Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

Haven’t posted in the new one yet, so adding to the chorus: Give Worgen Optional Tails (and also check out the Customization Megathread that has a lot of other great suggestions like jewelry, ear positioning, straight backs for the males, and many other great suggestions!)


Thanks for both. The posture is something I think just about every male toon player desires at least as much. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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May the Old Gods make it so. >.>

(and give forsaken a hidden weapon option too.)

If we’re beseeching the old gods for things can we also ask them to make sure worgen get optional tails? Although…knowing them they might try to sneak tentacles in…idk why they love them so much… like the void is watching too much adult anime or something lol


I was asking them for that. >.> I was agreeing with the quoted post. :smiley:

well hopefully something good happens all the same…something good being worgen getting optional tails…maybe some void style or colored markings for vulpera but let’s go with worgen getting optional tails first

Something good would be:

  • Change the entire heritage armor quest and reward as we no longer have a unique style.
  • Change the reclamation of Gilneas to something worth the conclusion of our story arc, as well as a true gilnean mount and a specific Hearthstone effect.
  • Add a pure black fur.
  • Add an optional tail.
  • Give us the correct lore size so we will have less “floating shoulders” effect.

Hell yes, Azeroth needs bigger worgen gals.
And by Azeroth I mean me.


Give worgen Flails.

Here to support optional tails for worgen again. This is Dphantomluna on a diffrent character

P.s why are we limited to 3 post per forum?. I’m ok with the 8 foot size as long as it’s optional i like the height the worgen are right now i just wish the shoulders would be fix for the current model for worgen.

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A ‘size slider’ would be even better, I think. I don’t really want my other Worgen character to be taller.

it’s not like that would be particularly difficult to implement, either. A multitude of elixirs, toys and foods can temporarily alter our character’s size.

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We’re limited to 3 posts? Since when? Also seems we’re getting access to the warband system come pre launch event so…that’s nice… finally get to make the better bags on my tailors. Here’s to hoping worgen get some more love by getting their optional tails some day soon.

Guild Wars 2 has that, works quite well although it has its limits as far as how short or tall one can be for their race. Like you can make a charr I think as tall as a Norn but not as short as that game’s version of gnomes. Although… all my charr in that game are huge so I’ve never really tried to make one short. For those who’re not aware the charr are a feline race and Norn are like bigger humans who’re I think based on vikings who can shape shift into like a werewolf, were snow leopard, were raven, and were bear but not till like level 30 and it’s like the druids in diablo 4 in that it’s for a set time so… anyways…um…back on topic…give worgen optional tails

Here again to beg blizzard once again, PLEASE add toggleable tails to Worgen! They are already missing various amounts of cool customization options too.

Worgen definitely need wolf pack tattoos, scars that aren’t locked to fur pattern, various more hair options alongside leaves in hair, and please let us hide our manes when wearing certain helmets… and I mean who wouldn’t want some unique customization options for our human forms to show that we truly are different from normal humans? Add unnatural eye colors or pointy ears (that just look elven but ears that show that you are not fully human) and more!


I find it funny how lore people come in and rant about tails not being in the lore. Yet Worgen being 8 feet tall is part of the lore. And I’m fairly sure the only reason that is so Blizzard could be lazy and recycle female Tauren shoulders.

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When i tired to comment on my character i been using for this forum i got a message saying you could only reply 3 time as a new user or was it new member anyway that’s what happen when i tried to comment on Dphantomluna i even refreshed and got the same message idk what’s going on with that.

Here is the message i get —> You have reached the reply limit for this topic

We’re sorry, but new users are temporarily limited to 3 replies in the same topic.

Instead of adding another reply, please consider editing your previous replies, or visiting other topics.

Optional tails please! And upright posture option for the males- mogs look horrible on hunched toons!!!


Anybody else have sooo many Worgen due to the fun and speed of leveling in Pandamonium?


Oh…new user limitations, give it time it’ll open up as you slip out of new user territory. Just takes time, probably may depend on post count but don’t quote me on that

I leveled a worgen mage to 70 last night and got a worgen prot warrior to work on today… might swap to fury for dungeon content as… I still hate tanking for randoms but…I might get lucky and end up with an OP DH in the party who kills everything… we’ll see. Mostly did prot for them for the Gilneas crest warrior shield and wolf sword they just had to make warrior only

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I’m back to say once again:

Give Worgen (optional!) tails~ :dracthyr_uwu:


I’ll say it till we get em…
Give Worgen Optional Tails!