Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

More then likely Blizzard will just padlock this thread and just stuff earplugs in their ears. We already know Blizzard’s answer. In their heart it’s a no.

Why cause Ion is still game director. Unless player’s start showing blizzard how serious players are by dropping subs and boycotting game store items and services. Blizzard will never listen to the player base that include Worgens.

As long as players are willing to fund Blizzard’s ego of “they think they are giving what players want when they aren’t” nothing will change.


They lock it I make a new one. I’m a paying customer have been for 20 years now. I have the right to make a request for the race I play and will do so till they either give us tails or ban me.


Once upon a time they also said no to Demon Hunters.

I get that Ion is the one that ppl like to point at for anything that happens in the game, since he is the highest dev that shows his face, but I find it very unlikely that he personally oversees everything little thing. For all we know it is some unnamed dev in-between the chain of command that is denying it.

It does not benefit to make assumptions of who exactly is to blame.

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He is like the president. He is supposed to be the leader that watch’s things that goes on with WoW he is leading WoW cause he is the game director. We point fingers at him cause he is in charge of what goes on with WoW. He took responsibility when he sat down on the director chair and become the leader. It doesn’t matter if another dev is denying it. Ion is still the one leading WoW. Everything WoW related has to go through Ion cause he is the game director.

Not really.

Things that actually make it into the game, sure.

In the context of this thread, it actually does.
Just saying that invoking Ion’s name here as to why we don’t have Worgen tails yet is not productive. Since again, I highly doubt he approves and denies every single thing that players want and ask for. Thats what those under him get paid to do.

What I will agree on whoever:

If ppl start cancelling subs and specify the reason as something along the lines of “lack of customisation for Worgen characters” that would probably be the most effective way to get people like Ion to have more interest in it and get it rolling.

You should probably read the context of my post… for context.

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To be fair, there wasn’t that much context in that post and going off of other posts from others that enter this thread, really could be interpreted in a number of ways.

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Yeah all he said was five words…and that it was that he doesn’t want kinks in WoW but… idk how that’s enough to give context either. Could he be trolling as surely he’s not trying to claim that worgen wanting an option of having a tail to wag like the other beast races as some kind of kink when it’s most certainly not

The context isn’t what I said but what I was RESPONDING too. I said that denying people something they want is a kink and doesn’t belong here. Y’all reading way more into it then there is.


Nuance is a little tricky to wrangle, sometimes. I liked it.

Support for Worgen getting Optional Tails!


Free Twinkies for everyone come and get them.

Give them upright postures too.


Not entirely sure if it matters or how many people here know what I’m talking about but Blizz is doing a survey of late and in it I was able to tell them what I wanted to see as Cosmetic options for existing races was an option. I told them I wanted worgen to get optional tails and straight posture. Not entirely sure if it’ll do anything but figured I’d let everyone here know I did my part. Hopefully they listen and give our worgen optional tails and they’re not the kind of people to put out a survey only to ignore them as I fear I’d lose all respect for Blizz if they’re that way…or what’s left anyway


Give me the worgen tail I will cook worgen tail soup.

I also asked for the ability to pick what color Vulpera markings are separate from fur color so…hey if they listen to all of what I asked for on the survey maybe let worgen enjoy their tails. They get something and we vulpera get something…no need to make their potential tails into soup. Besides we can hunt some gnomes and make gnome soup which I hear tastes better and has less hair lol


Blizz please give us optional tails for worgen!


While we’re on this topic, we also need eyebrows for orcs and beards for trolls.


Give worgen tails. Btw i was the 4th poster on the original thread with my worgen but deleted my post when I faction hanged back to horde. AND the original poster from that first ever thread used to be a worgen but changed into a Night Elf. Celious is the name or smt like that.

Not sure if I’ve commented on this thread yet, but

Give Worgen optional tails.
And also the ability to hide weapons and fight with their claws.
And paladins.