Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

Back to support worgen tail option again. Looks like i missed a few things while i was away.

Ps. I just realized most of the other animal races share their fur options between male and female characters but not the worgen the males still can’t have the dark brown,red fur,almost pure black fur or the grey speckled one and the females can’t have the light brown fur I’m sure their are more that are only for the male worgen , why is that i wonder. If they are only going to just add fur option for now at least make no male or female specific fur colors. I guess the normal tauren also need this the male tauren have more fur colors to choose from then the females.


Happy path/ideal world, we’d get a LOT of things divorced from fur color. I’d love the dracthyr treatment of having markings and marking colors separated from the fur color, as well as mane, and scars separated from the face and fur pattern (and markings!) as well.

EDIT: Slightly off-topic, but the ability to preview how gear for Worgen Paladin/Shaman would look has me chomping at the bit to see them actually happen.


Give worgen tails


Optional tails for Worgen in War Within please!!


This! I’d love my white Worgen to have a golden mane, and we could use more scars as well as ornaments for the mane. Optional tails too.


Honestly; fur and mane colors being a separate thing for Worgen and Tauren would be so good.


could be nice for vulpera as well as our markings are tied to skin color atm and I’d love to see like blue markings on a white vulpera like how female tauren can have blue hair on white fur. Still say worgen need more love first though like optional tails and the like, we vulpera are fine waiting in line


Worgen tails would be nice; especially if optional…


12 hours without someone asking for tails?! Give Worgen tails!


Interesting you decided to make a part 2 on give worgen tails discussion instead of just giving tails to Worgen. How hard can slapping a tail onto a worgen possibly be? Giving a worgen a tail isn’t goblin rocket science.

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You are right, for Blizzard it is harder than goblin rocket science. :sob:

Worgen already have tales. It’s part of their lore.

They have tales sure, but not T A I L S

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puts on readers OHHHHH… sorry with age comes eyesight issues.

“Trading tales for tails.”

What happen to your trading sign?

Tbf I believe that was an across the board forum change for any post at or above 5k posts, rather than them targeting this thread specifically rather than giving worgen optional tails.


Well my point still stands. Instead of having part 2 of this old mega thread and a mass majority of worgen players wanted it since early BFA. It is only logical to just give worgen there tails instead of having episode 2 on discussions. As if 4 years wasn’t enough discussing do we really need to talk about for another 4?

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I’ve honestly wanted them to have a tail option since Cata was retail but any time I brought the idea up people thought I was joking for some reason.


A lot of people wanted tails ever since the concept art had them. The bones for animation are already in the model as well. We just need Blizzard to stop hating Worgen and add it.


Would you all look the other way as to clipping, in order to get a tail soon? I wonder if that is the hold up?