Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

Its going to clip no matter what to be honest. Tabards, cloaks and what not will always clip with a tail just look at Draenei, Tauren, Vupera, Pandarian and Dracthyr they all have clipping issues and no one even bats an eye so that cant be the reason we dont have em yet. Also love seeing someone else using the Rose for Xmog.


I definitely wouldn’t care about the clipping with a tail, I already clip with pretty much everything else as a male Worgen.


Every character clips…

Plus I doubt it would be any worse than any of the other tailed races in game…


Oh no! More clipping issues with worgen. What ever will I do? It is not like helms have been chopping off worgen ears since forever.


Don’t forget our shoulders. Male shoulderpads for anything firmer than cloth practically lobotomize us.


Been a long, long while since I’ve posted in here, but we still can’t choose to be tailed, or tail-less. Still strongly desire this cosmetic option.


Blizzard could least give them a fake plastic tail out of a cracker jack box. I mean come on. This is on the same level of resistance as player housing.

…player housing has been explained why it’s not happening, they’d need to reformat a lot of the game and it’d take a lot of work and money they don’t desire to do right now. Compared to player housing an optional tail is much simpler and they’re probably just waiting for the right moment. Like whenever we start dabbling in Gilneas’s growth again maybe they’re going to slip in a questline where Tess asks us to go clear out the ettin’s cave only for us to find out it’s because she’s asked Goldrinn to dwell within Gilneas for some reason and he in turn helps the worgen fully control their fury and their curse becomes more like a blessing he grants them his boon and with it comes optional tails. I mean come on Blizz we’re giving you ideas how to make it work with the lore…even less work for you guys to do… and as thanks you can give our worgen the option of a tail… a real tail for them to wag rather than some cheap imitation


Just chiming in to give my very special, never heard before opinion that Blizzard should give Worgen tails


Here to support optional tails again.


Offering support for Worgen Tails.

Upvote +1


Well; my sub is getting close to running out. Still no news of Worgen tails so I won’t be resubbing; that can be changed Blizzard. You know what to do ; )


I guess this is the start of Worgen Strike. I can see the worgen piling up on the streets with the I’m on Strike signs.


It would be funny to see how much of the playerbase they would lose if all Worgen tail enthusiasts quit playing until they added tails.

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I mean… that can be arranged but I wanted to finish leveling remix characters and collecting certain tier transmog. I mean people may think I’m wrong or dreaming but I’d be laughing my butt off if we all did that, blizz finds they lost like half or so of their playerbase and is all ‘oh…uh…maybe we should give them their tails as…we’re sunk without them’ but that’d be maybe as extreme as the stuff the TF2 community and Helldivers community did to get the attention they demanded

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I would like to see Blizzard post 3 stats.

  1. Number of Worgen players who played Female Worgen when the abomination was live.
  2. Number of Worgen players who played Female Worgen once the model was remade.
  3. Number of Worgen players playing Female Worgen in Cataclyism Classic currently.

This is not a players don’t want to play Worgen issue. Its Blizzard made a terrible model and subjected players to 10 years of it without caring. So now they feel they can ignore the Worgen playerbase cause we didnt have a massive group like the Elves do. Well who is that on? Whos fault is that Blizzard? Show us that you care about your loyal paying customers and just give us an optional tail. Then do us a favor and track how many people choose to use it.


Being against the tails is like saying the female model shouldn’t have a chest because it’s not in the lore. They have “no in-game use for them”. This is based off of real things in real life. If wolves have tails then so should Worgen. You will find no instance of needing their womanly parts so you say get rid of them.


The right price is your WoW subscription to be doubled

Still waiting for you to prove where in Lore it says we cant have a tail… dont worry Ill still wait.


Fine then. Insane logic aside, we’ve tried everything. WHERE IS THE LORE FOR THEM NOT GETTING TAILS!?!?