Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

That’s how your logic works.


You’ll be waiting forever, unless blizzard comes out and says it.
There’s a reason he falls back to hurling insults like this, lol.


I’m curious of the test results as well.

Im not trying to be rude but the model was hated for all 10 years you cant tell me right now your seeing hundreds of players using the model again in Cata Classic.

everyone should get tails.

More nonsense. The facts align with my position:

Worgen do not have tails. That is why people want the game to be changed.

My proof is in the state of things. I could be hit by a bus and never post again - whether I post has no effect on the current status of Worgen without tails.

It would appear the burden is on you folks to convince Blizzard to change the current status.

Yes. It is. Worgen do not have tails. I mean, that is why this thread exists.

It’s true that giving worgen the possibility of having a tail will destroy a universe that changes its foundations almost every time it’s expanded. I’m sorry, but we’re talking about cosmetics, about bringing fun! Why do some people get so worked up about whether or not it makes sense when we’re in a magical world?
Do you think it’s logical for a blood elf demonist to have yellow eyes caused by the sunwell purified by light? I don’t.
Does it make sense to you that the man’ari have been added, even though they’re a thousand-year-old race that has exterminated millions of worlds, hunted down draenei on countless worlds and tried to destroy Azeroth several times? Not me.

I’m sorry, but there are dozens of examples that were just added because they were “cool” and TWW will have its share of “cool” and illogical lore.

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Assuming thats true at all, Hearthstone also portrays them as such.

Two points show that Worgen could have or would have had tails.

Requesting an optional tail is not an odd thing at all, nor is it in the lore that they under no circumstance couldn’t have one. There is no difference to what Worgen are now, have done, or could do if they had the option for a tail.

And Draenei(Eredar as whole) can have feet… So that doesn’t really work terribly either…

Hard to say as they won’t actually say why they’re against it.

shrugs as you stated you’re not like to respond anyhow. lol

Theres also Eredar that have feet such as the Wrathguard type demons.


Wait his post got deleted. I think.

EDIT: yes it did. Lmao.

So, either our friends at blizz said to get rid of the post or he deleted it. Win either way

Yeah this is also backed by the fact the original cata trailer, the one well before that classic one we got showed everyone the way worgen were to look…the males at least but still. They looked amazing, they looked wolf like, they got the fan base fired up saying “That’s so cool I wanna play one of those” Then Cata launched and everyone who was excited for worgen were frozen in shock…in horror… what we got was by no means what we were promised as everything that promised model had we had no chance of. The Alpha worgen had hair styles, they had wolf like features, dozens of options to pick from but Blizzard threw all of it in the trash and gave us that hideous model we got and then they kept it that way for 10 years. In that ten years they added pandaren, gave many races new stuff and spoiled elves and humans… we finally got our updated model and while it’s nicer to look at the run is so goofy, the model looks unbalanced… it’s like yeah they cleaned it up, gave us some new fur colors and eyes but besides that…no more options, worgen still had six things for the lady worgen to pick from…men seven but only because the men got facial hair. Worgens own human form has two tabs at least of options…worgen still barely a tab… how is this fair? At the end of the day Blizzard lied to us… teased us with wonder gave us garbage… and for what reason… when they did updated racials worgen got left alone. Now elves and humans are so spoiled many are trying to get in our way of even something as minor as an optional tail… while Blizz sits back and just laughs at it all. How is this fair? Give worgen optional tails Blizz… show your player base some respect for once and stop making jokes about our desire for worgen to get optional tails…stop kicking us while we’re down.


So… I lost like 4 posts without getting a message they were being removed… thanks Blizzard I guess.


I lost some posts too what is going on? I don’t get why posts have to be deleted. I didn’t break any speech rules in this thread. I said everything within the forum rules here.


Lazy moderation I’m betting.
Probably thought he got destroyed too hard and just elected to can the entire exchange.

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People should have freedom to talk openly here it is called general discussions for a reason to talk and speak. Why even have these forums if the eraser going to follow you around and delete your posts. I said nothing against the forum rules on this thread. I didn’t offend anyone.

I guess this is why blizzard probably going to lose a lot more players from these forums. People can only take censorship too far before they go somewhere else where they can talk more openly.

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Wow my post saying Krokul exist has been deleted. WTF? This is probably one of my least virulent messages x’D
Honestly, I don’t know if it was people who reported or just Blizzard who deleted it, but it’s really nonsense to do this kind of thing…

The only thing that changes is that Worgen get more options that make sense for the race, that being tails on the bipedal wolf race. Not too different from straight backed Orcs or blue eyed Blood Elves.
Are you just as upset with those?

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Barring being inflammatory for the sake of it or fearing that advocacy for anything other than what he wants will be to the detriment thereof, that’s probably it.
Though the former would very neatly explain the insults and bad argumentation.

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Yeah censorship is getting out of control. It’s almost everywhere now. Can’t even talk without having your posts deleted. I hate it when people try to muzzle people so they can’t talk. Youtube, Facebook, Twitter. It’s getting harder for people to communicate without the eraser following you.


I don’t get it. We play a violent video game we take down super villains and monsters that can wipe out all life in the universe and isn’t offended one bit. We fight them with swords, guns, bows, spears, axes and what not with blood and violence and gore. but something in the chat screen crits people for over 999 trillion points of damage. I don’t get it.

We even have a quest in Hillsbrad on horde side that you beat heads in with a shovel and people are not offended. Yet can’t handle some words in a chat bar?

I don’t know if people are trolls or are they actually being offended at what they see in there chat bar.


Its probably less censorship and more they saw a fight brewing up and just elected to delete a swath of time.

Its become a common way to deal with long bursts of conflict on the forums for moderation as its easier than having to sus out who did what and possibly handing out suspensions to people who probably didn’t deserve it. (Even if they manage to hit the ones who do).