


These… Were not house spiders. T-T

I was out at a zoo. Two “standard model” spiders a crab spider and a pumpkin spider.

Actually…we still have tails. They’re vestigial but evolution has not had enough time nor reason to rid us of our tail just yet.

(it’s called the tail bone)

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why dont they have tails yet?

Who cares about the opinions of people whose entire career can be boiled down to lying?

I kinda wonder why they would care?

Same, but I question on principle anything any actor says.

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Or why we should care if they say anything… its a whole lot of… wut?

Its not like they’re experts on Werewolf legends… I just don’t get why they matter in any regard.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

Look at video games like Werewolf the Apocalypse, Diablo, Elder Scroll, League of Legends, Darkstalkers, and plenty more. Those have werewolves with tails. Those games don’t agree with you. /smh


yikes…yeah no those are spooky my bad I thought you were talking of like the long legs variety which is a house spider.

… are you serious right now? They’re people who turn into wolf people…effected by a curse…that spreads through a bite… all the textbook aspects of a werewolf and you’re claiming they’re not such but human? When they die they pop up in the shadowlands as a worgen, we got worgen DK so quite clearly that magic curse effects them at the soul level they’re no longer human. They can disguise as human but end of the day they’re wolf people and wolves got tails so… your argument is invalid


First druid in Diablo’s werewolf form did but they’ll probably look at Diablo 4’s druid…still your argument is very much valid…they do got tails in those games so anyone who tries to claim worgen shouldn’t get a tail option are just trolling. Well…or whatever BS logic that one guy is trying to throw out there… I mean where are all these folk who claim worgen aren’t werewolves coming from?

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